The knight in the abyss

Chapter 285 The Legend of the Silver Skull

Chapter 285 The Legend of the Silver Skull
"I can fully understand your concerns. As a succubus who once served the demon lord and brought countless fallen souls back to the abyss, your caution is very reasonable."

Ignoring the reactions of the two love assassins, Elotesia continued talking on her own, her tone already agitated.

"I don't expect to gain your trust, and I don't need your pity or protection. I came here because I made an oath to fight for the weak, fight for hope, and fight against evil. I also believe that in Andrinal, the last and strongest bastion of good in the Abyssal Plane, a reformed demon can get the justice it deserves."

The succubus spoke in a low tone, but her voice was like a hammer, hitting the hearts of every onlooker.The scene fell silent for a while, and everyone was trying to digest what they had just heard.

"Crack, crack, crack..."

Lancelot applauded, and soon more applause joined him, and finally almost everyone clapped their hands, the crowd's way of expressing their approval of the succubus.

"Uh, what's the situation?" Brutal poked Lancelot's waist, "How can Alotesia speak that bird-like language?"

"That's Celestial Language. The two loves thought that the succubus would not be able to understand it. They said something too much in the discussion just now." Lancelot clapped vigorously, and said to the dwarf using the technique of sound transmission. , "Do you still remember the identity of her lover? The Celestial Language is difficult, and the succubus can also, and directly responded to the other party's doubts, and clearly stated his intentions."

"Okay, well done!" The dwarf laughed and clapped along.

Helotesia looked around in a little bewilderment, which was a little different from what she expected.But from the applause of everyone, she seemed to have gained some kind of strength, and her eyes became firm again.

"You're right, I was wrong, I shouldn't be prejudiced against you just because you're a demon." After hesitating for a while, Akash finally spoke, "We will still monitor you closely Every move, but until you do anything evil, you'll be treated like a guest. So..."

The silver-haired guard captain took a deep breath, as if he had made up his mind, and then a smile slowly appeared on his face:
"Welcome to Aidoton's Gift, travelers."

"Yeah!" Li Lu and Dongquan cheered, and quickly flew in front of Helotesia, grabbed the reins of her mount and were about to lead the succubus into the town.The townspeople who were still watching just now also rushed forward. They greeted the succubus enthusiastically, and couldn't wait to throw a lot of various questions.

The crowd was almost surrounded and walked into the largest building in the town. This big wooden house was not a city hall or the like, but the only tavern (and hotel) in the town.

Brutal had already forgotten how he sat down, and when he had an extra cup in his hand, but just took a sip of the amber-colored liquid inside, the dwarf completely forgot all the unhappiness before, and smiled happily He drank it in a big gulp, and quickly mingled with the people around him.

The townspeople are full of curiosity about this strange team, two humans, one dwarf, one elf, and a talking skull.When Lancelot pulled out the shy little vampire, the scene became even more heated.

Compared with Helotesia, a kind vampire is easier to be accepted, partly because there are many kindness among blood descendants, and more importantly because a beautiful creature is always easy to produce Good impression, the succubus paladin is like this, and the little vampire is no exception.

But the focus of the audience is always the succubus paladin.Anyone, if he can let go of his prejudices, will quickly discover the sincerity, easy-going and cordial qualities of Helotesia. She will patiently answer any questions. When talking about her past, more Emphasize the mistakes you have made, the suffering you have suffered in seeking to change, not the merits you have achieved in order to obtain redemption, or how powerful enemies you have defeated in defending the countryside.

With Elotesia's narration, Lancelot also had the opportunity to learn more about the past of this succubus paladin.In fact, she had been defeated once before by her former master, Baluo Yanmo Yiertu.

The cause of the incident was that Elotesia was going on a pilgrimage to a holy place of the dwarves.As we all know, giants are the natural enemies of dwarves, but there was a stone giant who was influenced by Moradin's priest and guarded a dwarf temple ever since. Later, he was even inspired by Moradin and became a stone giant of the Soulbreaker Paladin.

However, the treasure in the temple attracted the coveting of a blue dragon, and the evil blue dragon brazenly launched an attack on the temple.In order to protect the temple, the stone giant chose to die with the blue dragon, and its remains became a sacred object with divine power.Elotesia wanted to go on a pilgrimage at that time, and she wanted to know whether there was some connection between herself and the transformation of the stone giant, but on her way to the pilgrimage, the succubus paladin was attacked by the six-armed snake Ashap's ambush.

After the ambush was successful, the succubus was not killed, and through a spell given by the Balor, the scorpion turned her bones into silver, stuffed them into a gelatinous monster, and put a regeneration ring on her.In this way, any recovered flesh and blood would be immediately devoured by the acid of the jelly monster, but Elotesia's silvery bones would not be corroded.

At the behest of her villainous former master, the jelly was thrown into a dark sewer by the basilisk.Since the succubus paladin likes the Prime Material Plane so much, let her stay there.The jelly-monster's body became her purgatory cage, to which Ashapu, the lizard, would return from time to time to ensure that the succubus still suffered in this eternal torture.

Ironically, thanks to her gleaming skeleton, local legends of the Silver Skull began to circulate, and with the help of a team of curious adventurers, Eroticia finally emerged from this near-never-ending torment. freed from it.

Lancelot guessed that it was after this incident that her angelic lover made the amulet that could sense Elotesia's position.He already knew what happened later, and after repeated attempts, the demons succeeded once.This time Elotesia was killed neatly, returned to the abyss with rebirth, and was captured again.

"I'm really sorry." Lancelot raised his wine glass to the succubus, "If I knew what that lizard had done to you, I would definitely make her death more painful."

 Thank you brother who can't think of a name, the monthly ticket voted by a small soldier in Pingxi Palace, and all the book friends who voted for recommendation and left comments!It’s even later today, there’s really no reason, it’s just a slow TT… The second half of the chapter spoiled most of "Legend of the Silver Skull". This module is an official introduction to Eludecia The related modules that have been set, the friends who have run it already know the plot, and those who have not run it... You probably have no chance to actually run this module haahiahiahia~ Of course, the plot of the succubus paladin being killed again I just made it up haha!

(End of this chapter)

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