The knight in the abyss

Chapter 499 Leave no room

Chapter 499 Leave no room
The frost giant spellcaster successfully activated the power of the tome, and with a crackling sound like a branch breaking, a strange portal was opened.Lancelot's spiritual sense alarmed him frantically, and a female figure emerged from the portal, but it was obviously not a woman.

When she raised her head, she stretched out a huge snake tail and six arms on both sides of her body.

"Who summoned me?" The six-armed snake demon's voice sounded hoarse and evil, but also full of condescending arrogance.

"I am your master, obey my orders!" The frost giant caster held up the big book with a purple cover, and snarled at the snake demon unceremoniously, "Kill them for me!"

The serpent gave the frost giant a venomous look, clearly more intent on hacking the creature to pieces, but the magic that had brought her here forced her to succumb.Like most demons, the basilisk dislikes this situation very much, and once that restraint is gone, she is sure to vent all her anger on the one who summoned her.

On the other side, Lancelot's heart sank violently.High-level demons like the Snake Demon cannot be summoned by ordinary spellcasters. They need powerful magic weapons as rewards, as well as the promise of commanding an army of evil.Obviously, it wasn't the frost giant mage's own power that brought the lizard here, but the strange big book in its hand.

What kind of scroll actually possesses such power?
The answer is not difficult to guess, but it doesn't help much to solve the dilemma at hand.Among their companions, Brutal and Aramiel are working together to deal with a fallen frost giant, while old Rip, who has turned into a giant wolf, is dealing with another.The only one who can help him deal with the snake demon is Kalalin. The scholar has not been exposed, but he is in a dilemma because of the last frost giant spellcaster.

His first spell must greatly weaken the enemy's ability to fight back. The problem is that facing a 'caster' who weighs more than two thousand pounds, the scholar is not sure how to do it.A frost giant spellcaster is first and foremost a frost giant, and even with limited ability to cast spells, it can pick up any object at hand and throw it at the scholar, and the effect is probably as good as casting spells.

But Lancelow couldn't care less about helping Kara Lin consider this issue, and he had already charged towards the Snake Demon.Quickly turning all kinds of knowledge about the snake devil in his mind, he decisively opened a special mechanism on the armor, and suddenly a dead magic area with a radius of about thirty feet appeared around him.

Many people's deepest impression of the snake demon is their six arms. Almost no one can resist the stormy attack of the snake demon head-on, but in Lancelot's view, the real threat of this high-level demon comes from their moment Mobility, if you can't limit this ability in the first place, the six-armed snake demon can use teleportation and outstanding explosive power to knock down his partners one by one, and finally deal with himself.

When he was on the edge of the abyss, he encountered a group of large changeling monsters who tried to steal the eye of Sarriz shield, and found a precious magic stone from their corpses, and Lancelot has been carrying it ever since On the body, today is finally used.Although in terms of absolute strength, he is still no match for the Snake Demon, but if he can hold on for long enough, things may turn around.

"Oh? How dare you take the initiative to challenge me?"

Facing the human knight rushing towards him, the Snake Demon lazily stretched his arms, showing his frightening image in a relaxed manner, but that was just an illusion to mislead the enemy.The next second, the snake demon suddenly turned around, and swept its thick tail towards Lancelot at a tricky angle.

Anyone else might have been fooled by the snake devil's tricks, but Lancelot is no stranger to this femme fatale's tricks.

When the snake demon just started to turn around, he stepped heavily on the ground, jumped up like an antelope, his body was almost parallel to the ground, and stabbed straight at the enemy with an indomitable momentum.When the snake devil turned its body back to the front, Lancelot's long sword was about to stab her in the face.

At this critical moment, the opponent showed the flexibility of a snake, and the entire upper body fell back as if there were no bones. The weapons in the six arms swung out at the same time, some trying to deflect the human knight's attack, while others chopped toward his body.

Lancelot's sword was shot with all his strength, and there was no room for changing his moves. In contrast, the snake demon's response was a bit slower.She used four of the six arms to deflect Lancelot's stabbing attack, and the other two arms swung the sword to slash at the human knight's body, but the human knight's strength exceeded her expectations, when she realized what she had done When there is not enough, it is already too late.

The four weapons of the Snake Demon failed to change Frost Zhan's forward path, and the sword blade burning with turquoise flames slashed across her chest that was bent back almost horizontally, creating a gap that was half a foot long and three fingers wide. His flesh and blood were like melting candles, as if it was not a sword blade, but a red-hot iron.

But Lancelot's situation is not much better, his legs are already red with blood, in the extremely hasty situation just now, the snake demon still found the gap between his skirt armor and leg armor, and put the two A sharp machete was embedded in it.Even though he was protected by a sword and shield, his body was as hard as sandalwood after the foundation was established, but the wound on his leg was still an inch deep. For an ordinary person, his lower body would probably be gone.

"Your blade is very hot." The snake demon straightened up again, and the wound on her chest made her look extraordinarily terrifying, "When I cut off all your limbs, I hope the blood spurted out can also make me Warm and warm..."

Lancelow didn't answer, but silently circulated his true energy, trying his best to repair the wound on his thigh.At this moment, the snake demon suddenly felt that some kind of special bondage disappeared.She turned her head unexpectedly, and saw that the frost giant caster was holding her left hand and howling. There was a small dagger stuck in the tiger's mouth in the palm, and the big book in her hand had disappeared. was stolen.

At the same time, the dwarves and giant wolves both finished their enemies, and Qiqi rushed towards the last frost giant.Enduring the pain, the giant spellcaster pulled out the dagger in his hand, and immediately began to chant complex incantations, as if to cast some powerful spell.


Karalin, who had been suppressing his actions all this time, was waiting for this opportunity, so that he excitedly called out the name of the spell when he cast it.A black halo appeared around the frost giant's spellcaster, dissipating all the magic power that had already gathered, and the dwarves and giant wolves had already rushed in front of it.

"You are no longer under the control of the spell that summoned you." Lancelot stood leaning on his sword, looking directly at the six-armed snake in front of him, "This is still an abyss, are you sure you want to continue fighting with us? "

 The update is coming~ Please count the votes~
(End of this chapter)

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