The knight in the abyss

Chapter 437 Mortal Standing Army

Chapter 437 Mortal Standing Army

"No, these berries are already dead. They don't feel pain, so it's not a form of torture." Lancelot rested his forehead with one hand, "It tastes better this way, you'll know if you try it..."

"Well, it's true that peeled things always taste better. By the way, these berries are not dead, they contain very strong life energy..." Tijana looked at the panic on Lancelot's face The expression showed the expression after a successful prank, "But they really don't feel pain, so you are right."

"I'm glad you like them." Lancelot breathed a sigh of relief, "Back to our topic just now, have you considered relying on mortals to improve the strength of Shuangqiao Town? It is unlikely that we will kill each other because of doing nothing , and the wealth you earn from the arms trade should be enough to maintain a large army..."

"You mean looking for mercenaries? My coffers are full, but do you know how expensive a mercenary army is enough to fend off the demon army? They will suck all your gold like a dimensional hole, And the devils will probably wait until the day after you go bankrupt before launching an attack..." Tijana stuck her claws into the cup and strung up several berries with ease, "It won't be better than me to fork these How hard is the fruit?"

"I'm not talking about mercenaries, but the establishment of a standing army belonging to Shuangqiao Town, just like your demon army." Lancelow shook his head, "Before I further elaborate on my point of view, let me ask a question .As the lord of Shuangqiao Town, why are you willing to accept those escaped slaves, mortals trapped in the abyss plane, and demon residents who have no interest in bloody battles? Why don't you pursue more than an ordinary demon lord? Territory, power, or a chance to spread destruction and chaos?"

"Why should I tell you this? And what answer do you want to hear from me?" Tijana's tone gradually became higher, "I'm actually a guy like Helotesia, and it's completely wrong to take those poor people in." Out of good intentions? Sorry to break your fancy, but it is impossible for that kind of people to establish themselves in the abyss. The reason I do this is simple, because even after deducting the salaries paid to them, the free folk are still Will produce more than slaves!"

"So you're not interested in torturing your mortal inhabitants for fun?"

"Why would I do that?" The succubus looked very excited, "It's not good at all!"

"And that's the answer I want."

Lancelot smiled suddenly, and it was a smile from the heart, which made Tijana stunned.

"I don't know if you realize it yourself, but you don't seem to have a hobby of taking pleasure in the pain of others, which means you are not an evil person." Lancelot continued to peel the berries, "At least not that evil... ...Anyway, that's what Helotesia told me."

"So?" Tijana narrowed her eyes, "What are you trying to say?"

"Relax, taste this, this is the fruit of roses withered, I hope you will be more beautiful than flowers after eating." Lancelot passed another berry, "I have to admit, I love you Full of curiosity, but I'm sure you'll tell me why yourself when the time is right. What I'm saying now is that you should trust the mortal inhabitants of Twinbridge to take up arms and armor and tell them about the town the threats they face, and take responsibility in the battle to come, to defend their way of life now."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Tijana raised her eyebrows high, "Why would they take the risk of being killed to participate in the battle with the devil? Even if Shuangqiao Town is captured, they will not be killed Yes, those dwarves are precious strategic resources..."

"But they will be enslaved and lose their freedom again." Lancelot reminded, "As far as I know, most of the mortal residents in this town have been enslaved. For them, freedom is the best thing you can give. Precious things, they would rather choose to die than wear chains again."

Lancelot's words made Tijana fall into silence.The succubus lord was obviously thinking. Human knights did provide a brand new way of thinking. If the thousands of dwarf residents in Shuangqiao Town could really be used by her, it would indeed be a force that could not be ignored.The question is how to make those stubborn and proud dwarves really follow her instead of just seeing her as a greedy and stingy employer?

"I will consider what you said." Tijana stood up, "It's getting late, I have other things to deal with..."

"Do you want to go?" Lancelot also stood up, "Can I take a moment of your time?"

"Oh?" The succubus turned her head abruptly, "Is it only for a while?"

"If you want, you can stay a little longer." Lancelot got up and walked towards the door, "Please follow me."

"Outside?" There was reluctance in Tijana's voice, "Are you sure?"

"Ahem...I think you may have misunderstood." Lancelot opened the door, "I just want you to see this..."

Countless colors poured into the room, and the dreamy garden appeared in front of the two of them at once, and the expression on the face of the succubus lord instantly became extremely exciting, comparable to the shock of ordinary people seeing Brutal for the first time. The reaction when wearing the transformation ring.

Lancelow politely made an inviting gesture, Tijana walked forward involuntarily, and naturally took the human knight's arm.

"Remember what I told you just now, the big garden in Melanton Burton?" Lancelot gently led her through the blooming flowers with standard knight etiquette, "At that time, I was thinking, It’s too wasteful for me to appreciate such a beautiful scenery by myself.”

"I've never seen such a sight..." The beautiful succubus voice almost whispered, "You are, how did you do it?"

"The seeds of many flowers, the ability to make plants grow quickly, plus a priest of Sune." There was a little anxiety in Lancelot's voice, "I hope you like these..."

"Of course, I like it very much."

"In that case, you can come and visit often in the future."

The succubus stopped suddenly, and Lancelot turned his head, only to find that Tijana was looking at him, as if a thousand star strikes were shining in his eyes.At the same time, behind a half-open window on the third floor, a very beautiful red-haired woman appeared in a standing mirror. She looked at the scene in the garden with a smile on her face, The finger pointed down lightly, and then quickly disappeared.

 Thanks to SOGLans, book friends 20191107142136016, and Kunkutakatikatikot Suwasirasong for their monthly votes~Thank you for your support~ Happy new week everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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