The knight in the abyss

Chapter 282 Misunderstanding Resolved

Chapter 282 Misunderstanding Resolved
"I'm sorry, I was too anxious." Cumberland did not refute, but bowed deeply to everyone again, "Thank you very much for saving these two children. Everyone was very anxious when they found out that they were missing. We can't find them anywhere, we fear the worst has happened, and this Miss Helotesia..."

"It's okay, you're not the first person to attack me as soon as you see me." Elotesia smiled generously, "We started from the Great Abyss..."

"Ah!!!!!! Devil!!! Suffer death!!!!!!"

Accompanied by a sudden shout, dozens of soldiers ran out from the depths of the forest.They all have flame-colored hair, shining eyes, holding javelins tightly in their hands, and they are about to throw them at Lancelow and the others.

"Don't stop! Stop!"

Cumberland hastily uttered a sound to stop it, but a few javelins still flew out.Fortunately, the battle cry of these red flame angels before the attack put everyone on guard. Lancelow easily shot two of them into the air, and another one hit the dwarf's shield with a 'boom'.

The new arrivals looked at Cumberland in bewilderment, and they soon noticed that Lilu and Dongquan were standing beside him, with puzzled expressions on everyone's faces.

"Cumberland, what's going on?" A tall, naked-chested red flame angel with short hair asked.His bare skin is covered with scars, clearly a battle-hardened warrior.

"Captain Colin, are you here too?" Cumberland hurried forward, "What I'm going to say next may be unbelievable, but in fact I'm still in shock..."

Lancelot and his companions stood quietly aside, listening to Cumberland repeat what everyone had told him before.After he finished speaking, disbelief appeared on the faces of all the love assassins. The short-haired, muscular man named Ke Lin hesitated and said to everyone:

"What he it true?"

"Otherwise? Would you like to use magic to check the two children to see if they are disguised by monsters like shapeshifters?" Brutal replied angrily.

"I'm Chestnut!" protested the red-haired lovebird, "Uncle Cumberland, I know where you keep all your sweets—on the top shelf in the kitchen, in that owl-shaped jar, I said right?"

"And I know that Uncle Cumberland, you often date people in the big garden recently." Dongquan also said eagerly, "It's the one from..."

"They are right." Cumberland hastily interrupted Dongquan's words, his face flushed a little, "The outsiders did rescue Lilu and Dongquan, and protected them back here safely... ..."

"Then I received a warm welcome from the javelin, still using the pointed end." Brutal said angrily.He has an extra thumb-sized hole in his shield, which puts him in a very bad mood.

"I'm very sorry, it was all due to a misunderstanding. We have never heard of a...succubi paladin like her." The red flame angel named Ke Lin took the initiative to bow and apologize to everyone, and other love assassins followed suit. The same gesture, which finally made Brutal look a little better.

"But, why did you come here?" Although the hostility was put aside temporarily, the love assassins obviously still had many questions, "Are you here to join the protectors of these children?"

"No, we are a group of mercenaries from Shuangqiao Town in Wanyuan Plain, and we are entrusted to escort this kind succubus paladin to this place." Lancelot explained, "Her name is Elotesia, It was she who wanted to join the ranks of the Protectors."

"What? Her?" The love assassins finally closed their mouths and opened them again, "But...why?"

"You...don't welcome me?" The succubus paladin looked a little frustrated, "Give me a chance, and I will prove myself to be a trustworthy partner..."

"No, we're just... a little unbelievable." Colin quickly explained, "But you're a devil after all, can you tell me why you want to do this?"

"Let me explain." Lancelow said, "As you can see, she is a demon who has been redeemed. Regarding the specific process of redemption, it would be better for her to speak at the right time. Become a After becoming a paladin, she stayed on the material plane to help kind people resist the invasion of demons."

"You can imagine how much the demons, especially her former master, hated her. Although she avoided many assassinations, in the end the demons succeeded. As a tanar'ri, slain in the Material Plane, she can die in the abyss Resurrected, many who cared for her immediately organized a rescue operation to save her from being sacrificed to the wicked stone platform of the Twelve Trees."

"Since Elotesia returned to the abyss in the form of resurrection, she cannot leave this plane for 99 years. With her status as a paladin, there is almost no place for her in the abyss. After discussion, we I believe the best place for her is Andrinal, where she can continue to fight to protect the good and fight the evil, and believe me, you will soon be grateful to have such a fine paladin companion."

After Lancelow finished speaking, the scene became extremely quiet for a moment, only the wind blowing from time to time reminded people that time was still passing.

"Are there any other questions?" The human knight spoke again, without impatience in his tone.

"Your experience is really admirable. Please allow me to apologize again for what I did just now." Colin with short hair said solemnly, and bowed again.Lancelot found that he had fallen in love with this extremely polite race who corrected when he knew his mistakes.

"If you want to join the ranks of the protectors, you have to go to Melanton Burgh, where the protectors gather, and the generals will decide whether to accept you." Colin's expression turned serious, "But I I have to remind you, I am afraid that not everyone can easily accept a succubus as a member of the Protector, and some may even show serious hostility..."

"It's okay, I'm no stranger to that kind of situation." Elotesia smiled, "At least our previous misunderstanding has been resolved, and I hope you can treat me as a friend when we meet next time."

"I hope so." Colin nodded, then turned his head and said to the rest of his companions, "Bridge, Robin, Green, Gilbert, and Cumberland, you guys go with them. The generals explained the situation, and escorted the two little troublemakers back to the home given by Aidoton."

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(End of this chapter)

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