The knight in the abyss

Chapter 428 Take away 1

Chapter 428 Take One Away

The existence of the forbidden area also destroyed Lancelow's original plan.What he thought before was to take Tijana out first, but now as long as he takes a few steps forward, he will enter an area where magic cannot take effect, and the shadow jump cannot be activated there. The magic stone has been tested.

Of course, he can also choose to launch the shadow jump again immediately, escape from the hole behind him, and then find a way to open the sealed door.This kind of behavior is the most reasonable way for a cultivator to respond, but he can't do that kind of thing if he refuses to save a lady in distress.After coming to the abyss, Lancelot has made many 'revisions' to his knight's creed, and he still retains some principles.

Since he doesn't plan to leave, he can't go up there with a passion.Lancelow quickly glanced at the battle situation ahead. The succubus lord seemed to be in danger, and he didn't even notice the appearance of the human knight. However, Lancelow estimated that Tijana could hold on for a while.So he pulled out the giant sword from the dimension bag and launched a violent attack——

The target is the ice wall behind you.

A fiery red light emanated from the sword of the giant sword, and it caused a violent explosion when it hit the ice wall.What Lancelot used was not Qingyun Sword Art, but the most basic Qi Gathering Slash.Although the sword light of Qingyuan Sword Art is sharp, but his current purpose is to tear down the wall, and the energy-gathering slash with its own explosive effect is obviously more suitable.

The fog caused by the explosion dissipated, and Lancelot looked at it carefully, feeling a little disappointed.There was a long depression on the ice wall, but it was less than a finger deep. To make a hole through which people could pass, at least dozens of times had to be smashed.

But that's better than no progress, Lancelow shrugged, and swung his sword again.

The noise he made was so loud that the devils and succubi in the fierce battle were startled.Taking advantage of the time when the devils looked back, Tijana managed to escape from the encirclement and landed on the other side of the igloo.

"How do you get careful!"

The warning from the succubus lord sounded in Lancelot's heart, because one of the four demons besieging her left his companions and rushed towards the human knight alone.The devils were not stupid, if they left the human knight alone and really made a hole in the ice wall to let the succubus lord escape, then the assassination would probably fail.

Even though he was still facing the ice wall, relying on the spiritual sense of a cultivator, Lancelow had a clear perception of the rapidly approaching threat behind him.The speed of the devil's charge was very fast, and the sharp spear point pointed directly at his back. The feeling of oppression was like a fully armed knight charging towards him with a long spear. It will pierce him, and its own body will become a banner hung on the victor's lance.

But that's just a fantasy in your head, not what actually happened.Lancelow did not lack experience in dealing with such situations, and he knew that the trick was to wait until the last moment, when the charge had no time to change direction, before dodging.Of course, most people were too nervous to move by then, but he wasn't in the 'most people' category.

Lancelot didn't move until the tip of the gun was less than a foot away from his back.His body moved three feet to the side in a strange way, and the rushing devil couldn't keep up with his movements, and slammed into the ice wall fiercely.

The giant beetle weighing more than [-] pounds slammed into the ice wall and shook, but to Lancelot's disappointment, the devil still slowed down at the last moment, and the wall did not seem to collapse.But he didn't expect the enemy to help him finish the work of tearing down the wall. Instead, he took advantage of the short-term dizziness caused by the impact, suppressed the discomfort in his heart, and grabbed the end of the Beetle Demon's tail.

The devil's tail also had a hard carapace. Lancelow felt that what he was grabbing was not a tail, but a cold blade.

"I'll take this first!"

Through the newly established spiritual connection, Lancelot sent his thoughts to Tijana.Then, he launched a shadow jump, pulled the huge beetle devil and disappeared in place.

One of the four demons who besieged the succubus lord was probably carrying a magic stone, but Lancelot's bet was not on the demon who came to deal with him.The situation was as he expected, the shadow jump was successfully launched, and the next moment he appeared on the other side of the ice wall.

If he rushed directly to help, Lancelow knew that there was not much he could do. If the four powerful devils ignored Tijana for the time being and focused on dealing with him, he might not last even ten seconds.But if one enemy is taken away, not only will the succubus lord face less pressure, but he will also be many-to-one, so there is a little chance of winning.

"Ice Demon?!"

Kara Lin's surprised voice sounded, and the scholar obviously recognized this monster.At the same time, the devil broke free from Lancelow's shackles immediately, and turned around with a heavy tail flick.Lancelot held the huge sword in front of him, and barely blocked the blow, but it felt like he was hit by a speeding carriage, and he was swept backwards and flew backwards.

"What?" Lancelot regained his standing the moment he hit the ground, and landed right in front of his companions, "How do we deal with this guy?"

"I'm studying the abyss, not the nine prisons..." Kara Lin nervously switched the backpack to his chest, "Chop off its head?"

"I know that too!" Lancelot rolled his eyes, "Bluto, follow me!"

Before Lancelot finished speaking, the man rushed out again.Judging from the two brief encounters with the enemy just now, Lancelow knew that he must never let the opponent start sprinting, and he had to drag him in place.

Seeing the human knight rushing towards him, the Ice Demon did not dodge or evade, holding the spear ready to go, as calm as an experienced veteran.Seeing the enemy's posture, Lancelow's heart suddenly sank, knowing that the opponent this time was different from that kind of demon with brute force.

But that's okay, he's not normal himself.When there were still ten feet away from the enemy, Lancelot slashed out the giant sword on his shoulder in advance. This unexpected action made the opponent a little stunned, because it seemed that the human was attacking the air that was more than five feet away from it. .

It was this kind of surprise that Lancelot wanted.The blade of the giant sword suddenly lit up, and the dazzling sword glow stretched out seven feet from the tip of the sword. At the same time, another sword shadow appeared on the side, rushing towards the opponent's head together.The ice demon reacted at the last moment, reluctantly leaning its body to the left, and two turquoise sword glows chopped on its shoulders, making a huge impact sound.

After he slashed out with a sword, Lancelot didn't immediately pursue him. Instead, he jumped back and reached a distance where he could advance, attack, retreat and defend. He planned to see the effect of his attack before deciding on the next strategy.

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(End of this chapter)

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