The knight in the abyss

Chapter 509 The Road to Death

Chapter 509 The Road to Death
"I'll give you a piece of advice, never bet on something you don't want to lose, even if you think you have a good chance of winning." Lancelot glanced at Brutal, turned to Kara Lin and said, "The battle over there It will take a while, I need you to cast Mystic Eye to investigate the inside of the breach below the fortress."

"Okay." Kara Lin immediately reached out to his backpack, "What should I pay attention to?"

"Well... first of all, check to see if there is a suitable cave on the cliff of the gap. You know, the kind of cave with a hidden entrance and suitable for placing teleportation runes. It should not be too far from the fortress, and it is best not to be surrounded by other creatures. Occupy." Lancelot stroked his chin, realizing that it was time to shave again, "Then try to go deep into the crack and see what's underneath."

"Could it be another icecrab spider?" Aramir interjected, "Looking at the situation over there, there must be a lot of fresh giant corpses falling every week..."

"If there really are ice crab spiders, there will definitely be movement over the years, and it is impossible for Kostchurch to choose to build a fort here to detain his most important prisoner." Old Rip expressed his objection, "But you You are right to worry, frost giants are not demons, and their flesh and blood will not rot quickly after death, so many corpses will surely attract monsters to eat them, even if there is no abyss, they can be created for you."

"I'll know the truth in a while." Kara Lin pulled the scroll of the secret magic eye and activated the spell stored on it. "But be patient, this kind of magic eyeball doesn't fly very fast. It probably took a while in the past..."

"Don't worry, I can watch this giant ball for as long as I want." Brutal shrugged, "I'll call you when the exciting part comes."

While everyone was talking, the second wave of stone-throwing attacks also hit the climbing frost giant.They lost nearly a quarter of their troops in the first round of attacks, but it seemed that the morale of these frost giants was still high, and their advancing speed did not slow down at all.

Facing a new round of blows, the giants responded much better than before. After all, they already had some experience, and the dead companions also freed up more space.Even so, some unlucky ones died because of the unpredictable beating of the boulder. They were either crushed into a giant human skin carpet on the ground, or they were knocked over the cliff and fell into the deep road. bottom crack.

"I found that most of the people who died seemed to be those who walked behind." Brutal finally discovered some patterns, "Is it because the people who rushed in front had better vision?"

"Yes. This may be a bit contrary to common sense, but according to my experience, during siege battles, the survival rate of those who rush to the front is quite high." Lancelow shook his head with emotion, "On the one hand, dare to People who do this often have above-average courage and martial skills. On the other hand, they have an advantage in vision, allowing them to make optimal responses. In addition, the defenders are more inclined to project firepower on the attacking team In the middle, in order to achieve maximum damage. Of course, all this is only applicable before reaching the city wall, and it is not good to say after that.”

"Hearing your tone, you probably have done this kind of job of taking the lead in attacking the city before, right?"

"Of course, I was the first to climb the walls twice in siege battles. That was one of the greatest feats in my military career." Lancelot had a proud expression on his face, but soon became With a helpless wry smile, "Thinking about it now, I really liked showing off at that time, and I was still too young..."

"Tch, why are you so old-fashioned when you talk, you can't be bragging..."

Brutal's face was full of disbelief, but the third round of rockfall attacks distracted him.There were even fewer frost giants who died in this round of attack, only a single-digit attrition, and the subsequent fourth round of attack did not even bring down a single frost giant-the attacker had already gone halfway through the slope. The boulders thrown down didn't have enough space to accelerate, even the frost giants, who were not known for their agility, could easily dodge.

"I really shouldn't bet on my beard." Brutal admitted to everyone, "It seems that there must be more than ten frost giants who can finally rush to the fortress..."

"Look, the defenders definitely have other tricks." Lancelot turned to look at the scholar with his eyes closed, "Karalin, where have you been?"

"I've reached the bottom of the fortress, about two hundred feet above the ground." The scholar said in a somewhat wandering voice, "I'm searching for cracks on the rock wall to see which one has a larger space behind it... this area I haven't found any signs of biological activity yet, but further down there is a very thick fog that makes it impossible for me to see the bottom of the crack."

"Okay, let's find a suitable cave first, and then go to find out what's hidden under the mist." Lancelow nodded, "Let me know any progress."

At the same time, the defenders in the fort also took out new weapons: giant throwing spears over fifteen feet in length.Compared with the Rolling Stones, these throwing spears have terrible penetrating power, and when more than thirty frost giants throw the throwing spears at once, the creatures near the landing point will have no room to dodge at all, and can only hold up their shields in despair to resist. .

But that doesn't change anything.The spear that fell from the sky pierced through the victim's giant shield easily, nailing a giant in place.Even Lancelot, his palms were sweating watching this scene. As a powerful knight, he is fearless on the battlefield, but he still has to go around when encountering two situations: one It is a dense formation of spears, and the second is the volley of this kind of heavy-duty spears.

Even if the current self encounters this situation, if he still fights in the style of a knight and does not use cultivation techniques, I am afraid he will still confess on the spot.And those frost giants were already huge, and after climbing half of the hillside, they were already tired and out of breath. Under the volley of guns thrown by the defenders, they suffered extremely heavy losses, and their number decreased rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But as people on the attacking side continued to die, their formation became more sparse, which in turn reduced the killing efficiency of the volley.In the end, there were fifteen frost giants who rushed to the gate of the fortress. Each of them was bloody and exhausted, but after all, they had finished this hellish road to death.

And waiting at the finish line is an enemy who is ten times more ready and fully armed.But the attackers did not despair. On the contrary, they all gave out cheers of victory, and rushed towards the enemy without fear, as if they had already been favored by Solem, and what they were rushing to was not death, but bliss after death Heaven.

"Although I hate all giants, they are real warriors." The dwarf who was watching with relish just now turned his head away, as if he couldn't bear to see the final outcome of those frost giants, "I hope Solem can cherish it." These brave souls."

Aramir glanced at the dwarf, opened his mouth to say something, but swallowed it after thinking about it.

But it is not difficult for Lancelot to guess what the elf wants to say - as a cold and cruel god, Solem doesn't care about his people, he only cares about himself, the souls of those frost giants after death, but It's just the nourishment for him to become stronger.

 Thanks to Hanjiang Laoya, Elendor, Rourouwan 08 for their monthly tickets, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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