The knight in the abyss

Chapter 456 Request

Chapter 456 Request
There was a strong sense of powerlessness from the spiritual connection, and the picture in front of Lancelow's eyes went black, realizing that their spiritual connection with Tijana had been disconnected.

The powerful scroll had been burned, and the succubus lord lay powerlessly aside.Lancelot stepped forward to help her up, and this time Tijana did not refuse the human knight's help.

"I rest..." the succubus whispered in his ear, "I'll be fine in a while..."

She couldn't finish her words, and she fainted. What was lost from her body was not just a few drops of blood.

"I need a room." Lancelow hugged Tijana, turned his head and asked the guards of the temple, "Also, can you return Frost Zhan to me? There is a wounded person here who needs protection."

"She can rest in Lady Mercy's room." The leader of the temple guards immediately replied, "Come with me."

Lancelot came to the room with the emblem of the burning long needle. The decoration in this room is very warm, with soft cushions, relaxing incense and a comfortable big bed. Luxurious hotel.

"Thank you, it looks really good here." Lancelot gently placed Tijana on the bed, turned around and thanked the guard leader, "I'm really sorry, I haven't asked for your name yet?"

"Gadine Iron Fist, it's a pleasure to meet you, sir." The dwarf bowed to him, and handed back the hand and half sword brought by his companion to the human knight, "I know what you did for the dwarves in Shuangqiao Town. You are a trustworthy friend in those matters, ser."

"It's a great honor." Lancelow nodded, and put Frost on his back, keeping it ready to be pulled out at any time, "This room seems very special... Is there a sign of Lady Mercy at the door? A burning Needle?"

"Yes, that is the holy emblem of Sharinduo. She is the goddess of healing and mercy for our dwarves, as well as the goddess of love and fertility." A strange smile appeared on Gadain's face, "The door of this room can be opened from It's locked inside, sir, if you need it."

"Ah?" Lancelot touched his nose subconsciously, "Are you... are you really the guards of the temple?"

"I'm just telling you all the options." The dwarf warrior shrugged. "Do you need to seal the entire temple, sir?"

"That's the best." Lancelow nodded. "Until Tijana recovers, she will be very fragile. We must keep this strictly confidential, and we must not allow any enemies in Shuangqiao Town to take advantage of it."

"Understood." Gadain nodded, turned and ran away.Lancelot thought for a while, but still did not close the door.He walked outside the room, guarding the spot cautiously, like a knight guarding a princess.

"Lancelot, I want to talk to you." Brutal's voice sounded in his ear, Lancelot turned his head and found the young dwarf standing in front of him with a troubled expression.

"Are you going to persuade me to take action?" Lancelot covered his face, "Listen, Brutal, I'm not the kind of guy who would take advantage of others..."

"What are you talking about?" The dwarf looked at him in confusion, "I want to talk to you about the sights I saw just now..."

"Oh." Lancelot blushed in embarrassment, "You continue..."

"I must retrieve the relic of Dyne Frostbeard." Brutal said to Lancelot with a serious expression, "I won't say hypocritically, this is my own business, it's too dangerous, brother, don't go There is a fucking dragon there! There are also countless giants and half-human half-dog beasts, brother, you must go with me! If you don’t go, I will definitely die !"

The young dwarf's voice was full of emotion, and he felt that he was going to cry while hugging the human knight's leg in the next second.Lancelot sighed helplessly, and patted the dwarf on the shoulder, "Don't worry, of course I won't just sit idly by, after all, that treasure house looks really attractive."

"No way!!!" Brutal slapped his thigh, and instantly stood up straight, "Have you seen those gems? According to my very professional estimation, the financial report inside is worth at least five hundred, no, at least It’s worth 1000 million gold coins! Counting those inestimable magic equipment, if our vote is successful, it will definitely be a feat that has never been done before or since!”

"You're thinking too much." Lancelot rolled his eyes at the dwarf who had already entered a smirk state, "It's impossible for us to empty that treasure house. First of all, there is no such a big dimensional bag..."

"It's just like the ticket we did in Oasis Castle last time. Get as much as you can, starting with the most expensive." Brutal suggested eagerly, "How much does a dimensional bag cost? Eight thousand gold coins? It's definitely a good investment if you ask me, we should each have one of..."

"What about the dragons, giants and beasts guarding the treasure house? Have you forgotten them?" Lancelot shook his head helplessly. "About that treasure house, where is it? Who is its owner? What other forces might Are you thinking about this treasure house? The information we have is too little, and only after obtaining detailed information can we get the armor... and get something else along the way."

"Okay...but we will definitely find a way, right?" Brutal beat the palm of the other hand with his fist, as if to encourage himself, "Just like the previous few times, you and scholars, priests Discuss a plan, and I'm responsible for killing as many enemies as possible during the battle..."

Lancelot was about to correct the dwarf's description of 'adventure', but his spiritual sense suddenly detected a powerful energy behind him.He turned around and found that the burning long needle emblem on the door was emitting a warm light, and a peaceful life energy emerged from the holy emblem out of thin air, continuously pouring into the sleeping succubus leader.

"Maybe I've been hit so much today that I'm not even surprised at this moment." Brutal sighed, "Since Father God is willing to open the gate of His temple for Tijana, Lady Mercy will take the initiative It's no surprise to show His mercy."

The treatment lasted for nearly a minute. When the light dissipated, the succubus let out a soft snort and opened its eyes that were originally closed.

"Do you feel better?" Lancelot stepped forward and held Tijana's hand, "Is there any discomfort in your body?"

"I feel... I've never felt so good before!" Tijana took Lancelot's hand and stood up abruptly from the bed, "What happened? How long have I been unconscious?"

"About ten minutes or so." Lancelot shrugged, "This is the room of Sharindo, the god of healing of the dwarves. He healed you."

"Xue Linduo? Thank you, that kind lady..." Tijana suddenly held Lancelot with both hands, put his hands on her chest and shook them gently, and at the same time said to him through the spiritual connection : "I have to get that armor, and you are the best man for the task. I'll cover whatever expenses your adventure requires if you're willing to help me with it. Please, Lancelot, this It's really important to me."

 Thanks to Yang Hua Luo Jin, SOGLans, Sui Yuan Jian lost to Science and Technology Gun for their monthly votes!I'm a little bit stuck today, sorry for the long wait!
(End of this chapter)

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