The knight in the abyss

Chapter 435 The reason for returning

Chapter 435 The reason for returning

"Bayer? No, it can't be it." Tijana shook her head, "Since Zariel became the new Grand Duke of Avernas, even though the Lord of the Nine Prisons asked her to keep her predecessor as a senior advisor , but Zariel just dumped the chore of overseeing the manufacture of weapons to Bayer, kicking him out of the chain of command entirely."

"As for the situation on the front line... Thanks to the cold iron weapons we produced, Volcano Fortress not only stopped the previous decline, but even regained many previously lost fortresses. Kairon sent several groups of envoys to beg me Increase supply, but I haven't promised him yet."

Tijana waved her hand and created a phantom map on the table in front of the two, showing the situation around Shuangqiao Town.There are two forces, red and purple, on the map. Lancelot can easily recognize the images of Shuangqiao Town, Oasis Fort, and Volcano Fort. These areas are all under the control of the red force, so purple naturally represents the control of the devil. scope.

"What does the neutral nature of Shuangqiao Town mean to the devil?" Lancelow looked at the map thoughtfully, "It seems that once the Volcano Fortress falls, we will face the soldiers of Bator's Nine Prisons... "

"If the devil's commander is still Bayer, maybe it will be willing to recognize our neutral position, as long as the craftsmen in Shuangqiao Town produce weapons for the devil army day and night, and I will meet any of its personal needs." Tijia Na shook her head with a sneer, and threw another purple berry into her mouth, "But now the commander is Zariel, so things are much simpler. There is only an endless hunger for war in this fallen servant of the blazing god." Thirst, we are no different from ordinary demon forces to her, we are all objects that need to be crushed."

"That is to say, the security of Shuangqiao Town depends on the 'Destruction Flame' who guards the Volcano Fortress." Lancelow tapped his finger on the map, "You mentioned earlier that you did not agree with them to increase the supply of weapons request, why?"

"Aren't you from a noble family? You should be familiar with these old-fashioned political activities." Tijana looked at the human knight with a three-pointed smile on her face, "I hope they are evenly matched with the devil and consume each other Strength on both sides. What good is a strong neighbor? When the devil is cast out, Vesuvius is next to us, if strength allows it."

"So this is why the devils are generally weaker, but they can counterattack to the bottomless abyss?" Lancelow frowned, "Because the devils are always suspicious of each other and cannot unite?"

"The suspicion between Tanari is not a paranoid delusion, but out of very realistic considerations." The irony in Tijana's smile became stronger, but Lancelot already understood that it was not aimed at himself, " Any demon can ask itself a simple question, what action would it take if the identities were reversed? If the answer is unhesitating betrayal, then of course it assumes that the opponent will make the same decision."

"That is to say, only when cooperation is the only option other than destruction, the demons will unite." Lancelow replied thoughtfully.

"And that alliance is so fragile that it cannot withstand any improvement in the situation." Tijana shrugged and drank the mead in the glass again, "Steal the Eye of Sarriz Shield and send four ice demons to Assassinate me, what exactly is Bayer planning..."

"Are you sure that Bayer did all these tricks?" Lancelot refilled the wine glass for Tijana.The succubus lord looked very relaxed, which pleased him.

"My intuition tells me, yes." Tijana nodded, "Zariel won't just send four Ice Demons, she will definitely send an entire army, and she will never raze Shuangqiao Town to the ground." give up."

"Is that so?" Lancelot rested his fist on his chin, admiring the beautiful face of the succubus in front of him calmly, "In Andrinna, there are also traces of devil's activities..."

"Oh?" Tijana immediately became interested, "What the hell are you doing there? I heard some unbelievable rumors..."

"You can't imagine how much effort we have spent to get the protectors to accept a succubus paladin." Lancelow drank a big gulp of mead to moisten his throat, "That layer was killed by a monster named Hoffin Stan's river is divided, the south is controlled by the forces of good, and our portal from the Great Abyss is on the north of the river, a place called Miasma Swamp..."

He described to the succubus lord the process of rescuing the two glabra children, the battle with the dark weaver, the ability to jump shadows, and how to escape from a dozen glaucuses; The delightful evening at Melendonburne, the marvelously large gardens, and the injustice of Elotesia.

"Those so-called protectors really don't know what to do!" Tijana said angrily, "The salvation of the two children doesn't prove the goodwill of the succubus paladin?"

"If someone is deliberately misleading in China, there is nothing we can do."

Lancelot continued to tell the story of him and his companions going to the Devil's Main City.He mentioned Pascole's enthusiastic guards, the magical invisible bridge, the enchanted sea of ​​roses in the cave, the difficult battle with the banshee, and the accidentally discovered artifact star strike.

"Please, you won't really return that thing to Aisha, will you?" Succubus's pretty face was full of curiosity, "That's...a magic weapon!"

"I did give it back to Easa, but in the end they gave me this sword again." Lancelot took out the almost transparent one-handed sword from the dimension bag, "This is it..."

"Wow, it is indeed as beautiful as you said." Tijana reached out to touch the sword, but retracted it halfway, "This thing contains a very strong power of kindness. Well, let's just look at it like this...Why did the love assassins give you this? Isn't this sword very meaningful to them?"

"Because I helped them solve a problem that has plagued countless centuries..."

Lancelot went on to tell the story of what happened in the town full of twisted spires: the male drow being hunted down by the mistress, the almost successful infiltration of the demon fortress, the mirror behind the safe door...

"I guess there must be a traitor in Melanton, that's why you were caught by the mother of demons." Tijana said with affirmation, "When I release you from that state, How long has it been since you were caught?"

"You guessed right. It took less than half a day, and at that time Cang Ye's legion had already set off, heading straight for Pascole..."

Lancelot continued to tell the story afterwards, how he swept away Cang Ye's treasured gallery of living things, and how he found his way to the dungeon area; Demon, Urgog's real devil body, and the mysterious magic circle that can extract power from pure souls.

The succubus lord was completely attracted by Lancelot's bizarre story, and he didn't even interrupt him when he heard the news that an abyss lord had cooperated with the devil so explosively, because the next story was even more exciting.Lancelot described to her the scene of those ancient heroes who came back from the 'dead', how they resisted the tide of demons on the city wall of Pascole, and how the reinforcements from the Star King's Court finally arrived. The scene where the negative balance is reversed instantly.

When he finally talked about how the two queen companions teamed up and seriously injured the mother of demons, and was finally sent to the prison of the Star King's Court by Elotesia, Tijana's face was already dull, as if her brain had been lost. ability to think.

"After all the dust settled, Korra decided to leave this dangerous plane and go to Sigil City to open his own restaurant; the skull Colonwell also left, saying that he could find his past in the unrestrained wilderness." Lance Luo drank the last bit of golden liquid in the cup, "After that, we spent a relatively peaceful time in Andrinna, but as soon as the emblem you gave me regained its power, we activated the teleportation on it magic."

"Then I ran into the scene where the Ice Demon assassinated me." Tijana also drank the remaining half of her glass of mead, "So why did you come back? Android Linna sounds like a good place... ..."

"Everyone has their own reasons." Lancelot scratched his head, "Brutal is because his father is here, Karaline is to further study the abyss, and Aramir... I guess he is looking for his Arlo Ticia..."

"What about you?" The succubus seemed a little drunk, her face flushed slightly, and she looked straight at Lancelot, "What's your reason for coming back?"

"Isn't it obvious..." Lancelot sighed, "I'm talking about my reasons."

 Today's chapter is a little bit longer. I mainly feel that half of the chapters are a bit interesting, and many of the contents are known to everyone before. There are suspicions of hydrology, so I wrote a little more~ Thank you brother for not being able to think of a name, book friend 201803311044177891, Book friends 160723093321195 Monthly tickets for three book friends, and friends who voted for recommendations!
(End of this chapter)

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