The knight in the abyss

Chapter 297 Watchtower

Chapter 297 Watchtower

Everyone had dinner with the defenders in the main building of the fortress.Although not rich, the enthusiasm of the hosts more than makes up for the monotony of the food.The soldiers took turns to say hello to Elotesia, most of them were "nice to meet you, my name is so-and-so" and other unnutritious conversations, but both the soldiers and the succubus enjoyed it .

Many people have heard many legends about the succubus, a demon that first appears only in the dreams of the target, stirring up the target's primitive instincts, and then whispering in the ear of corrupt desires.Only after the target has been completely at their mercy will the succubus manifest in physical form in the victim's life, commanding their prey to take the final step of their depravity.

Usually, once the target has fallen, the succubus will kill its prey as soon as possible to ensure that the soul of the prey will return to the abyss with itself.If it takes too long, the target is likely to repent and seek help from the church of their deity.Once he has completed his atonement before death—sometimes all it takes is a sincere confession—to undo months or even years of hard work by a succubus.

Therefore, unlike other demons who occasionally go to the main material plane to hack and kill, creatures like succubi almost never appear in front of the general public, and a lot of pink legends add a lot of irritating The mysterious color of reverie.And at this moment, a succubus is sitting and eating with them under the same roof. Is there anything more surprising than this?
Of course, demons don't actually need to eat, although that does give them a high.It is the energy of the abyss itself that maintains the life of the demon. The eating behavior of the succubus paladin is more out of politeness. This is the opinion of many people present, and it is also people's consistent perception of demons.

But after traveling with Helotesia for so long, everyone still learned more about the physiology of demons from her.It is true that demons do not need food or sleep to maintain their lives, but they will also feel tired due to continuous fighting, and eating and rest can help them quickly recover from fighting.

This is why an army of daemons carries large numbers of dreads—cannon fodder after the battle begins, and rations before the battle begins.

"Thank you, it tastes very good."

When the cook in the back kitchen came to ask Miss Succubus if she was satisfied with tonight's fish porridge, Helotesia replied like this.This chubby dwarf was the last person who tried to talk to her tonight. The soldiers were driven back to their barracks or posts by their officers, and Lancelow and his party each got a room for rest.

Although they had traveled eight hours, their plan was to cross the river and continue under the cover of darkness.It's going to be a long day, so this short break is not going to be wasted.

About two hours later, Axiian knocked on everyone's door one by one, reminding them that it was time to go.

Everyone walked to the corridor one by one. They all put on the armor modified by the former member of the "Ripper" team Dag. At this moment, they glanced at each other's outfits and couldn't help laughing.

Lancelot now looks a lot like the doomguards he saw in the instant fortress.There are two huge ax blades on his shoulder armor, making him look like a double-edged axe.Dag also carefully added a lot of dark red paint to the blood groove of the ax blade, making the human knight look murderous, like a madman who uses the abyss as a playground.

And Kara Lin is completely a barbarian shaman, from a remote corner that civilization has never touched.On his head was a hood with the head of a winter wolf, and his shoulders were covered with blood-stained, unknown bird feathers, each with a dry and slender finger tied to the end, at this moment he I'm trying to explain to everyone that it's just a wood carving.

The most exaggerated one is Brutal, the dwarf has so many spikes that one would feel uncomfortable just by looking at them, reminiscent of the three layers of sharp teeth in the giant mouth of the shark lizard, throwing him into a pile of Obiris demons There will be no sense of incongruity.

"Hold me?" Facing Lancelot's indescribable gaze, Brutal enthusiastically proposed to the human knight.

The others also had different styles, but all looked menacing, ready to fight life and death.Judging from Lancelot's experience in neutral towns, this kind of attire was a bit too much, but he decided to listen to the opinions of the local aborigines.

"Dag's craftsmanship is really impressive." The black-haired human monk looked at everyone's attire and nodded in satisfaction.

"My body looks good too." Axian, who looked like a drow, interjected, "Even you didn't recognize it at first..."

"I just didn't recognize it was you." Hobbinson curled his lips. "Dark elves usually use short swords, scimitars, and hand crossbows, instead of rapiers and longbows. A stupid demon might not pay attention, But any sapient being who deals with drow on a regular basis will immediately realize something is wrong."

"I think it's too late to learn how to wield a scimitar now." Aksian shrugged, "I'll try to hide my weapon from people to see. Well, take us across the river, now It's dark enough outside."

"Come with me." The monk nodded, turned and walked out.

Everyone followed behind. In order to avoid accidental injury, they had to stand a little more spread out than before.But soon, Lancelot found that something seemed wrong.

"Where are we going?" He asked curiously, "We seem to be walking towards the heights of the fortress."

"That's true." Aksian turned his silver-haired head and said, "Are any of you afraid of heights?"

"No. Why do you ask?"

"If anyone is afraid of heights, they may need help when crossing the river." The elf showed a smirk on his dark face, "You will know soon."

They didn't go for long.As a heavy iron door was pushed open, everyone found themselves standing on the tallest watchtower in the fortress.It was already dark at this moment, but with the help of dim starlight, the Hoffenstein River could still be seen running ahead, and above their heads, a huge brazier was burning blazingly. Its light can be seen everywhere.

Hobison grabbed a winch on the wall next to it and began to turn it. A huge copper hood with a gap lowered from above, hanging over the brazier.The copper hood has a smooth inner wall, and the light from the brazier is reflected and converged into a beam of light, which shoots out from the gap in the copper hood.

The monk then turned the other capstan, and the brass shield turned with his movement, sweeping the beam of light across the pitch-black black surface.Lancelot noticed that he was turning the capstan in a certain rhythm, first a quick sweep, then slowly sweep halfway, then raise and lower the copper shield, and then sweep quickly from the other side.No doubt it was some kind of code, and there must be someone on the other side of the river who could read it.

 Thank you all new and old book friends for your votes!I'm a bit busy at work today, and I have time to start coding when I get home, sorry for the late post~

(End of this chapter)

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