The knight in the abyss

Chapter 461 The Game of the Frost Giant

Chapter 461 The Game of the Frost Giant
"No, that fortress is actually a prison, imprisoning Georgard, a Titan, one of the ten brothers of Solem, the god of frost giants." Tijana shook her head, "Prince Wrath probably wants to It is used as a bargaining chip, but what it gets is the frost giant warriors who continue to come to honor the gods they believe in and sacrifice their lives. Defending there actually cost Kostchurch a huge price, but as long as the fortress gate is still in its hands Kostchurch will not concede defeat."

"Sounds like a good entry point." Lancelow rubbed his chin, "Maybe we can do something, use it to distract some guards in the glacier fortress...Here, what is this Volstad place?"

"It was a bloody town where frost giants who served Kostchurch were assembled. Chiefs argued among themselves as to who would best serve Kostchurch, the Great Giver of Endless Glory and Eternal Life. Arguments usually ended in The format of the duel concluded, sometimes with direct combat, and sometimes with the most traditional way of the race of giants: the stone-throwing match."

"Those tall idiots really like throwing stones very much." Brutal agreed. "But I also like the way they settle disputes. Whoever can throw the stone farther wins. It's so simple!"

"Almost, but according to the report I got, the details of this kind of competition may be a little different from what you think." Tijana glanced at the dwarf with great interest, "The challenged person will throw a stone first, and then Standing in place, the challenger will then go to the place where the stone fell and throw the stone back. If the stone hits the challenged, it loses. It is said that this is the main way of reducing the number of troops under Kostchurch, but due to Stone throwing is very 'giant', so Prince of Wrath has absolutely no incentive to ban it."

"Interesting, interesting." Lancelot tapped his chin quickly with his fingers, "Can I understand that, for giants, this kind of stone throwing competition is sacred, no matter whether the challenged is dead or injured, others No one can take revenge, right?"

"In theory, yes." Tijana nodded, "but that only applies to giants. If you challenge a frost giant on the Iron Ice Field, it will just laugh wildly and try to line you up into a patty .”

"But what if I can turn into a frost giant?" Lancelot lifted a corner of the map on the table, "Kalarin once used a few strands of your hair to make a succubus transformation ring, and we happen to have a ready-made ring here Material."

"I can indeed make a transformation ring, but that won't give you the power of a frost giant." The scholar shook his head. "In addition, the effect of the transformation technique can't change your body shape."

"What if you add the giant enlargement technique?" Brutal looked at Kara Lin with eyes full of enthusiasm, "That kind of stone throwing competition sounds really interesting."

"Unfortunately, it still doesn't work." Karaline replied helplessly, "The giant enlargement technique can only double your original height, but the frost giant is a big guy over twenty feet tall, and magic can't help it." Makes you look like a real frost giant."

"Well, that's a pity. It seems that we can't expect to use this method to kill all the frost giants in the Iron Ice Field." Lancelow shrugged, and continued to move his fingers on the map, stopping at the edge of the map. Thick black lines, "What is this place where the black mist gap is written?"

"Many people with an interest in Kostchurch have asked the same question. The Prince of Wrath's tours of his country usually end there, but so far no one who has tried to investigate has ever returned alive to tell us what's inside "Tijana said with a serious face, "A conjecture that may be closest to the truth is that there is a long-dead Lord Obiris in the gap of the black mist, and the environment of the steel ice field has preserved his body to this day. This ancient demon After death, their spirit and memory don't fade away, but are read like a book spread out on the floor, while their maddening quality is preserved. You once fought a troll , you should know what characteristics I'm talking about."

"These former rulers of the abyss are really impressive." Lancelow shrugged, "We have resisted the influence of that crazy gesture, maybe this will give us some advantages?"

"My suggestion is, it's best to stay away from that place." Tijana crossed her arms and leaned back on the chair, "Your goal is to help me get that armor back, not to kill Kostchurch, but to use Don't have to figure out all its little secrets."

"That's not necessarily the case, maybe the secret hidden in that gap can help us enter the Glacier Fortress, in a form other than corpses and prisoners." Lancelow patted his hands on the table, straightened his body, "Another very critical question... how strong is the frost giant?"

"All giants can shoot boulders like archers shoot arrows, which makes them very dangerous at long distances. The huge weapons they wield are also amazingly destructive, but with the agility you and I have shown in practice, those giants cannot Hit you." Tijana grinned at Lancelot, "But you have to be careful of the spellcasters among the frost giants, they have mastered the magical power to manipulate ice and snow, and have the ability to summon beasts living on the ice field. Remember Well, it's hard to tell the difference between them and ordinary frost giants from the outside, so when your weapon is about to hit a frost giant, it's best not to feel too much about the sudden appearance of ice armor on it. surprise."

"Speaking of weapons, let's discuss the issue of equipment." Lancelot smiled shyly, "You said you would pay for the expenses of this adventure, right?"

"It's just a reasonable expense." Tijana glanced at Lancelot warily, "Any equipment you buy must be returned to me after the end."

"It's reasonable. After the matter is completed, we definitely don't need to go to that level for sightseeing." Lancelow spread his hands indifferently, "Let's solve the first problem first: how to keep out the cold. Do you have any suggestions for this?"

"Most of the equipment that can be found in the abyss is about resisting fire damage, and you don't have many choices." Tijana glanced at Kara Lin, "A spellcaster can cast the spell of enduring the environment once a day for everyone, but Doing so will use up all his spell slots in one ring, and it may not be very cost-effective. I know another way, which will not only prevent you from getting frostbite, but also make you resistant to cold damage caused by magic, that is Not very comfortable... are you interested in learning more about it?"

 Thanks to Fallendeva for the reward, wosdsd, Tianmingming tomorrow, the favor of Heikati, the spy of the Bay of Pigs, Fallendeva, and the starting point activities for the monthly votes from several book friends, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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