The knight in the abyss

Chapter 450 Proposals

Chapter 450 Proposals
After enjoying a satisfying abyss chicken barbecue meal with his friends, Lancelot headed to the barracks alone.

It was night now, but the braziers all over the street provided sufficient lighting, and the never-extinguishing forges in the blacksmith district made the sky red.To some extent, Shuangqiao Town at night was even more lively than during the day, and naturally it was more chaotic.Drunkards are fighting each other for stupid reasons, vendors who sell other people's or their own flesh are shouting loudly on the street, and theft and extortion are happening every second.

Even Lancelot must be careful and keep a low profile when walking through such streets.Fortunately, the plate armor on his body and the long sword on his back are deterrent enough, and some of the lowest demon citizens in this town have already known Lancelot, knowing that this ugly human knight is actually the master of Dink, and that Already the mutant quasaimo is a new gang leader on the streets.

After passing through the noisy mercenary area, he came to Tijana's magnificent castle.The rock of this castle is dark red, it looks like the blood has dried up, like a war machine that kills countless people, standing silently in the center of this town located in the river Styx.

And Tijana's barracks is right next to the castle.Most of the barracks were circular buildings made of heavy stones. After staying in Shuangqiao Town for such a long time, he could already see that these low barracks were handcrafted by dwarf craftsmen.Lancelot was stopped by two Brezu demons at the entrance, but after explaining his purpose, the guards allowed him to pass and told him that the lord was approaching the lava lake.

Lancelot gave each of the two guards a gold coin as a thank you, and then entered the barracks area.Like most demon lords, Tijana's warriors are mainly Berserker Demons. This toad-shaped mid-level demon is tenacious and fierce, and at the same time has a head that can be easily tricked. and working for a lord without being abused.

In addition to the berserkers, there are also a considerable number of breezu who serve under the account of the succubus lords.These wiry, ram-headed demons are masters of weaponry, capable of rampaging in battle, and are the daggers of demonic legions charged with tearing through enemy lines.The only problem is that even for demons, they are too aggressive to sustain much size at all.

After passing through a large area of ​​noisy barracks, Lancelot came to the side of a magma lake.Tijana was supervising a group of dwarf artisans digging a large pit in the ground, which looked like a stable for livestock, with a lizard general and two succubus maids following her.When Lancelot was still some distance away, Tijana noticed the arrival of the human knight.He ordered something to the snake demon, then left his followers and walked towards Lancelot.

"Good evening, my lady." Lancelot gave a standard knight salute to Tijana, "You look beautiful."

"I know." Tijana gave Lancelot a smug smile, and then walked towards a relatively remote direction, "Sorry, I'm really busy today, apart from the hatch here, I will be supervising later Strengthening of the city walls... Let's talk as we walk, what have you heard about the Dwarf Legion? Do they hate this plan?"

"Most of them just complained that the announcement didn't disclose more information." Lancelot quietly followed the succubus lord like a knight protecting the princess, "Dwarves don't like this kind of uncertainty, you should reveal more information as soon as possible." More details about the formation of this legion."

"I just took your advice." Tijana shrugged. "Now tell me, what details do I reveal to them?"

"The most important question is, who is the commander of this legion? Who is responsible for organizing and training them, and giving orders during the battle?" Lancelot said with a serious expression, "I don't think you want to do it yourself, so You need someone who is capable and trustworthy. He has to be passionate about the job to create a strong army for you."

"Why don't you come and do it?" Tijana stopped, and looked at the human knight seriously, "I know you have a lot of experience and strength enough to convince the crowd, and I can fully trust you."

"It's an honor, but I'm not the right candidate." Lancelow shook his head decisively, "Except for the Frostforged clan, only a few dwarves know me, and they are unlikely to trust a commander who is not of their own clan. And personally, I prefer an adventurous life outside, and I don't want to go back to the barracks again for the time being."

"I guessed you would say that." Tijana shrugged and continued to walk forward, "So, do you have any suggestions for this?"

"Before I continue, I want to know something else." Lancelot followed the succubus lord, walking around the large pit that was about to be completed, "You have a way to ensure that a dwarf is completely safe if the target is voluntary." Are you loyal?"

"I can ask them to swear in the name of Moradin that before their souls go to the dwarf's house, they must be completely loyal to me, otherwise their souls after death will become my property and suffer eternal torture." Ti Jana said with a cold expression, "Although the dwarf god will not be happy about this, an oath made in his name will be carried out, and the dwarves themselves know it well. Compared with other lords, This is already a very generous condition, and I believe most dwarves are willing to accept it."

"You can give some more promises. For example, their duties are limited to defending Shuangqiao Town, and they can refuse orders to massacre civilians, torture captives, or blaspheme Moradin's beliefs. This will make them more willing to accept." Lancelow suggested. Said, "Since you can ensure the loyalty of the commander, then let the craftsmen committee choose you."

"Craftsmen's Committee?" Tijana looked at him in surprise, "Those people may be experts in smelting and construction, but they don't know anything about military affairs..."

"But the dwarves recognize the authority of these committee members." Lancelot patiently explained, "You can ask the committee to organize all the dwarves and select five suitable commanders, and then you can choose one of the five as the commander-in-chief. The work of recruiting soldiers, organizing training, and arranging logistics can all be handed over to the commander-in-chief and his adjutants, and you only need to control these five people to control the entire army."

"If the dwarves are dissatisfied with the harsh training or disastrous failure, I can appease their anger as long as I appoint a new commander." Tijana exclaimed in surprise, "I can't see it, so your There is also some bad water in the stomach."

 Thank you Lucky for your monotonous reward, and thank you for the monthly votes cast by Wind Power Sheep and Flying Fatty Rong ~ Thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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