The knight in the abyss

Chapter 476 Wild Magic

Chapter 476 Wild Magic
The humanoid woman made of ice was attracted by the battle roars of the two of them, and turned her head in astonishment, just in time to see Lancelot jumping high, and the raised giant sword slashed at her head.

Lancelot's movement was unbelievably fast, and it was too late for the incarnation of the true god to dodge at this moment.In an instant, a shield of ice condensed in her hand, trying to catch the giant sword of the human knight and jump.

Although there was still room for change, Lancelow still chose to complete the attack.The heavy cold iron giant sword was like a stone bomb fired by a catapult, and it slammed heavily on the ice shield, creating a high-frequency sonic boom that made people's teeth sour.

Of course, Lancelow expected that this blow would not be able to penetrate the opponent's defense, so he prepared the follow-up action in advance: with the help of the force of the shock, he bounced straight up, completing a juggling act in mid-air. After rolling forward, the giant sword slashed towards the top of the opponent's head again.

His attacks continued very quickly. Aurul's avatar was still trembling from the jump just now, and there was no time to dodge, so he could only try his best to hold the shield above his head to resist this attack, but this also made her lower body completely useless. Without protection, it is completely exposed to another creature that likes to attack the lower body.

Although much slower than Lancelot, Brutal arrived at just the right time.The dwarf leaped forward, the shield was used as a skateboard under him, and his body was close to the ground and approached the opponent rapidly. When he reached the foot of the ice figure, he suddenly stood up and at the same time swung a long-planned hammer hit.

The function of this dwarf combat technique is similar to that of a human's charge and jump, except that the direction of the attack is from the bottom up, and the target of the attack is also Bruto's favorite - the knee.

Almost all dwarves have a special racial talent for finding out the key stress-bearing parts of a structure by mere intuition.This allows them to build mines, tunnels, and even fortresses and cities in the deep underground, and it also allows them to find the best strike position to destroy the enemy's balance in the battle of lightning and flint.

Brutal also had this gift, though he never realized it.The warhammer adjusted its route very naturally while swinging it, and hit the knee of the incarnation of god at a special angle.

Accompanied by a crisp sound like a blacksmith's hammer hitting an anvil, the right leg of the incarnation of the Winter Goddess twisted into a strange angle.Her body began to tilt uncontrollably to one side, but at the same time, the attack directly above also arrived.Lancelow seized this fleeting flaw, and the tip of the giant sword pierced the enemy's left shoulder, and then transformed into a cutting, allowing the blade to pass through the incision made by the tip like a saw blade.

Lancelot landed with an arm made of ice, and at the same time, a green light shone on the back of the Avatar of God, which was another dissociation technique from Tijana.

From just now, the succubus lord was in a state of full firepower. She was like a well-maintained city crossbow with sufficient ammunition, continuously releasing powerful spells one after another.Thanks to the short gap won by the dwarves and humans, Tijana used her metamagic power again, and in the previous confrontation, Aurul's avatar had used up her legendary saving ability and was powerless to stop this deadly attack. The spell works normally.

There were no dazzling flashes of light, nor violent explosions. The humanoid woman made of ice was silently disintegrated into fine dust-like ice chips, which were completely blown away by the blizzard that hadn't calmed down.Mohoi's body appeared where the saint was originally. Although he looked unharmed on the outside, Lancelow's spiritual sense clearly drove him, and what lay there was nothing more than a corpse.

"He was frozen to death." Old Rip, who had been staying behind just now, stepped forward and turned Tiefling's body over. "Only people who died of severe cold can show such a smile."

Lancelot and Brutal watched silently, only to see a strange expression on Mohoi's face that seemed to be a smile but not a smile, as if at the moment of death, he was not sure whether he felt pain or happiness .In addition, there are a large number of bright red spots on his naked skin, which is what happens after being frostbitten.

"This body looks quite complete, can we revive him?" Brutal raised his eyes and said to Lancelot, "I mean, we weren't actually fighting him just now, right?"

"It's useless, his soul is already with Aurul, if you use the resurrection technique on him, you will get nothing but a living corpse." Tijana also fell down, releasing a purple With an aura, the corpse sat up by itself under the spell, and after retching for a while, spit out a snowflake-shaped amulet.

"Aurul took his soul, and this thing killed his body." Tijana stretched out her long claws from her fingertips, and picked the amulet off the ground.She closed her eyes for a moment to feel it, and casually threw the talisman to Lancelot, "You're so stingy, it's not even a legend..."

"What is this?" Lancelow made a simple spell to remove the sticky dirt on the surface of the talisman. "It can resist cold damage? But how did Mohoi die?"

"The guardian of the Frost Maiden, the holder can use it to make up to eight creatures gain resistance to the cold, but a special ritual is required to take effect." Tijana shrugged, "You must hold this amulet in one hand , hold a block of ice bigger than your palm in one hand, and use your own body temperature to completely melt the ice... This ritual must be done in a snowy environment, and the effect is better at night. Take it back and let the scholars see, he The identification technique can get more detailed information."

"Sounds so troublesome." Brutal will support his own hammer, and stretched comfortably, "But it was really an epic battle just now, did you see my hammer? It's a reversal A blow to the battle situation, I will remember it for several years..."

"You'll forget about it next month, I promise you." Lancelot shook his head with a smile, "And, it's actually Tijana's magic that determines victory... Uh, what's going on with you?"

I saw illusory flower petals and butterflies constantly floating out of the succubus lord's body. Coupled with her beautiful face and slightly heaving chest due to panting, Lancelot was almost sluggish.

"Wow, what's wrong with my eldest sister?" Brutal scratched his head curiously, "Could it be that..."

Lancelot almost covered the dwarf's mouth with a teleportation movement, preventing the latter from saying what he was about to say.Looking at Tijana's puzzled expression because of his sudden violent movement, Lancelot knew that he had saved the dwarf's life again.

"There is wild magic power hidden in my body. Every time I cast a spell, it may cause a surge of magic power." The succubus lord seemed to be wrong, and he raised his hand and waved it casually, releasing more magic power. Petal phantom, "Most of the time, there are some harmless consequences, and the current phantom is one of them, or it will shout as soon as it opened its mouth like just now. However, there are also some very serious consequences, such as being turned into a flowerpot or It was a quasimo, temporarily exiled to the astral world, or even died on the spot."

 Thanks to Xia Chong Broken Feather, Ashamed to the First Sage, Book Friends 161118081832370, Book Friends 20190623015252245, Xiao L, Elendor, Jieran, Cha Lemon Going, Sword Breaking Chaos Ax Opening the Sky, Oo Little Wolf oO, ipwmumu for their monthly tickets !I heard that the price of the monthly pass has increased, and the subscription will only be given after 1500 points, so thank you everyone who voted, and I wish you all the best in 2021~!

(End of this chapter)

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