The knight in the abyss

Chapter 246 Forbidden Magic Invalid

Chapter 246 Forbidden Magic Invalid
Lancelot's hearing clearly captured these conversations, but the temperament of the other party was very different from ordinary demons, which made him more interested.He nodded to the green demon named Sagra, and asked:
"Your previous employer was Satugula, the former Lord of Withering?"

"Yes." The tall demon admitted in a muffled voice, "I took his gold, a lot."

"So are you going to avenge him?" Lancelot became even more curious.Although the nature of the Yugoloth demons is not as chaotic as that of demons, they are also a kind of demons in the lower planes. Although they have always been known for selling their loyalty at a high price, revenge for their dead employers is still too much for them. Bizarre.

"But he is dead." Lancelot pointed out the obvious fact. "I think the employment relationship between you is over."

"But I feel that I have the responsibility to do something for him." The Nicaros demon named Sagra shook his head, "If I am killed by you, my essence will return to the Jiaoyan Hell and be reborn there immediately, Although it will cost me a little bit of strength, at least I have done what I can."

"Very good." Lancelow nodded. He held the glacier with both hands, squatted down slightly, and was ready to face the battle. "Then come, let me see your strength."


With a muffled grunt, the huge demon moved.But unlike the previous challenger, instead of rushing forward, it flew backwards with fierce wings, and quickly distanced itself from Lancelot. At the same time, it spit out a mysterious spell, and its hands lit up aura.

Lancelot was about to take action, but he recognized the fluctuation of the magic, so he stopped his actions and stood still to let the opponent complete the spell.

In just a few breaths, a khaki beam of light shot out from his hand, hitting Lancelot like lightning.That spell was nothing else, it was the spell 'dispel magic' that Elotesia had used on Bruto, and it was obviously much stronger in size, if Lancelot really had any magical blessing, it would be He had to be stripped clean all at once.

"It's dispelling magic! There is no effect of immunity, and it is fully effective!"

"It's over, Lord Lancelot is taking care of you!"

"Could it be that he doesn't know this spell?"

"Damn it, this green skin is so lucky, if I knew it earlier, I would have done it myself!"


Different from the reactions of other audience members, Lancelot's partners were very calm about this, because they knew very well that the strange 'blood power' of the human knight had nothing to do with magic at all.He himself had discussed the attributes of his own power with Kalarin, and the scholar explained to him the core of magic's ability to work - the magic net.

To put it simply, the magic of the caster does not directly act on the real world, but first acts on the magic net, and then the magic net modifies the real world. All the effects of dispelling magic and area prohibition are achieved by isolating the target from the magic net. contact to achieve.And the various magical abilities possessed by Lancelot, no matter what their principles are, are definitely not realized through the magic net, so banning him will have no effect at all.

One of the important reasons why Lancelot ate this dispelling magic on purpose was that he wanted everyone to understand that his strength had nothing to do with magic.As the saying goes, "There is only one who can be a thief for a thousand days, but there is no one who can guard against thieves for a thousand days." He didn't want to be worried about by some idiots who wanted to become famous all day long.

Nicaros Masagra was much more cautious than his predecessor. His dispelling magic had clearly taken effect, but he still didn't rush forward, but immediately started preparing another magic.

He was not in a hurry, but Lancelow was not interested in continuing to consume it.The human knight rushed forward to the enemy, the speed was so fast that it even brought out afterimages, and rushed to the opponent's feet within a few ups and downs.

Disenchanted, his speed caused the jaws of all onlookers to drop to the ground.But no matter how shocked the audience felt, they could not understand the pressure Sagra was facing.Although the human knight was two heads shorter than him, his whole body was covered in heavy armor made of fine gold, and he charged at such a speed as a cannonball, which made the Nicarus demon feel like he would be crushed into a piece in the next second. The illusion of lumps of meat.

Fortunately, he was already flying in mid-air, so he wouldn't be hit directly.Sagra stabilized his mind and completed the spell in his hand as quickly as possible.A burst of blue light enveloped his body flying in mid-air, creating three identical phantoms around him, making it hard to tell which one was his real body.

This is exactly the mirror image technique Kara Lin used. It was originally used as an emergency by mages who are not good at melee combat, but when a demon with three hundred pounds of muscle used it, the effect was naturally surprisingly good.

The moment the spell was successfully cast, Sagra suddenly felt relieved.In his cognition, when dealing with non-caster enemies, as long as he first dispels the opponent's magic and then successfully casts the mirror image technique, he will be in an absolute advantage. Before the enemy can figure out which one is the real body, He was already put down by him.

Unless it is against an enemy with more than four arms like the upper six-armed snake demon, it can be said that there is no way to lose.

It was only a moment before these thoughts flashed through his mind.Flying in mid-air, Nicarus looked down, just in time to see Lancelot squatting down, and was about to jump towards him.

"What does he want?"

This is not only the thought in Sagra's mind, but also the question of all the audience.They knew the answer in the next second. When the human knight stomped his foot, the ground sank like a giant drum, and then bounced up at a faster speed. Lancelot Like an angry frog, it took the opportunity to jump high into the air, and reached the same height as the opponent in an instant.

This is his original exercise based on the Earthquake.In the process of fighting those flying demons in the abyss, he needs to jump up again and again, so he will naturally try to use his true energy instead of relying solely on physical strength.

He made many attempts, but the results were not ideal at first, but after building the foundation, he became much more sensitive to the aura of heaven and earth, and soon mastered a clever way to cast the Earthquake Technique, which can use the earth itself Try to 'bounce' yourself into the air.

Seeing that the human knight had arrived at his roots in an instant, Sagra lost the confidence he had just now.But he is also a veteran who has experienced many battles and has 'died' many times. The battle ax in his hand was the first to strike out. Immediately, his body plus three phantoms, a total of four battle axes all slashed at the approaching speed human knight.

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(End of this chapter)

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