Chapter 446
"of course."

A few seconds later, the female bartender pushed a heavy black iron cup towards Lancelot.The glass was filled with clear drinking water, with fingernail-sized ice cubes floating on it.Lancelow raised his cup and took a sip. The cool taste made the human knight feel very comfortable.

"Thank you." Lancelot nodded, and then walked up to Brutal with the cup. He first tried to wake up the dwarf, and then he pushed the dwarf, but Brutal was still sleeping soundly.

"You will testify to me in a while, I have already tried the normal method." Lancelot greeted little Isa, who just covered his mouth and snickered, beckoning him to continue quickly.

After getting the little girl's permission, Lancelot stretched out the glass and poured cool water down the back of Brutal's neck.At first the dwarf didn't respond, but when an ice cube from the glass slipped down his neck, Brutal finally woke up.

"Wow!" The dwarf jumped up from the sofa, "Petrified lizard! A petrified lizard is licking me!"

Soon the dwarf stopped shouting, realizing that his life was not in danger.He found his shirt was wet, and Lancelot and little Isa were standing in front of him holding a very suspicious cup.

"If the water in it runs out and you don't wake up, I have to use the cup itself." Lancelot showed the heavy iron cup in Brutal's hand, "When we are adventuring in the wild, it's okay to wake you up So difficult."

"Wait a moment, nature's call." The dwarf hurried towards the toilet, and there was a loud and angry splashing sound immediately.The duration of that voice was amazing. When Lancelot was about to lose patience, the dwarf came out staggeringly and threw himself back on the sofa.

"Moradin's beard, how much did I drink last night..." Brutal covered his face with his right hand, rubbed his temples with his thumb and middle finger, trying to dispel the headache caused by the hangover, "you Can't you wake me up in a gentler way?"

"Little Isa can testify that I have tried various conventional methods just now." Lancelot put his hand on Brutal's shoulder and injected a wisp of true essence into the dwarf, "How about it? Are you feeling better?"

"What?" The dwarf blinked in confusion, then sat up with a grunt, "Wow! Brother, you are amazing! But why are you here? Do you have a new adventure? I'll go back and organize my equipment..."

"Do you want to go out again so much?" Lancelot looked at the dwarf unexpectedly, "I thought you would want to stay in Shuangqiao Town for a few more days."

"I've already visited Papa, bragged about my adventures with my fellow countrymen, and my hammer has almost rusted from a month of doing nothing in Andrinal." Brutal shrugged, "but I guess You're in no rush to leave just yet, are you? How was your date with Tijana last night?"

"It was intense, it almost exhausted her." Seeing Brutal's eyes widen with excitement, Lancelot added with a smile: "We had a good fight on the training ground, and the result was... encouraging .Let’s not talk about this anymore, I came to you because I want to make something..."

Lancelot took out a piece of parchment from the bag, on which was a sketch he had drawn based on the description in the small bamboo slip.Although Brutal is only a half-baked blacksmith apprentice, he has no problem understanding Lancelot's needs.

"That is to say, the strange thing you want called 'ding' is actually an alchemy crucible, right?" Brutal stroked his beard, "That kind of thing should be able to withstand high temperature, can be heated evenly, and not It will release strange elemental power... Do you have any other special needs?"

"No more." Lancelot shook his head, "But it must be able to withstand very, very high temperatures..."

"Then I'll give you one step, and cast it with fine gold, how about it?" The dwarf rubbed his hands excitedly, "I know you can afford the money, boss..."

"Fine gold?" Lancelot couldn't help becoming vigilant, "How much does it cost?"

"Hmm... about [-] gold coins." Brutal shrugged, "Drage is specialized in making these 'tools', and the storage is fast and good for you. Do you still have an impression of him? You were together The one who saved us from those demon overseers was the one who dyed his beard red..."

"Twenty thousand gold coins is still a bit...expensive." Lancelot scratched his head, "Thinking about it carefully, maybe it doesn't need to be so good from the beginning. Are there other options?"

"The cheapest one is iron, and I can get it for you, just fifty gold coins." Brutal glanced at him sideways, "Either?"

"...don't make trouble."

"I'm serious. Although my father thinks I can't do anything, it's not a big problem to be a pot." The dwarf shrugged, "If you find a decent coppersmith, it will cost about five hundred gold coins. You You can also make an all steel one, not much more expensive than a copper one, but it will take a little longer. If you want to be more flashy, only two thousand gold coins will get you a solid gold one, but that The thing isn't heat-resistant, and while I like the idea, I don't recommend it."

"Just get me a steel one." Lancelot pouted, "Make it stronger, the kind that can be used as a weapon if necessary..."

"Don't worry about this, every dwarf product has that function." Brutal rolled up the parchment that Lancelot spread on the table, "Come with me, Uncle Draeger will be happy to repay you For life-saving, I believe he will at least give you a [-]% discount..."

Lancelot got his 'Ding' at noon that day.The three-legged piece of steel rests a foot above the ground, the spherical vessel in the center holds about a gallon and a half of liquid, and the two sturdy carrying handles make this forty-pound piece of metal an absolutely deadly force in a pinch. arms.For the sake of practicality, Lancelot did not require any surface treatment such as polishing, painting and engraving, but only smoothed some sharp edges that may cut fingers.

After the three returned to Hagrid Manor, Lancelot immediately wanted to try his new toy.He transformed an underground torture room into his own refining room. This stone secret room made it difficult for him to be disturbed by accidents when refining tools, and it also greatly reduced the risk of fire.

As an introduction to formations, the first thing he needs to master is the refining of the 'array flag'.The array flag itself is just a small leather flag the size of a palm. He needs to refine the collected materials into a special kind of 'ink', and then use these inks that contain the power of the five elements to write on the flag. 'Spell', if all goes well, a formation flag that can be used to arrange the formation is considered complete.

 Thanks to Ji Wei for the reward and the monthly ticket, as well as Muyufu, 2332112313, elendor, laochencu, SOGLans, spy from Zhuwan, Old Man in the Mountain, Ranma Falling in Love with Shanpu, Gluttony and Greed for the monthly tickets, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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