The knight in the abyss

Chapter 453 Blocking

Chapter 453 Blocking

With a roar, Brutus threw his hammer, like a storm, went straight to the front of Flo.The demon immediately tried to dodge by changing the route, but the rapidly spinning warhammer drew a beautiful arc and completely hit the vulture demon. With the sound of bones breaking, the heart in the demon's chest was crushed into a A ball of fleshy mud, and the magic hammer flew back towards the dwarf.

The rest of the demons became even more angry. They swarmed up, trying to attack the dwarves while they had no weapons in their hands, but Lancelot made a move.He stomped his feet heavily, and the ground shook like a drum, and instantly bounced the unarmored human knight into the air dozens of feet high.

The sudden approach of human knights caught the Vlooms by surprise, but Lancelot had already locked on the target.A silver moon-like arc appeared in midair, and immediately a Vlo was split in half from the middle, and the body fell powerlessly towards the ground.

After this sudden thrust, Lancelot still had enough strength, he turned his body slightly, and slashed at another Flo demon beside him.The enemy tried to block the attack with their own claws, but the Frost Slash made of cold iron could restrain the demon's natural armor. Lancelot also activated the Qingyun Sword Art at the same time, and the sharp blade seemed to cut through straw The sickle easily cut off all of Flomo's bird claws.

At the moment when the weapon was about to touch the enemy's body, Lancelow slightly rotated the blade, and slammed the demon's face with the back of the sword.The force of the blow was so strong that Flomo's head exploded like a smashed watermelon, and Lancelot used the lift brought by the slap to roll forward in the air, his feet heavy Stepping on the headshot corpse, the whole person jumped to a higher place again.

Frost Slash once again drew a cold arc, cutting No.3 Flo in half.In just a few breaths, he killed so many enemies, and the terrifying killing efficiency completely frightened the enemies.The few remaining fromrogs wailed in fear, turned and tried to fly away, and at this moment gravity caught up with the human knight and dragged him towards the ground.

Since the demons were about to run, Lancelot didn't intend to continue chasing them, but Tijana didn't seem to think so.The succubus lord had been preparing a powerful spell just now, and when Lancelot began to fall, the spell was completed.In order to pursue power and range, she did not use her instant spell casting ability, but used her super magic skills on spell strengthening.

The human knight's spiritual sense sensed a terrifying force converging on Tijana, and then the succubus lord threw out a piece of iron that exuded cold air. Huge phantoms of shackles appeared on Flo's body, and then slammed into them.

Those vulture-shaped demons froze, the wings that were flapping rapidly seemed to be frozen, and the bodies that lost power drew parabolas and fell towards the ground along the original direction of motion.

"Finish them." Tijana's indifferent voice sounded in everyone's ears, "You don't want these demons to have a special interest in this mountain, do you?"

Lancelot didn't need to tell Lancelot to understand this truth, but the three dwarves who stayed in front of the forge all the year round couldn't accept it.But it didn't matter, when they were still hesitating, Lancelot and Brutal had already dealt with all the demons who couldn't fight back.

"It's impressive." Tijana glanced at Lancelot in surprise, "It seems that you still have reservations during training."

"You too." The human knight smiled, took out a soft cloth, and wiped off the blood on the long sword, but the clothes on his body couldn't be cleaned like this.

"Stand still." The succubus lord stretched out a finger and lightly tapped Lancelot's body, and all the blood stains on his clothes disappeared immediately, "Perfect."

"Thank you, my lady." Lancelot returned the knight's salute. Because he didn't have any armor on his body, his blunt movements looked quite elegant, but Tijana, who was still covered in frost just now, was smiling like a flower, and her eyes were gentle. It was almost dripping water.

"Ahem!" Brutal broke the two who were acting like no one else, "Well, do we still have a pickaxe to get back?"

"Of course, of course." Tijana immediately came back to her senses, and instantly became the majestic succubus lord again, but there was still a shy blush on her face, "Lead the way, Adric Commissioner, let me see what you dug up in this mountain."

"Let me remind you in advance that the guards of the temple may not be very happy to hear of your arrival." The old dwarf once again showed a tangled look on his face, "They are very... fanatical in their belief in God the Father, please forgive them rude."

"Let's see." Tijana said noncommittally, "How long will you let me stand here?"

"This way!" The dwarf craftsman hurriedly stretched his legs, "We have to go down to the halfway up the mountain first..."

The entrance of the temple is cleverly hidden behind a series of huge stones. If there is no guidance, Lancelot will definitely not be able to discover this place.After passing through a dark tunnel, the passage suddenly became clear. Before their eyes, they saw a huge stone with a length of more than twenty feet and a shape carved into an anvil. To the interior of the temple.

At this moment, the gate of the temple was tightly blocked by two smaller square rocks, and on the steps in front stood seven fully armed dwarf warriors, who nervously but resolutely blocked the way of everyone, the leader of the guards With a trembling voice, he said:

"Stop! Tijana... my lord. Why did you come here?"

"I'm here to retrieve what belongs to me." Tijana crossed her arms, "Are you going to stop me?"

"What?" The dwarf guards looked at each other, "There is no..."

"Dyn Frostbeard's pickaxe." Commissioner Adric said weakly, "Master Tijana hopes that the sacred object will remain in the artisan's hall..."

"I never said I would give you that thing." The succubus lord stepped forward again, "Now, I want to get back what belongs to me."

"Wait!" The dwarf guards retreated subconsciously, but still firmly blocked her, "You cannot enter this sacred hall!"

"Oh, is that so?" Tijana raised her voice suddenly with the same eyebrows, and shouted loudly: "Soul Forger Moradin! I am Tijana, the demon lord of Twinbridge Town, an avenger born in a cage, a dwarf Protector of a family in the abyss! Now I want to get back something that belongs to me, and your temple will keep me out?"

 Thanks to Ah Qiwen, firework233, the old bookworm in [-], Xiao L, and the spy from Zhuwan for their monthly votes!I feel a little uncomfortable today, the update is late, sorry...

(End of this chapter)

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