The knight in the abyss

Chapter 474: The Frost Orb

Chapter 474: The Frost Orb

The sound of metal and solid ice colliding sounded, but what the dwarf's hammer hit was not the incarnation of God, but was blocked by an ice wall that appeared out of thin air.Lancelow has seen this kind of spell several times, but the previous ones are completely incomparable with the works of the Ice Goddess.A blockhouse made of ice appeared almost out of thin air in front of his eyes. With his sword and dwarf's hammer, it was impossible to destroy this level of fortification.

But Karaline once said a simple principle: Magic must be defeated with magic.To deal with this ice wall, the spell of the succubus lord must be more effective.Lancelot stepped back while turning his head to check Tijana's situation.

He happened to see the end of those three ice mephits: self-destruct.Of course, these weak magical creatures cannot compete with the powerful Tijana, but suicide explosions are one of the purposes for which they were created.Accompanied by a burst of dazzling white light, these mephits exploded together, shooting out countless sharp ice blades, covering a radius of ten feet from the center of the explosion.

Faced with this kind of attack, even with Tijana's body skills, she couldn't completely dodge it. She could only wrap her body tightly with her wide wings, and let the razor-sharp ice slash across her beautiful body. bat wing.

"Tijana!" Lancelot shouted anxiously, his figure rushed over like an arrow from the string, and caught Tijana in his arms before she fell to the ground.

"I can actually stand on my own!" Tijana opened her eyes in Lancelot's arms, and screamed at Lancelot who was close at hand with the loudest volume she could, "But I didn't move on purpose so that you can come and hug me!"

"Hey!" Brutal protested loudly not far away, "There are still people here!"

"Uh..." The expression on Lancelot's face collapsed, "I'm glad to hear that, but it would be better if only I heard it."

"Sorry! I forgot that I can only scream and talk now!" Tijana flushed with shame, pushed Lancelot away, and at the same time shouted at Brutal: "Forget about it! You didn't say anything just now!" hear!"

"Whoa! What happened? Why am I here?" the dwarf roared back in a very pompous tone, "What's that? An ice fortress! How beautiful! There must be no one in it trying to kill us all." The incarnation of the god you killed, right?"

"Leave it to me." Tijana's voice suddenly returned to normal, "Thank God, the surge is finally over...Stand away, all of you!"

The human knight and dwarf warrior immediately backed away, watching as the succubus lord began to unleash a complex spell.With her gestures and incantations, a powerful energy gathered in her hands, and a magical aura appeared out of nowhere around Tijana, and it became brighter and brighter.When the brightness reached a certain limit, Lancelot knew that the spell had been completed.

"Don't be surprised if I show any other abnormalities after a while." Tijana suddenly turned her head and said to Lancelot, "This is the price of wild magic."

Before Lancelot could answer, Tijana released the spell in her hand.Lancelot felt a wave of heat blowing towards his face, as if he was standing in front of a blazing forge.A storm filled with scorching smoke was created by her, covering an area of ​​at least fifty feet, completely covering the fortress made of ice.

Even if the solid ice that made up the fortress was made by the saint of the Ice Goddess, it still couldn't resist the terrible high temperature.Although the thick smoke blocked everyone's sight, it could still be seen that the fortress was rapidly shrinking, obviously melting rapidly.

"Will this burn Mohoi to death?" Brutal looked at the thick smoke with some concern, "It's a pity, I haven't tried the smoothie he made..."

"The Priest Tiefling? He probably died the moment Aurul arrived." Tijana shrugged, seeing Lancelot also cast a questioning look, she continued to explain, "In the true God In front of the will, the soul of a mortal is as weak as an ant. When a true god descends through the body of a believer, the original soul in that body will be crushed instantly, unless the true god himself intends to protect it. But with the coldness of the ice goddess Cruel temperament, I don't think he would bother to do that."

"This is too miserable..." Brutal stuck out his tongue from his thick beard, "What was Mohoi's original purpose? To create a blizzard to prove his status as a goddess Great? It ended up like this in the end..."

"Do you think he is miserable?" The succubus lord glanced at the dwarf, "For most priests, merging with the gods they believe in is their ultimate pursuit. Will do it again.”

"But is it worth it?" Lancelot stared at the tumbling cloud of smoke, "Become part of something greater, but give up your own existence?"

"Of course it's not worth it, but this is just my answer. Although it sounds stupid, since mortals have free will, it's not surprising what kind of choices they make." Tijana looked at Lancelot with great interest , "If there is a suitable opportunity, I am happy to discuss this topic with you in depth, but we still have a problem to solve right now, Aurul is not so easy to pass..."

Tijana's voice hadn't finished yet, when a gust of cold wind suddenly erupted from the center of the scorching smoke cloud, blowing the smoke cloud around.Everyone had to cover their eyes with their arms at that moment, and when the smoke completely dissipated, they found that the Ice Goddess was standing there unscathed, and the terrifying wounds on her body had completely healed.

"What?" Brutal's eyes showed desperation, "It was all for nothing just now?"

"Don't be discouraged, dwarf, it is impossible for him to use this level of power indefinitely." Tijana flapped her wings and flew into the air, and the magic light lit up again in her hands, "Let's..."

She was unable to utter the rest of her sentence.Around Aurul's avatar, there were three more fist-sized ice balls floating in the air.The magic ball emitted a bright white light, and Lancelot felt a terrible suction in an instant.This suction is very special, like a vortex formed by the aura of heaven and earth, even though he tried his best, he still couldn't resist it.

In the next second, he found himself "imprisoned" in one of the ice balls, as if a whole glacier was pressing on him, making him unable to move at all, and the cold air was constantly eroding his body.

But Lancelot can still see the surrounding scene through the ice, such as Brutal trapped in another ice orb.He then realized that he was falling rapidly, hitting heavily on the ground that was very muddy due to the melted snow. It seemed that after sucking himself in, the ice ball lost its ability to float.

 Thanks to the 96-style dried salted fish, the old man in the mountain, 2332112313, the egg pain bear, the book friend 20200203230607930, the book friend 160723093321195, Chenge Ruier, the big zombie QAQ, the misty hatmaker, the unknown creature who can't look good, ⑥ masters The monthly ticket voted by book friends!In the last two days of the end of the year, the monthly pass is doubled. Some brothers should vote for it, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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