The knight in the abyss

Chapter 448 The effect is good

Chapter 448 The effect is good
"Forget it, as long as it's easy to use." Lancelot waved his hands pretending not to care, but he was actually afraid that the existence of divine power would really reveal something, "How many of them have Brutal made?"

"88! ... 89!" said the dwarf himself, and the voice sounded close to the limit.

"Brutal, if you still have the strength to do more than twenty at a time, it means that the load is not enough." Lancelot said to the dwarf, then shook his head at Aramiel, "You are too light for him. "

"Are you coming too?" The elf put his weight on the dwarf's hip, "If you let me support me, I can stand on only one foot."

"Forget it." Lancelot laughed, and walked towards the door, "I still have magic experiments to do."

"Is there a risk of explosion?" The elf asked earnestly, "Should we go out early?"

"No need at the moment." Lancelow's face collapsed, "One by one, have some confidence in me?"

After speaking, he hurried out the door, leaving behind the panting of the dwarf and the laughter of the elf.

It was already evening at this moment, and the twilight sun on the Wanyuan Plain dyed the entire sky blood red.Perhaps it was the effect of the mysterious green liquid, the flowers in his garden showed no sign of withering at all, and they showed a somewhat strange beauty under the twilight.

Lancelot walked around the manor and planted flags in five inconspicuous corners.Afterwards, he returned to the basement of his refining tool, embedded a low-grade cold crystal into a special groove on the formation plate, and then tapped it lightly with his finger, stimulating it with a faint ray of true essence. Contains aura.

Light blue light spots shot out from the cold crystal, running along the route engraved on the iron plate, and connected with the formation flag buried before.Looking at the shimmering lines on the array disk, Lancelot's heart moved slightly. If the cold crystal that provides spiritual energy is regarded as the dantian, those lines are meridians, and the whole structure looks similar to the circuit of the 'breathing technique'. Very similar.

Could it be that the so-called array is actually a form of exercise?
Lancelot will pay more attention to this problem in the study of formations in the future, but what he is most interested in now is to confirm whether the 'qi storage array' he created is really effective.He ran out of the basement excitedly, ran to the outside of the manor, and then carefully sensed the atmosphere inside the manor.

The effect is obvious. At this distance, his spiritual sense should be able to clearly sense the number, orientation and distance of the creatures in the house, but at this moment, his spiritual sense feels that there is nothing in front of him except an open space.

Lancelot couldn't help feeling a burst of joy in his heart.I struggled all afternoon, and after many failures, I finally succeeded in arranging this formation.According to the Xiaozhu Slips, even if he has entered the art of formation now, it seems that his talent in cultivation is not bad.

Just when he was happy, a blue-white light suddenly lit up beside him, and after a few breaths, Tijana's figure appeared beside him.The succubus lord looked quite nervous, and he was wearing a full set of armor at the moment, holding the whip that Barend gave her in one hand, and a lantern in the other hand, which was shining with a silver light. Light.

"What's the matter?" Lancelot's expression immediately became tense, and Frost Zhan was pulled out of the dimensional bag instantly by him, "Is there an enemy?"

Tijana didn't answer right away, her eyes lit up with a purple light, and she glanced back and forth suspiciously at Lancelot, as if to confirm whether something else had changed him.Then he frowned and looked at Hagrid Manor in front of him, as if something puzzled him.After confirming that everything looked normal, she asked Lancelot in a suspicious tone:

"Are you all right?"

"I'm fine." Lancelot said pretending to be innocent, but he wondered if the succubus lord had sensed the newly activated formation, "What made you come here suddenly?"

"In my perception, Hagrid Manor suddenly disappeared." Tijana turned her head to look inside the manor again. From the position of the two of them, the manor looked decayed, dilapidated and overgrown with thorns, but that was precisely The result of an illusion cast by a succubus lord. "I thought you did something stupid. You superimposed two dimensional spaces and were thrown into a corner of the astral world."

"Then what is your lantern for?"

"Navigation." Tijana briefly explained, "Let me find you in the astral world."

"Hey, thank you for your concern." Lancelot smiled involuntarily, as if he wanted to give the succubus lord a hug, "I made you worry, I'm so sorry..."

"It's outside!" Tijana only let Lancelow hug him for a short time, then pushed him away in embarrassment, and said in a low voice, "If people know about our relationship, my enemies will You regard it as a breakthrough, which is not good for you! Don't do this next time!"

"Ahem, I understand." Lancelot made a gesture of invitation, "Then let's go 'inside' first? Maybe I can explain the reason for that strange phenomenon..."

Tijana glared at him, hurried in, and followed Lancelot down to his secret room.Of course, it's not just her, Brutal, Alamir, and Karaline all followed curiously. Anyway, formations will definitely be used frequently in the future, so let's tell everyone at once, so as to save money in the future. It has to be explained again.

It is not difficult to explain the function of the formation. In this world full of magic, there are many ways to do similar things, but Tijana is very curious about the working principle of this formation.Although she is also a warlock herself, it is difficult to understand the principle of power in another warlock, which is the difference between them and mages.

Mages acquire spellcasting ability through study, research, and training, while warlocks' spellcasting ability comes directly from the power contained in their blood, such as the dragon ancestors mentioned by Aramer, who inadvertently drank from the magic fountain , or even the dark blessing of a certain abyss lord or prince of the devil (Tijana can rule out this possibility), these may ignite a creature's magic talent.

"I've never seen such a form of magic power, and I'm sure it's not the power of Shar's Shadow Demon Web." The succubus lord repeatedly studied the iron formation disk, "How on earth do you have this power?" Kind of weird knowledge?"

"Uh, did I tell you how I came to the abyss?" Lancelot secretly apologized for misleading Tijana, "I passed through a very special portal, and Karaline said it was definitely not The normal state of transmission..."

"It sounds like you were exposed to the original magic power when you crossed the plane." After listening to Lancelow's narration, the succubus lord shrugged, "In other words, this is actually someone from a distant country. Magic power, that's interesting..."

 Thanks to the book friends for the rewards on the charging time, and to the book friends elendor, Xia Chongshayu, on the charging time, releasing the pigeons in the colorful stars, and the monthly tickets voted by April~Yu, everyone have a happy weekend!

(End of this chapter)

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