The knight in the abyss

Chapter 244 Power Confrontation

Chapter 244 Power Confrontation
"It doesn't really matter to anyone to take the position of Lord of Withering." The human knight shrugged, "But you can't even speak well, so why don't you forget it."

"Ah! Dom! Kill you!"

Although this giant Margot's language skills were average, he could still hear the sarcasm in Lancelot's words.He let out a roar and rushed towards Lancelot brandishing his flail.

The saw-wheel-shaped hammer head rotated at a high speed, drawing a weird and unpredictable arc in the air.Dangerous cold light flashed on the hammer head, obviously extremely sharp, if hit by it, even a solid plate armor would probably be cut open.

"It is said that his flail is an imitation of the weapon of Yeenoghu, the Lord of the Gnolls. I wonder how powerful it can be?"

The discussion from the crowd made Kara Lin's face a little nervous.As a scholar who studies the abyss, he naturally knows Yeenoghu and its notorious three-headed flail.According to legend, the flail is attached with unimaginable evil magic. If it is hit by three hammerheads at the same time, even the god will become an idiot who just stands there.

Kara Lin also has full confidence in Lancelot's skill, but unlike the dwarves, he understands the power of magic very well.The weapon in the hands of this Margo demon is indeed very similar to the weapon of the legendary wolf master. If it is only one-third of the power of the imitated object, it is enough to bring great damage to the head of their mercenary group. Big trouble.

Although Lancelot on the field didn't know these things, he didn't lack experience in fighting flails.Like weapons such as meteor hammers and knotted whips, flails can bypass the opponent's defensive weapons and shields, and are extremely restrained against foot knights wearing heavy armor and moving slowly.

But this kind of rule obviously doesn't apply to Lancelow. Although he also wears a set of heavy full body armor made of pure gold, it feels no different from running naked to him after the foundation is established.He jumped backwards. It seemed that the movement was not big, but he jumped seven or eight feet away in one fell swoop, completely defeating Dom's attack.

The crowd booed loudly. Facing the challenger, the current consul actually chose to dodge, without even pulling out his weapon. This was not what they wanted to see!
Even the mazeroths around the sidelines looked at Lancelot with strange eyes.Although the weapons in the hands of these money-serving demons are still hanging down, no matter which side of the duel gets too close, they will not hesitate to use the sharper end of the trident to 'persuade' it to return to the sacred place. in the duel circle.

But Lancelot himself was a veteran of the tournament, and the noise from the audience would not disturb him in any way.In fact, what he thinks more about now is how to defeat his opponent as convincingly as possible without exposing his own strength too much.

He kept an eye on the Magomona weapon.There must be something wrong with the three saw wheels at the end of the flail. After Lancelot jumped away in the opposite direction, those saw wheels could forcefully change direction and chase him, looking like the heads of three poisonous snakes.

Lancelow silently took out the giant sword Glacier from the dimensional bag. Against this weird weapon, a relatively flexible hand and a half sword may not have any advantages, and the opponent's size is a bit too big. Compared with Frost The size of the cut is really a bit powerless.

The appearance of the seven-foot-long glacier still brought quite a shock.Just dragging slightly, the blade sparked brightly on the stone ground, causing many audience members who were booing loudly just now to shut up immediately, and then began to discuss in low voices.

"That huge sword is too exaggerated, can this human being swing it?"

"I heard that he showed this weapon before in the hall of disputes, but he only took it out to frighten others, and didn't really use it..."

"Could it be that this huge sword is just a prop to scare people?"

"We'll find out soon..."

The whispers on the sidelines fell into Lancelow's ears, which made him a little helpless.Because there are very few enemies suitable for it, there are not many opportunities for Glacier to appear, but he will be regarded as a fake, which is something he never expected.

And his opponent was furious at missing something with a full blow.At this moment, both eyes are blood red, obviously entering a state of berserk.Many demons with poor brains are like this. In their view, any enemy should stand still and let them beat them up, and any act of resistance will make them even more angry.

The gigantic Margot let out a roar, and rushed towards Lancelow again, waving the flail in his hand frantically, trying to tear Lancelow to pieces.

The human knight still didn't accept the move, his figure twisted strangely, and jumped to the side again.But unlike before, this time he dragged the giant sword behind him, and after his body had leaped a safe enough distance, he gently lifted the giant sword in his hand, facing the flail coming from above.

The saw-wheel-shaped hammer head was bounced off the moment it touched the blade, but immediately spun and flew back again, trying to avoid the weapon in front of it, as if it had autonomous consciousness.If the defender used an ordinary long sword, even if he accurately knocked out three hammerheads at one time, it would be difficult for him to cope with the subsequent weird changes.

But the glacier was not an ordinary long sword. It was a giant sword over seven feet long and over an inch thick at its thickest point. It was impossible for the flail to bypass it and hit Lancelot's body.The hammer hit the sword several times in a row, quickly exhausting all the kinetic energy, and Lancelot's wrist holding the sword suddenly twisted, and the iron chain connected to the saw wheel was immediately wrapped around the sword.

Magomo subconsciously drew the weapon, but Lancelot's feet seemed to be heeled, and his body remained motionless like an iron tower. Instead, Dom himself couldn't stand firmly, and his feet staggered.

The crowd of onlookers was in an uproar. If the first two dodges of the human knight were a bit opportunistic, this one was a real force confrontation, and judging from this posture, their new consul actually defeated an opponent whose weight was several times their own. It even looks a little magical.

The other party couldn't move, Lancelow would not be polite, first the giant sword was pressed down suddenly, and then lifted up abruptly, and the weapon of the Margaux immediately left his hands.

Lancelow twisted his wrist again, and the flail that was still entangled just now spread out from the glacier, and was picked up by him and flew into the air, where it hung on the statue of the Ballow demon beside him.

"You have already lost." Lancelot shook his head at his opponent, "Give up, at least you can climb up to get your weapon back after a while."

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets, the author is in the middle of crazy coding~

(End of this chapter)

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