The knight in the abyss

Chapter 431 Housework

Chapter 431 Housework

"Wow, what's going on, we can't go wrong, right?"

Standing at the gate of Hagrid Manor, the dwarf asked the above question.Lancelot also felt the same about this, because they had only been away for more than two months, and the manor in front of them looked completely deserted.

The yard is full of wildly growing thorns, and the walls of the building are covered with gray vines. An open window on the third floor is opening and closing back and forth under the eerie wind, making a creaking sound, making the whole manor look Like a haunted old house in a horror story.

"Being neighbors with a group of vampires is the consequence." Karaline shrugged. "When buying a house, you should have considered the location."

"Okay, but how do you explain that?" Brutal pointed to a corner of the garden, where two skeletons were lying, "Is it the kitchen waste that our neighbors littered?"

"Probably not." Lancelot frowned, and took out a small red ball, "But it seems that our gardener hasn't taken care of this place for a while..."

After a while, a tall blue figure appeared in front of everyone.This is Dink, the biggest quasimoth in Shuangqiao Town.The six-foot height makes it look a head taller than a dwarf, and the naked body is covered with well-developed muscles. The five fingers on the palm are like five sharp daggers, and the inside is full of solidified, black-red stains. Blood, implying its colorful life in Shuangqiao Town.

"Master, did you summon Dink?"

Dink saluted Lancelow hesitantly, looking rather reluctant.Lancelot frowned involuntarily. Although the loyalty of demons is as difficult to last as their capricious nature, it's only been two months, and this quasse demon seems to have gotten used to the position of commanding the wind and rain among the lesser demons. I feel that the 'master' in front of me is a bit of an eyesore.

Naturally, Lancelow had to resolutely correct his subordinates' wrong thinking. After all, he would go out for adventures from time to time in the future, and someone had to keep watch.

And after the trip to the Bone Castle, he had a lot of experience in how to pretend to be a big boss in the abyss.

"There seems to be something wrong with your attitude." Lancelot easily located the Balrog essence in his body, "Why, you don't want to work for me anymore?"

While saying this, violent flames were burning in his eyes, and there was a strange echo in his voice, and the aura he released made people feel as if he was talking to his own dinner.The rebellious Quassemot sat down on the ground in fright, his whole body trembling as if struck by lightning, and some filthy liquid oozed from its lower body, exuding a strong stench.

"No, no, master!" the little devil screamed, "Dink definitely didn't mean that!"

"If you want, just tell me." Lancelow gently tossed the red ball in his hand, "but if you dare to betray me..."

"Don't dare! Never dare!" Dink knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Lancelow, "Everything that Dink has is given by the master, and Dink will never betray the master!"

"You don't need to be so sure, as long as the opportunity is right, maybe you can try it." Lancelot replied with a half-smile, but that only made Quassemo tremble even more.He felt that the heat was almost ready, so he put away his breath and asked nonchalantly, "What happened to those two skeletons?"

"That's Tracy and Murray, two stupid thieves who wandered around in the mercenary area. They didn't even touch the handle of the door, and they were attacked by Dink!" Quasaimo seemed to want to laugh, but I felt that was inappropriate again, and finally settled into an ugly expression, "Dink threw their corpses there as a warning! It worked very well!"

"Okay." Lancelot shrugged, "Besides, has anyone else broken in?"

"No, absolutely not!" Dink shook his head again and again, "The bell Karalyn gave me never rang!"

The bell in Kwasaimo's mouth is a small prop made by a scholar. As long as someone walks into a small three-story building, the bell will make a crisp sound, and it will remain in effect as long as it stays within the range of Shuangqiao Town.

"Very good." Lancelot nodded, "You can go."

After letting Quasaimo leave, everyone entered the manor and walked to the door along the path not yet occupied by thorns.Karalin cast a spell to disengage the arcane lock on the door, their other security measure.This is only a small level 2 spell. It is not difficult to break it, but it is almost impossible to leave no traces. The casters rely on this spell to ensure that no one sneaks into their lair. Attacked while on guard.

Compared with the desolate and dilapidated atmosphere outside, everything in the small building is normal, but there will always be dust in the air of the abyss, which is why little Isa always seems to have endless work to do.Since no one took care of it for a long time, the dust accumulated on the dining table was as thick as a finger.

However, it is still daytime now, and everyone is embarrassed to throw such a huge project to the underage girl, so the eternal friends of the Eratian clan, the hero who saved Pascole, and the former consul of Moglondar all rushed Roll up your sleeves and do the housework yourself.

After about an hour, everyone lay comfortably on the sofas and chairs to relax, and the surrounding environment at least looked a lot tidier.Of course, don't expect these men to cover some corners that are not easy to reach (perhaps Alamir is an exception), and in the end it is up to little Isa to clean up slowly.

"Well, if only Cora was still around." Brutal hugged his beer glass, which was filled with mead, and the dwarf almost left Andrina for that thing, "Now some more skewers of grilled abyss The chicken is just perfect...”

"There is no abyss chicken. There are still some corn and mushrooms in the bag. I want to eat and roast them myself." Lancelow stretched, stood up from the chair, and began to put on the armor that he took off when he was working just now.

"What's wrong?" The dwarf looked at Lancelot's movements strangely, "Are there any enemies?"

"I'm going to do some gardening." Lancelot waved his hand at Brutal, "You can rest, this is just a protective measure."

"Okay." Hearing that he was going to work again, the dwarf lay back very simply, "Because of the battle in Pascole, I now have psychological shadows when I see thorns, and the scene full of demon corpses is really shocking Impressive...”

Lancelot shook his head with a smile, left the comfortable room, and came to the courtyard outside the small building.The so-called courtyard is actually just an open space, which has been used as a martial arts arena by everyone before, but now Lancelot plans to use this land to do something else.

 Thanks to the boss of Dongfang Youkong for the reward, and thanks to the monthly tickets voted by several book friends such as Mocha steamed buns, 96-style dried salted fish, and meatballs 08, thank you for your support~
(End of this chapter)

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