The knight in the abyss

Chapter 444 Scroll of Darkness

Chapter 444 Scroll of Darkness
"Morning, Karaline." Lancelot greeted the scholar, "Are these two your colleagues? I remember you said there was only one."

"Hey, Lancelot? Why are you here?" Karaline got up unexpectedly, and then introduced to everyone: "This is the Sir Lancelot I told you about, and Isabella is walking with him. Miss La. Lancelot, this is Dr. Hazel Moldani, the emissary of the order, he is the head of a secret branch of the order in the abyss, I am sorry that I cannot tell you the location of that branch; It was Dr. Jeste Fronstein who came to this place temporarily through ritual spells after learning about my achievements, and he will take my manuscript directly back to the headquarters of the order."

"Are you Sir Lancelot?" The two members of the Black Order hurriedly stood up and saluted, "Please take a seat. Brother Karalin has introduced us many stories about you, which is very impressive..."

"You two, it's a pleasure to meet you." Lancelow sat down after paying a salute, observing the person in front of him calmly.Hazel looks like a human in his prime, but the wrinkles around his eyes and gray beard suggest that aging has gradually caught up with him; while Jester is a half-elf with a serious expression, which makes people feel a little staid , under close observation, it can be found that there is a special sense of dissociation on his body, as if it is a drop of oil dripping in water.

"Sir Lancelow, you can also have a cup of tea." Hazell waved to Boss Tiefling behind the bar, "At the same time, we can talk about possible cooperation opportunities..."

"Opportunities for cooperation?" Lancelow glanced at Karalin in surprise, "What exactly are you referring to?"

"First of all, from the information we have learned, sir, you are a very powerful adventurer who leads an efficient and powerful team. Judging from the materials submitted by the Karalin brothers, you have been to at least three In different levels of the abyss, we have encountered dozens of battles with demons..."

"Please rest assured that Brother Karalin did not disclose any specific adventure content, but only recorded what he saw and heard during the journey and the ecology of the demons." Seeing that Lancelow's eyes were a bit unfriendly, the half-elf Jester quickly explained, "What we want to say is that most adventurers will die on their first journey to the abyss, and those who come back alive are very few willing to go a second time, and you and your team will be very good partners. In their quest for knowledge of the Abyss, the Order is generous to anyone who can help..."

"I think you may have misunderstood. Although we are mercenaries, we will not carry out dangerous missions just for money." Lancelow shook his head coldly, "I'm afraid..."

"That's not what we mean." The half-elf gave his companion a wink, and the latter immediately took out a bundle of thick scrolls from his bag and handed them to Lancelot, "The carrier of knowledge has many forms, and it can be defeated. The horns or claws of a demon, it can be a weapon or armor used by the demons, or even a log that accurately describes the experience of traveling in a certain level in the abyss. This is the catalog that the order is willing to pay for, and you can understand , this kind of entrustment is not suitable to be released directly in the mercenary hall."

Lancelot opened the scroll and found that there was a long list on it, including general items such as 'the body residue of the original demon, one sum per pound', 'living cowards, five gold coins', as well as 'The dagger used to kill the sacrifice in the ritual of successfully summoning the demon', 'the perception stone that recorded the process of making love with the succubus, priced by the second' are relatively specific quotations.

Curiously, he fully unfolded the scroll to check the items with the highest bids.

'Weapons with good or order (non-evil) attributes, [-] gold coins, negotiable. '

"The captured Barlow Balrog, [-] gold coins, negotiable price. '

'Manuscripts, notes, manuscripts, long scrolls and other text carriers in any form of the founder of the order, Turkot Noor Aham, and his disciples, the order is willing to exchange these items at any reasonable price.Please note that these items have a high chance of attracting the attention of Abyss Demons, so always be vigilant when carrying them. '

"This refers to the Book of Darkness, right?" Lancelot pointed to the entry at the end, "How dare you let this kind of thing go outside?"

"The sect wants to collect all the Tome of Darkness, but their nature determines that is impossible." Jeste the half-elf smiled wryly, "The Tome of Darkness actually has many sub-volumes. At the beginning of creation, They were handed over to different people for various purposes, each possessing powerful powers against demons.It is said that Eminem cast a spell on his manuscripts, ordering them to wander around the universe to avoid being collected and destroyed by demons. "

"Power?" Lancelot raised half of his eyebrows. There was a glass of 'tea' with purple bubbles in front of him, but the human knight seemed not interested in tasting it. "What power? Those volumes are not used to record and Do you have knowledge about demons?"

"Each tome is a magical item, initially just to allow the holder to more easily discover hidden traps, or the ability to see invisible demons, but as time goes by, the power contained in these tomes has become stronger and stronger , some even reached the level of artifacts, allowing the bearer to grow a demonic shell to resist attacks, temporarily gain supernatural vitality, or summon a high demon to serve the bearer." The half-elf said these There was no complacent expression on his face at the time, "This makes the scrolls very attractive to non-demon researchers, and greatly increases the difficulty for the religious order to collect and transcribe them."

"They also sound very attractive to me." Lancelot nodded. "Let me guess, you already have information about the whereabouts of a certain scroll?"

"It's just very vague information. Generally speaking, we never disclose it to the outside world, but Kara Lin has proved that you are trustworthy, sir." Hazel beside the half-elf said first, "There have been rumors before that Abyss No. 20 There is a complete dark scroll in the collection of the three-layer steel ice lord Koschurch. Now Koschurch is a prisoner of Zariel, the Grand Duke of Avernas, and its treasure house was attacked while its master was imprisoned. There are many Witnesses claim that the dark scroll fell into the hands of a lesser frost giant lord. Those frost giants are not demons, so they can use the power of this artifact normally."

"I see." Lancelow nodded, "But I have no plan to go to that level in the near future. In fact, I don't think a book of darkness is worth taking my partners to a strange and dangerous level. Even with that item, I'd be more inclined to keep it for myself."

(End of this chapter)

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