Chapter 488 Jump
In the end, Du Yinmo agreed to the contract.Both parties signed their names on it, and Charon's name automatically appeared on the scroll.Du Yinmo walked to the side of the boat and lightly threw the signed scroll out.

"What is this for?"

The dwarf exclaimed in confusion, but the next second he knew the answer.I saw a naked humanoid creature whose hands and feet were bound by iron chains jumped out of the Styx River, grabbed the scroll still in midair, and then fell back into the black Styx River.At the same time, Lancelot received a supernatural revelation that the contract just signed had come into effect.

"Is this the first time you see this kind of scene, dwarf?" Duyinmo said to Brutal in a mocking tone, "Those Baatezu have more tricks, wait for you to sign a contract with them to sell your soul I'll know when."

"I will not sign such a contract!" The dwarf turned his head angrily, "Never!"

"Why such a big reaction, that's not bad. The soul who signed the contract can usually skip the lemur stage and become a thorn devil or beard devil. If your soul is strong enough, or you get a big man It is not impossible to directly become a high-level devil." Du Yinmo shrugged indifferently, "As for the torture and torture that needs to be experienced to transform into Baatezu... People live to suffer, don't they? "

"When I die, my soul will go to the hall of God the Father..."

"Bah, stupid god-worshipper." Duyinmo spat contemptuously, "If you like to lose yourself and become part of that so-called 'great existence', it's up to you, but not everyone is that ridiculous Many people will do anything in order to preserve their 'self', and being a demon is nothing at all. Young man, you are still too naive to think about these issues when your soul is floating on the river Styx It's late."

Du Yinmo ignored the dwarf after speaking, took out a small bone horn from its bosom, and then blew lightly.

The sound waves far beyond the hearing range of ordinary people spread out silently, and Lancelot immediately noticed the fluctuations in the space around him.Twelve yellow sand-like portals appeared out of thin air, and a Du Yinmo walked out of each door.They kept silent with each other, as if they were communicating through telepathy. After a while, they quietly moved separately, some to control the sails, some to clean up the corpses, some to climb the mast, and some Standing like a statue at the stern of the boat, looking straight ahead at the river behind.The bone battleship started sailing under the control of these Duyinmo, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

"With their help, this boat can move forward a little faster." Weiss grabbed the rudder and smiled at everyone, "It's about to jump, I suggest you grab something, anything..."

Hearing the words, everyone grabbed the cables or masts around them one after another, and all the Duyinmo suddenly spoke at the same time, using a language that Lancelot had heard but could not understand—Purgatory language, and chanted some kind of lengthy incantation in unison .As the chanting progressed, the ship of bones under their feet began to shake violently, and when the chanting reached its climax, it suddenly jumped into the air.

The surrounding environment faded rapidly, and the world became some kind of surreal sea of ​​silvery dots and lines.His partners also turned into translucent phantoms, like disembodied souls, and a foot-long silver thread stretched out between the shoulder blades on the back, like a kite flying in the air.

"Welcome to the astral world. This is a convenient but not very safe way to travel." Weiss, who also turned into a phantom, said telepathically to everyone, "But we are only traveling for a short distance in the plane, so the question should be It’s not that big, you’ll arrive at your destination in just a few tens of seconds. That’s right, all of you are out of your body, and all of our bodies, as well as the bone warship, are still in place, but those who returned to the abyss plane In an instant, those cumbersome things will be teleported... Wait a minute, Mr. Jazz, what's your situation?"

Lancelot also had the same question.He was looking at his hands—slaps still flesh and blood.Yes, he felt a special pulling force just now, but after the establishment of the foundation, the state of his soul has undergone some changes. To use an inappropriate way to describe it, it has 'grown' together with his physical body , The pulling force just now not only pulled his soul to the astral world, but also pulled his body together.

Before he had time to answer, everyone suddenly fell 'downward', and instantly recovered their bodies after jumping over an invisible boundary.The battleship slammed heavily on the water, setting off huge waves—blood-red waves, and the iconic Tower of Bones on the horizon showed a simple fact: they had arrived at the destination of this trip, located in Lake Main on the edge of the Great Abyss.

"I'm a little special." Lancelot spread his hands, "And I'm not sure why."

Weiss didn't ask any more, because he knew that it was impossible to get an honest answer to this kind of question.It concentrated on manipulating the rudder, and let the huge warship drive towards a pier by the blood lake.

Lancelow recognized the pier. They had taken the ferry to Moglondal at that pier. At this moment, all the ferrymen on the pier who were waiting for business were all stunned by the sudden appearance of a giant.Weiss, who was at the helm, straightened his waist, which was originally weak, and Lancelow could easily feel some kind of pride from it.

The Bone Warship sailed into the not-so-spacious berth unceremoniously, pushing aside several other small boats that were ferrying demons around.The partners went down the deck one by one to land, and Weiss went to the side of the ship to say goodbye to them.

"It's a pleasure to spend a wonderful journey with you." The ferryman Duyinmo stood in a conspicuous position, ensuring that everyone on the pier could see him, "Although there were some twists and turns, it was still very pleasant overall. Is not it?"

"Yeah, I've had a lot of fun." The dwarf had already put the unhappiness behind him, "It would be great if I could exercise my muscles every time I take the boat."

"I prefer to travel without too many accidents." The elf habitually opposed the dwarf's point of view, "Even if you need to fight, it's best to be fully prepared."

"At least it's much faster than we expected." Lancelot nodded towards Weiss, "Thank you for your service."

"My honor, sir." An ugly smile appeared on the face of Duyinmo's boatman, "Then let's say goodbye here, and wish you all the best for the rest of your journey..."

"Thank you. But do you still owe me something?"


"When you need to use a boat in the future, call your method." Lancelot crossed his arms and said, "If I don't mention it, are you going to pretend that this matter is gone?"

"Aha! How come? I'm about to give it to you..." Weiss took out the bony horn it had just summoned from his arms, "Whether it's in any waters, just blow this horn, 'Duke of Bone ' will be called upon. The ship is mine already, so I have the right to name it... Sounds good, doesn't it?"

 Thanks to tyel94, SOGLans, x Xinshao Deber for their monthly tickets, thank you for your support~
(End of this chapter)

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