The knight in the abyss

Chapter 270 Hungry Instinct

Chapter 270 Hungry Instinct

Darkweavers pride themselves on their quick reflexes.No matter how strong the human knight is, what's the use?Creatures from the Material Plane couldn't catch it as long as there was a shadow, and these fools always carried a load of baggage, all good targets.

There are times when the strongest guy seems invincible, but killing his allies is enough to bring him to the brink of collapse.He can be reckless, impulsive, and impatient, looking like he wants to get revenge as soon as possible, but in fact he is only pursuing self-destruction to end it as soon as possible, and Valastig has long been familiar with these tactics.

As a Dark Weaver, Valastig is always hungry.Not long after coming to this level, by chance, it ate a child who loves to kill.Oh my God, there are such delicacies in this world!These upper-plane creatures have a flavor called goodness and purity, and feeling their flesh and blood turn into pus and inhaling it brings Valastig an unparalleled pleasure.

Just now its troll servants caught another child, but it couldn't eat it, because the old woman on the other side of the aura mirror said that she would take this captive away, which made the dark weaver's hunger almost drive it crazy Degree.

But here is that woman's territory, and she has the power to kill it easily.So no matter how strong Valastig's hunger is, it can only, and must, try its best to suppress this instinct.

However, at the moment when it was helpless and desperate, someone came to save the child, which made it feel extremely angry.But soon it discovered an unbelievable situation, these idiots actually brought another delicious love card!All the good memories about the flesh and blood of this creature can no longer be suppressed, and today it must experience the taste of fangs inserted into the body of the child it loves to stab!

As for the old woman... the old woman only said that she would take the red-haired one. If she found out that there were two children, would she demand that the other one be handed over as well?Valastig doesn't want to know the answer to this question, so it doesn't intend to ask it either.

The Dark Weaver has absolute confidence in this blow.The succubus had a succulent child on its back and another in its arms, and it seemed impossible to escape the tentacles that rolled towards her.

Looks like I can have an extra dessert today.As mentioned earlier, Valastig is always hungry, so of course it has tasted many of the most common creatures at this level-demons.The smell of most demons makes it unappetizing, with the only exception being the succubus.

In eating this particular demon, it uses its razor-sharp fangs, elongated tongue, and all its tentacles to burrow into the succubus' soft, slippery body from wherever it can.This process can go on for a long time, and besides hunger, there are other instincts that can also be satisfied.

Of course, occasionally a seasoned succubus would exhaust it before it could eat, saving itself, but this one didn't look like that.She is actually wearing a metal armor, which is still tightly wrapped!

The black weaver's tentacles had wrapped around its target, and it had even felt a special touch, the kind of transparent wings that came from the children of love.It can't wait any longer, the next second it will experience the thrill of fangs biting through the soft flesh!

However, a golden light suddenly lit up, piercing the darkness, followed by a terrible pain, which made it retract its tentacles subconsciously.

Only two-thirds of the tentacles remain.

Li Lu in Helotesia's arms was still safe and sound. The child was watching in shock that the succubus was not holding her right hand - the claw that belonged to the devil was holding a beautiful handle decorated with angels. The long sword with wings, the golden sacred light on the blade has not completely dissipated.

"I'm not mistaken, right... that's Breaking Evil Slash, right..." Li Lu murmured subconsciously.At the forefront of the confrontation between good and evil in the multiverse, you can always find paladins.The Eras children of Andrinal are no strangers to them, and many powerful protectors are paladins.

But even though she's come to terms with the fact that a 'good' demon saves her, the succubus paladin setting is too much of a shock.

"Let me tell you! Big sister is very powerful!" Dongquan smiled triumphantly, as if he had swung the amazing evil-slaying slash.

Helotesia was on guard with a serious expression, and had no time to pay attention to the conversation between the two little ghosts.It seems that she has achieved very good results, cutting off a piece of disgusting soft tissue of the Dark Weaver, but she is very clear that it is the result of the opponent underestimating the enemy, and the enemy's subsequent counterattack may not be so easy to deal with.

Just as she expected, Valastig was already mad with anger. It had already raised all four tentacles on its upper body, ready to slap this nasty succubus to death.As for the two love to stab children?Well, if you can't eat it raw, you will lose a lot of fun, but the taste will not be that bad. Besides, since it is dead, it should be useless to the old woman, right?Can I eat both of them?

But at this time, another light source appeared.It's only been a few breaths since the flash bomb exploded. Of course, it's not enough for the priest to cast another daylight spell, but it's enough for him to hold his mace.

This Hammer of Disintegration comes from the hoard of 'Necrophilia' Molo, who once enslaved the elves, and when held, it illuminates a twenty-foot radius.This level of lighting is not very bright, but it is enough to dispel the shadows that cover the darkness and weave the front.


At the same time that the elf raised his hammer, the scholar also activated a scroll that had been prepared for a long time.Mages can cast spells much faster than priests, not to mention that scholars cast spells through scrolls, and most of the preparations for spells stored in scrolls have been completed in advance. Scholars only need to import magic into the scrolls and activate the spells. , and this process can be practiced - as long as you are willing to waste precious scroll making materials.

Coincidentally, after going through several adventures with Lancelow, Karaline suddenly found himself financially free. At least in terms of materials for practicing spellcasting, he no longer had to consider the cost.

Although the magic fireball is as big as a wine barrel, it flies as fast as a crossbow bolt.The Dark Organizer didn't have time to dodge, and was hit hard by the three-ring spell.

The moment the fireball exploded, it released a strong light, and at the same time created a dark shadow behind it.The creature of the shadow world launched another shadow jump to escape, and only the burnt smell of roasted spiders still filled the air.

 Thanks to the book friends for rolling around, Yun Zhongyue 1981 for the reward, and thank you to all the veterans who made more than ten recommendation tickets. By the way, the scale of my chapter should not have crossed the line, ah ha ha ha ha (guilty heart)
(End of this chapter)

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