The knight in the abyss

Chapter 505 Stoddt's Gate

Chapter 505 Stoddt's Gate
Two days later.

Lancelot and his partners carefully hid on a hill, overlooking the fierce battlefield below.Stoddt's Gate was about two miles away from the mountain where they were. Although it was already evening, the wind and snow had almost stopped, allowing everyone to see the situation on the plain clearly.

This portal connected to the Warriors' Hometown is different from any one that everyone has seen before. It is not a "gate" in the traditional sense, but more like a piece of two planes overlapping each other in some way. area.Within a radius of about a thousand feet, figures of frost giants suddenly appeared or disappeared from time to time, and it was the unstable magic effect that threw them from one plane to another.

But don't get me wrong, those frost giants certainly didn't come here by accident. They appeared in a defensive formation of three to five people, each holding a large shield to resist the stone attack, and immediately rushed out of the teleportation zone .

The frost giants loyal to Kostchurch followed the orders of the angry prince and actively hunted down the enemies that appeared from the portal.Logically speaking, they are the defensive side, and the area where the enemy will appear is also determined. They should have had an absolute advantage. However, Lancelot shook his head due to their low organization, and brought a defensive battle to life. Encounter.

The demon-worshiping frost giants seem to be based on clans, forming teams ranging from a few to no more than a few dozen, fighting each other completely on their own.Even if a team is idle and another team is fighting next to it, they will not lend a helping hand.At first, Lancelot thought it was a phenomenon caused by the frost giant's sense of honor, but he would join the battle immediately after all his compatriots died, as if the one who died just now was not a comrade in arms, but a competitor who would share the credit Same.

In contrast, the frost giants who worship Solem are very determined. They come here with the mentality of honoring the gods, and they are fully aware of sacrifice.About half of them fought desperately, while the other half fled into the vast snow field under the cover of their companions.

The battle loss ratio of the two sides reached an astonishing [-]:[-]. From Lancelot's point of view, nearly half of the attackers successfully broke through. This is a complete failure for the defenders, but the minions of the abyss lord only care about killing How many enemies, as for those who got away... what got away?Didn't you see the pile of corpses in front of me?

"The tactical literacy of these giants is too poor..." Even Bruto couldn't help complaining, "Even if a kobold is in command, the situation won't be worse than this, right?"

"Coincidentally, the kobolds think the same way." Alamiel shrugged, "The individual giants are so powerful, which created their arrogant character, so that after the destruction of the giant empire, the civilization directly regressed almost to the primitive To a certain extent, we can no longer reshape yesterday's glory. To some extent, this is also the luck of our small race."

"Lancelot, what are you thinking?" Karaline noticed the focused human knight, and asked curiously, "If you are in charge, how will you arrange the defense line?"

"Am I a kobold general in your eyes?" Lancelot looked at the scholar with hurt eyes, "I was wondering what happened to the frost giants who were loyal to Solem. Although their tactical literacy is better High, but it also seems that there is no leader with a unified command, otherwise nearly half of the current casualties can be completely avoided, and it does not look like an organized invasion at all."

"What is Solem, the god of frost giants, doing?" Brutal said indignantly, "Don't he care about the life and death of his subjects?"

"The gods worshiped by a race are often highly similar to the traits of the race itself. Although I don't know anything about the God of Frost Giants except for his name, I am sure that he is an extremely selfish and ruthless god." As a priest Alamir is quite authoritative on such topics, "For him, it doesn't matter how many believers die. Maybe he is still secretly encouraging this fanatical cult."

"He doesn't care, I have to worry about it..."

Lancelow rubbed his chin, thinking about various possible solutions in his mind.Around Stoddt's Gate, there are only some undulating hills where they are now, and the other directions are open snowfields, with almost no available terrain, and the defenders have not built any permanent fortifications. It would be a typical field encounter.

However, when the number is at a serious disadvantage, it is completely suicidal for the attacker to choose a frontal attack. Even if Lancelot were to command these frost giants, he would at most use more refined command to reduce it to cover for his companions to escape. casualties.

"If those frost giants who rushed out can gather together and launch a pincer attack with their companions who arrived later, there may be a chance of victory." Lancelow finally came to a conclusion, "Once this portal is controlled, the The frost giants from the upper plane can march directly to the glacier fortress..."

"But who can order those frost giants who rushed out?" Aramir shook his head, "I don't think anyone else can do this except Solem himself. Although those frost giants are here to honor their beliefs Gods come here, but most of them obey no one but the leader of their clan."

"Where's the guy locked up?" Brutal suggested, "What's his name, Georgard, right? As Solem's brother, does he have the appeal?"

"Yes, but if you can't control the Stoddt's Gate, how can you get the troops to attack the fortress where the god descendant is imprisoned?" Alamir shook his head helplessly, "And controlling the portal needs to be done again." Freed brother Georgard...isn't it a chicken-and-egg problem."

"Before we collect every piece of the puzzle, don't rush to draw conclusions." Lancelow shook his head lightly, "I've seen enough here, and it's almost completely dark, let's go back and find Let’s rest in the cave. At night, Karalin and I will arrange the concealed formation and the teleportation runes, and we will set off early tomorrow morning to see the situation at the Georgard Fortress.”
In the middle of the night, Lancelot was sitting on the ground in the dark cave, concentrating on running the Aquarius Immortal Technique, absorbing the aura floating in the world.Suddenly, he opened his closed eyes abruptly, and a powerful creature broke into the range of his spiritual perception. It felt a little familiar... Did he pass by here by accident?
After a few breaths, Lancelot's face became serious.Although there was only one person on the other side, he was clearly approaching the cave where he was.After thinking for a while, he stretched out his hand to fold up the entrance of the demiplane, took out his weapon, got up and walked out of the cave.

 Thank you brother Shuliang for the reward and the monthly ticket, thank you for the sender, archbishop_Artanis, the night light shines on the ass, please call me Daoist Taixu, ruin the machine every day, book friend 161118081832370, 2332112313, I just saw you Core, Chief Shadow Wolf, graycheng, Xiao L, Liluo Loutian No. 1, the tragedy of Double 11, I can’t think of a name, SOGLans, Langya, and the monthly tickets of several book friends, wow, what’s the situation, the system will invoice at the end of the month Haha, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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