The knight in the abyss

Chapter 511 1 idea

Chapter 511 An Idea

"You mean, all the frost giant warriors who sacrificed to rescue him turned into undead zombies, wandering endlessly at the bottom of that crack?" Brutal's expression looked like someone scared by a ghost story. The child who arrived, "Who knows how long that fortress has been built? Decades? Hundreds of years?"

"There was a document mentioning this fortress 200 years ago, so it must have been in the past longer than that." Karaline shrugged, "Only the corpses that are relatively complete can become zombies, the kind that even the bones are crushed." Definitely not."

"After a long time, there must be a lot." Lancelot turned his head to look at the distant horizon, where another team of three frost giants appeared, "Alamir, the fog that Karalin mentioned, you know what it is ?"

"When a large number of undead creatures gather in a certain area, a ghost fog will appear, separating the worlds of the living from the dead." The elf priest held his chest with one hand, and held his thumb with the other hand. Chin, "Most of the world is dominated by positive energy, but below that mist, it is an area full of negative energy. All of us will feel extremely uncomfortable after entering that area, maybe only little Isa will is the only exception."

"Will those giant zombies be specially arranged by someone?" Brutal asked curiously, "An extremely powerful lich or necromancer discovered that there is a steady supply of fresh corpses here, so he wants to establish An army to conquer the multiverse..."

"Conquering the multiverse? Dreaming..." Alamir rolled his eyes, "But it is true that man-made possibilities cannot be ruled out. Remember the corpse pit we saw in Oasis Castle? Undead creatures may be formed naturally, or It may be the result of the intentional arrangement of the caster. If it is the latter, there should be a relatively obvious magic circle, or an altar where some kind of evil ceremony was held. With Kara Lin's secret magic eye, it should not be difficult to find the relevant trace."

"I remember you once mentioned that there is an upper limit to the undead creatures that a single caster can control, and according to the scale described by Kara Lin, it is impossible for those giant zombies to be under control?" Lancelow rubbed his hands Chin, this has become his habitual movement when thinking, "Assuming that there is indeed a spell caster, what is his purpose for making so many giant zombies?"

"Bluto's explanation just now is actually very close to the truth - build an army of undead, and when needed, just open a portal leading to the bottom of the crack, and there will be a ready-made army for him to drive." The elf The priest shrugged, "Necromancers can control large-scale undead creatures by issuing simple commands such as follow, attack, and wait."

"What's the difference between this and the control mentioned earlier?" Lancelot asked, "Is it just the difference between whether you can execute complex commands?"

"When I say control, I mean controlling undead creatures like controlling your own body. I have a friend who likes music, and he is also a... lover of necromancer magic. He once let me enjoy a game played by a skeleton , two skeletons playing the piano, and he performed as the lead singer himself. It was definitely one of the weirdest experiences I have had, but the music itself is impeccable." Aramir showed a nostalgic smile on his face, "And if it is an order, Those undead creatures can only execute according to the remaining instincts in their bodies. For example, when a giant zombie attacks, it is likely to pick up stones and throw them, but it is unlikely to use its mouth to bite like a beast. Obviously, this makes them far away There is a threat when not alive, but the Necromancers believe that quantity more than makes up for quality."

"Lancelot is probably coming up with some bad idea again." Brutal announced in an affirmative tone, "I have summed up the rules, and once he starts asking about various details, I'm afraid he already has a plan... ..."

"It's just an idea." Lancelot shrugged. "Imagine, if we create a tunnel from the bottom of the chasm to the inside of the fortress on the cliff, what will happen?"

"But that's impossible." Karaline shook his head immediately, "That fortress must have strong anti-magic measures to prevent surprise attempts through teleportation. If you use magic to dig a tunnel, the spell will automatically fail when you approach the fortress. , and the spellcasters in the fortress will notice your attempt and easily destroy the dug part."

"Then what if I dig it myself?" Brutal crossed his arms, "As long as it's dirt and rocks, we dwarves can dig a tunnel out of it."

"A tunnel that allows dwarves to pass through. If you lower your head, maybe humans and elves can also pass through, but it is absolutely impossible for giants to pass through, let alone zombie giants who can't even bend down." Kara Lin shook his head in denial, but then Realized something, "Wait... I remembered, the giant vine that Lancelot summoned when I was dealing with that giant cranium!"

"It's just an idea." Lancelot chuckled, "Imagine that a big hole suddenly collapsed in the floor of the fortress, and giant zombies poured out of it continuously..."

"And they won't stop until they kill every living creature in the fortress." Aramiel pouted, "How does this sound like something only villains would do..."

"Fighting poison with poison, do you understand?" The dwarf glanced at the elf angrily, but then asked curiously, "Since they are acting according to the instinct of the body, they will try to rescue that brother of Solem Is it? Or kill him together?"

"The former is more likely, but I don't think a group of zombies can really do anything to a god-born." Aramiel shrugged, "It is more likely that the indiscriminate attacks of the zombies destroyed the magic that imprisoned Georgard device, and set him free. It's hard to say what happens after that, but it's unlikely we'll get a little card full of gratitude..."

"Until we find a reason to let him out, Solem's brotherhood will stay in the fortress named after him." Lancelot said in a declarative tone, "Okay, finish the wine in your glasses , and then go into the demiplane. Kalarin, I need a more detailed description about the cave you found..."

After a while, Lancelot was the only one left on the hillside where everyone was standing.He took a light breath, and took out a ring from the dimensional bag, feeling a special feeling in his heart.

Once I have mastered the technique of Yuqi flight, I don't need to rely on this to solve the problem.Lancelot comforted himself in this way, then he gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, and put the transformation ring on his ring finger.

 Thanks to Xiao L, what's the name, Ye Guang Shines on the Ass, Xia Chong Sui Yu and other book friends who voted monthly, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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