Chapter 497
After making a small cut on the ogre's arm with Star Strike, Lancelow waved his hand and untied all the ropes that bound the captives.Although the ogre who had regained his freedom could not understand the situation in front of him, he did not dare to do anything again. Instead, he immediately ran towards the entrance of the cave, trying to get away from this terrifying human knight as soon as possible.

Just as it was about to burst out of the cave, a dimensional rift to the upper planes opened.Even though he weighed more than five hundred pounds, poor Baloo still couldn't resist the powerful pulling force from the crack, and was sucked in instantly, and the crack closed immediately.

There was still some ogre stink in the air, it smelled like fish that had been rotting for days, and that was the only evidence that ogres had ever been present.

"Why did you send it away so quickly?" Brutal reached out and plucked his ear, "I quite like its cape with two bear heads."

"What shall we do next?" Karaline looked at Lancelot who was thinking, "It has been confirmed that the stock of corpses in the camp is about to run out, and new corpses will definitely be sent within ten days. Do you want to ambush that army?" Transport team?"

"I like this idea!" The dwarf immediately agreed, "Now that Kostchurch is not here, no one will take care of that big crab after it escapes, so we will sneak into the glacier fortress while the frost giants are in chaos. Steal Frostbeard's armor!"

"That's too hasty." Alamiel shook his head. "How far is it from us to the lair of the angry prince? What kind of obstacles will we encounter along the way? How will the ancient white dragon be resolved?"

"I can answer the question about the distance." Old Rep took out a dirty map from his pocket and spread it on the ground. From the area in the upper right corner, walk about three hundred miles to the lower left, and we will leave the mountains and enter the field of frost giants..."

Everyone gathered around and studied the map that was stitched together by three or four pieces of skins of unknown creatures.When the succubus lord came to look for them, he also had a map of this level. The quality was much better than that of the werewolf, but the map of the werewolf was more detailed. In addition to the obvious avenues, it also marked many hidden paths.

After entering the Field of Frost Giants, if they continue to the southwest, they will encounter the Gorgegaard Fortress, where one of the ten brothers of Solem, the God of Frost Giants, is imprisoned; and if they turn to the northwest, they will reach Iron Perhaps the most important place in the ice field - Stoddt's Gate, a permanent portal that connects to the giant kingdom of the Warrior Township plane.

"When I came here a few years ago, the entire plain was a battlefield. Frost giants loyal to Solem poured out of the portal continuously, and they fought endlessly with the frost giants loyal to the Prince of Wrath. Fight." Old Rep counted his fingers on the map, "The corpses of both sides of the conflict can be seen everywhere in the field, and generally speaking, the local side is more dominant. But now that Kostchurch is imprisoned by Zariel, I am afraid the situation is over. changed……"

Lancelot's line of sight continued to extend on the map. From Stoddt's Gate to the west, they would enter the mountains again.If the scale of the map is correct, after going deep into the mountains for five hundred miles, they will finally arrive at the glacier fortress, the lair of the abyss lord Kostchurch, where the ultimate goal of everyone's trip lies.

But that's not all at this level.About three hundred miles south of the glacier fortress is the lair of the white dragon Swafnir. According to the scene seen in Tijana's spell, Swafnir is currently guarding the glacier fortress, and the white dragon has always liked to hoard Treasures such as diamonds and platinum, if you want to force it to leave the glacier fortress, maybe you can do something in its lair.

And at the foot of the white dragon's lair, there is the bloody town of Volstad, where the chiefs of the frost giant tribes loyal to Kostchurch gather here, arguing endlessly over who is more qualified to serve the abyss lord.He hasn't thought about what he can do here, unless he can figure out a way to take all the frost giant patriarchs under one roof.

"The scenario envisioned by Brutal is really great, we just have to wait for the right time to act." Scanning the map again, Lancelot finally broke the long silence, "I agree with Aramiel, wait for the on-site investigation After the rest of the key locations on this level, let’s make a complete plan and decide what to feed the added ‘sacrifice’ to that big crab.”

Everyone nodded slightly while listening to him.No matter how you look at it, the human knight's plan is the best choice under the current situation.

"The concealment of this cave is very good, do you want to place a teleportation rune here?"

The scholar retrieved from his knapsack several bundles of unique scrolls, in a style very different from his previous writings.These scrolls were given to them by Tijana, and each scroll corresponds to a special teleportation rune. If the corresponding runes are arranged in advance, a temporary portal connecting the location of the rune can be activated through the scroll, as long as there is no Just cross the levels.

"Yes." Lancelow nodded in agreement, and took out a metal circle and a few small flags from the dimensional bag, "I will also arrange some formations to ensure that this cave is difficult to find. The others will return to the demiplane to rest first Let's go tomorrow morning."

Early the next morning, a group of people boarded the sleigh pulled by the giant wolf transformed by old Rip again, and started heading southwest.For fear of encountering patrols, they did not walk directly on the avenue built by the frost giants, but ran hundreds of feet away from the avenue.Thanks to the low temperatures at this level and the never-ending blizzard, the thick layers of snow smooth out the rough terrain and allow the sleds to pass wherever they go.

Lancelot has been carefully sensing the front with his spiritual sense, so as to avoid the unexpected enemies in time.They are not afraid to fight frost giants, and although they have never really fought such a giant creature that is more than twenty feet tall, Lancelot prefers to do it on the occasion of his choice, in the way he chooses, if he can. Fight the frost giants.

But things don't always go the way he wants, especially in the Abyss, the 'anything is possible' plane.Right in front of the fast-moving sledge, violent space fluctuations suddenly appeared, and a blue-white portal appeared out of thin air, and it was too late to get out of the way.

"Ready to fight!"

Lancelot shouted loudly, and at the same time jumped from the decelerating sled into the air, the true essence in his body flowed rapidly, spraying out from the end of Frost Slash, pushing him towards the portal that was about to be formed.

Although this will be an encounter, if you can launch a surprise attack before the enemy realizes the danger, you will have the opportunity to cause the greatest damage, and at the same time buy time for the partners behind you to put on their helmets, take out their weapons, and find cover. .

 Come on, come on, I was wrong, I was patronizing to eat melons today... Thank you Dan Pain Xiong, my name is Daoist Taixu for your reward, thank you Daoist Taixu, Dan Pain Xiong, and Zuo Mubai for voting for the monthly ticket , Thank you for your support~!

(End of this chapter)

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