The knight in the abyss

Chapter 25 The Black Order

Chapter 25 The Black Order

"The Black Order? This doesn't sound like a serious organization." Pluto came over. "Aren't you some sort of secret society that worships demons?"

"The main research object of our sect is indeed demons, but we understand that the purpose of demons is to deal with demons." Karalin took out a notebook from nowhere, and swiped down something, "Specifically, we are going to Shuangqiao Town. Let's talk about it on the way, let's get going."

"Wait a minute, we have to clean up the spoils." Lancelot skillfully took out a few empty bags.

In the end they filled four pockets with at least a thousand gold coins.After Kuka's body melted, Lancelot found a pair of metal wrenches. The ape demon's years of beating made it very hard, and it was just right for Pluto to use it as a bracer.

Lancelot cast the summoning warhorse again. This poor abyss creature was used as a packhorse every time, and Lancelot had no experience riding it to fight once.

Fortunately, it didn't seem to have any desire to complain, and followed Lancelot obediently.

A group of people walked downstream along the Styx River.Compared with when it came, the sky is no longer clear, and the large dark clouds make the temperature less unbearable.

Lancelot and Karalin walked side by side, curious about each other.

"Mr. Karalin, can you tell us more about this black order of yours?"

"Just call me Karalin." Karalin fanned with his notebook. "Let me ask you a question first, where did your knowledge of the abyss come from?"

"The elves of my world. They have explored the abyss tens of thousands of years ago, but then a war broke out, and they have been living in the shadow of the invasion of demons since then. Before I enter the abyss, they will A lot of knowledge about the Abyss has been left to me, but I find that a lot of it seems to be out of date... Karalin?"

Lancelot found that the people around him were gone. Karalin, who had been with him, was standing behind him blankly, staring at him, the look on his face when he learned about Tijana's identity.

"Uh, what's wrong with you?"

"If I told you that I am very fortunate to be able to come to the abyss plane, would you believe it?"

"That's not surprising. In a sense, the Abyss is a treasure trove."

"You just answered a question that has puzzled researchers for a long time. Occasionally, ancient elf relics are found in the abyss. Everyone is puzzled about their origins and has put forward various hypotheses."

"Presumably some of them are pretty ridiculous."

"The boldest hypothesis is that the abyss may be no different from the ordinary plane at first. The elves originated from the abyss plane, and later left the astral world as the abyss environment deteriorated."

"The elves are very proud of their relationship with nature."

"Haha, so it's not hard to imagine that the elves have made many warm visits to the founder of this theory." The corners of Karalin's mouth twitched involuntarily, "Let's go back to the topic just now, in the world I came from. , people have been ignorant of the abyss for a long time, the invasion of demons is like fire, flood and earthquake, except for the occasional direct intervention from the gods, human beings have no choice but to return to the ruins after everything is destroyed start over."

"All this changed after the appearance of a Ph.D. named Turjit Noam." Mentioning this name, Karalin involuntarily put his hand on his chest and made a salute gesture. "He is a scholar who specializes in researching and sorting out the knowledge of demons, systematically summarizing and summarizing the types of common demons, evaluating their levels, combat power, activity habits, commonly used magic and supernatural abilities, which greatly helps those Warriors who fought against demons, humanity finally has the opportunity to face the horrors of the abyss."

"Sounds like a great forerunner, but I don't think the devil will be indifferent to his actions?"

"When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares into you. Every scholar who puts his curiosity into the abyss will be noticed by the abyss, especially those who do achieve something. Those who study the abyss don't know If you stop in time, sooner or later you will meet all kinds of bad luck. But before being completely destroyed, Eminem achieved achievements that future generations are completely unsurpassed. His writings even contain detailed information on many famous abyss lords, as well as the specifics of their territories. Happening."

"Unbelievable, how could those terrifying abyss lords tolerate him to such an extent?"

"The general view is that the key lies in his theories about the origin of demons and the world. The abyss cooperates with his research to a certain extent, and it is hoped that he can publicize this theory."

Lancelot's curiosity was piqued, and he asked several questions one after another:

"Does the abyss itself have a will? What kind of opinion would have such an effect? ​​Would it be dangerous to talk about the specifics of the theory?"

"Talking about these theories will neither attract demonic attacks nor divine interference, which in itself has proved its credibility in some form." Talking about his field of expertise, Karalin became Very chatty and looks excited. "Am's theory holds that the abyss is the source of everything, and the universe was originally a complete chaos. The gods who were born from it first took those beautiful things out of chaos and created mountains, rivers and the earth, life and civilization. Formed the main material plane belonging to mortals, as well as the purer upper planes, and occupied, divided, and called it the kingdom of the gods."

"Correspondingly, the abyss has become an abandoned garbage heap, a breeding ground for demons. Eminem believes that the abyss itself has a will, which is an existence that even the gods cannot understand, and the devil is the crystallization of this will. Demons are the tools of the abyss, and their drive to destroy everything is the mission the abyss has given them. The abyss hopes to bring everything back to the absolute, pure chaos at the time of its origin, which, in its view, is what the universe should be state."

"This is the core theory of our study of demons, of the abyss, of the eternal battle of order and chaos, and it powerfully answers three key questions: what are demons, where do their powers come from, and what are their purposes."

Caralin spoke with a frenzy on his face, and Lancelot was also excited to hear it.He asked curiously:

"What happened to this Eminem?"

"As his research deepened, his power became stronger and stronger, but in the end he was unable to escape the doom of destruction." Karalin said regretfully, "His writings contain too much accurate information about demons and even pit lords. Description, just as the gods hear the call of the believer, the objects described in his writings establish a mysterious connection with the writings themselves."

"From the day his famous Dark Scroll was completed, there has been no end to attempts to destroy it. Finally, several pit lords who thought they were under threat took action, and Eminem was destroyed along with his homeland, but Most of the Dark Scrolls have survived. Many claim that Eminem enchanted these scrolls to give them a somewhat alive quality. Many have been fortunate enough to have seen fragments of the Dark Scroll since then, These scrolls have the ability to teleport themselves, and they will actively avoid the search of demons and avoid falling into the fate of being completely destroyed."

Having said that, Karalin paused with a wry smile.

"But there is a problem, when it senses a dangerous run away, it doesn't take its readers with it."

 Change first and then change, thank you brothers for your recommendation!


(End of this chapter)

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