Chapter 278 Scam
Blazing light erupted from the small pottery bottle, and all the glamorous were instantly blinded by the strong light.At the same time, there was a loud bang.

The demons threw themselves backwards in fear, dodging the imaginary violent explosion.

The splashed mud hit them, and the ground rolled up and down like the surface of a lake blown by a strong wind.It took a long time for the glaubers to regain their sight. They looked up and found that there was a big hole where the human knight had been standing, and the captive that the abyss lord ordered them to bring back had disappeared.

"It's all your fault, you idiot! It's you who prevented us from bringing that child back!"

"That's right! It's your responsibility. We will report today's situation 'as it is'..."

"Get ready to face Master Cang Ye's wrath!"


The fragile unity among the demons quickly crumbled.They started bickering about who was responsible for their failure, but unlike when they had come, there was no common goal to distract them.

If nothing else happened, the quarrel would soon turn into a brawl, and in the end, about half of the glaubers would be able to return to the Bone Castle alive, and all the blame for their failure would be placed on their dead companions.

But these circumstances have nothing to do with a human knight who escaped from birth.Hundreds of feet away from the center of the 'explosion', Lancelot was running fast in the dense forest, his strange figure was like a wisp of blue smoke.

Of course he couldn't have killed himself, the so-called bomb was just a flashbang from Cora.Inspired by the trick of the dark fabricator just now, with the strong light generated by the explosion of the flash bomb, Lancelow used the shadow jump he had just mastered to instantly teleport to a place more than 100 feet away from the demon encirclement.

As for claiming that he will be completely vaporized by the bomb, it is naturally a bragging in order to mislead the devil.As a knight from a small nobleman in the countryside, Lancelot has never been the kind of old-fashioned guy. He has his own views on the scope of application of the "honesty" in the knight's code-at least not applicable to the enemy. Anyone who has been on the battlefield can understand the truth.

If Lancelot just disappeared after the strong light, the first reaction of the demons would naturally be to immediately search for his traces, or they might catch up with him again, or even find the traces left by Bruto and the others, and then The situation is clearly worse.

Therefore, Lancelot deliberately deceived the devil with his righteous and heroic words. Before he left, he used the ground shaking technique to create the illusion of an explosion, just to convince the enemy that he was indeed dead. The captive mission has failed.

As he expected, the glaubers, who are known for being good at deceiving, completely believed his lies, and conflicts broke out over who should bear the responsibility for the failure.Demons aren't stupid creatures, and they fall for it not because of how good Lancelot is at lying (actually, sucks), but because of their own pride.

The demons themselves also believe that, compared with falling into their hands, choosing the self-destruction of the body in exchange for the freedom of the soul is the best choice.It is precisely because the demons believe that their strength is far superior to that of their opponents, and firmly believe that this human being is indeed desperate, so they subconsciously believe that he has committed suicide.

As for why there is no body left?Well, it was directly vaporized by that powerful bomb, it's that simple.

Maybe on the way back to the Bone Keep, someone smarter and lucky enough (so alive then) to realize the irrationality of the whole thing.For example, just now Lancelot accidentally revealed that his armor is made of pure gold. If that small bomb could directly vaporize the pure gold, how terrifying would it be?How could the demons who were so close to him just splash some dirt?
Besides, that human knight not only killed Valastig, but even resisted so many laws and deterrents, and he didn't suffer any injuries from the outside, which shows that he is very powerful.And in order to save the little red-haired girl, he dared to break into this miasma swamp alone. How could such a warrior choose to commit suicide without even trying?
But even if any glabra really figured out these things, it will not publicize it, at most it will keep it in its heart silently, to see if there is a chance to use this information to make one of its enemies suffer a big loss .

As for revenge?Hmm... that guy is kinda strong right now, and the demons have too much to worry about.Human life is so short, time will kill him instead.

After a while, Lancelot confirmed that there was no demonic breath in the telepathy, and he had successfully completed the procrastinating task.He stopped by a tree trunk, reached for the dimensional bag on his waist, and pulled the nervous little vampire out of the bag.

"Wow! Have we escaped yet? That's great!" Little Isa looked around and finally felt completely relieved.Although she has very strong confidence in Lancelot, the little girl is really afraid that the hand that comes in next time will not be Lancelot's.

"Well, the plan was successful, you cooperated really well just now." Lancelot smiled and touched the little girl's head, "I pulled you out to reassure you, we are about to walk out of this dense forest, and we are now It’s daytime, you’d better go back to the bag to rest first, and come out at night.”

"No..." Little Isa pouted, "I still want to stay outside for a while, and go back when I get to the edge of the jungle..."

"Uh...that's fine." Lancelot thought for a while, and nodded, thinking that it shouldn't be a big problem. "Bluto and the others should have gone a long way, but they should be safe after crossing the river, and we don't need to rush to chase them."

The two of them walked unhurriedly through the dense forest, but they were in completely different states.Lancelot was like a nobleman who went out for a walk after dinner, strolling in the muddy swamp, as if walking in the garden of his own castle.And little Isa is like a puppy... who is full of curiosity about the world, running around around Lancelow, studying every place that attracts her attention.

Gradually, the canopy above the head began to become sparse. Occasionally, a small ray of sunlight would pass through the gaps in the leaves. A careless little vampire would let out a cry of pain when touched, as if scalded by hot water.

"Why are you so careless?"

Lancelot shook his head, and waved a shadow armor on little Isa.Although this thing is also afraid of sunlight, at least it can block it a little bit, preventing her from turning herself into a ball of ashes without paying attention, which would be too embarrassing for a vampire.

 I finished coding in the hotel, sorry to make everyone wait~
(End of this chapter)

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