The knight in the abyss

Chapter 520 The first half of the dragon's life

Chapter 520 The first half of the dragon's life

"And I am very grateful for that." The elf laughed, "The white dragon is like a beast in battle, it can hardly use magic, and its attributes in strength, physique, senses, etc. are also significantly weaker than other colored dragons. But don't take it lightly, the so-called weakness is relative to other true dragons, even a young white dragon is enough to cause us great trouble."

"I heard you mention before that Swafnir is an ancient white dragon, right?" Lancelot asked curiously, "How is the age of dragons divided? Does this affect their combat effectiveness? "

"You are asking the right person. Elves are one of the few races in the multiverse that have studied dragons in detail, and I have always been fascinated by these beautiful and powerful creatures. My understanding of them is no less than Karaline's understanding of demons. "Alamir smiled and handed a bunch of grilled meat to Lancelot, "Dragon is an oviparous animal, there is no doubt about it, a dragon just hatched from an egg shell is a wet little beast, but After about an hour, it's ready to fly, breathe, hunt and think."

"You mean, dragons can think when they are born?" Lancelot was quite surprised by this. "Don't they need an educator?"

"Dragon is a natural magical creature, with a lot of innate knowledge in its mind, but if there is an adult educator, they can learn how to use their power better." The elf said with a smile, and the other A skewer of barbecued meat was handed to Old Leip, who was drooling all over the place, "Just breathing can make a newborn dragonling a top hunter in the forest, but the young dragon still lacks fighting experience, especially Experience fighting intelligent beings. A team of experienced hunters can defeat or even capture a wyrmling without loss of life, but the ensuing wrath of a wyrmling's guardian is another matter."

"So the dragon can be captured alive!" The dwarf was speechless. "Then... can the dragon be raised? I mean, that white dragon regards Kostchurch as its master, doesn't it?"

"To a certain extent, yes, but don't forget that dragons are very proud creatures, and only in a few cases will they regard a very outstanding mortal as their master. In contrast, they are more willing to accept the relationship of companions, and That's probably how Swafnier sees Koschurch as well."

"Okay." The dwarf scratched his head, "What's the next stage for the whelp? Infancy?"

"Yes, dragons have big appetites, so they grow very fast. By the age of five, even the smallest white dragons can exceed nine feet in length. Compared with the young dragons, the baby dragons are stronger and more mature. Energetic and an experienced hunter, although head and feet are somewhat large relative to the body."

Aramir drew the outline of the dragon on the ground with the iron pick after eating, and continued to introduce to everyone in an enthusiastic tone:
"If it is only roughly divided, a dragon is considered a young dragon between the ages of 6 and 100, but this stage is actually the most dramatic stage in the life of a dragon. Elf scholars divide the dragons of this period in more detail. There are four stages: infancy, adolescence, adolescence, and youth."

"6 to 15 years old is the juvenile stage of dragons. Dragons at this stage are usually still learning to hunt, but the rapidly increasing food intake has forced them to look for new hunting grounds. This is also the first major change in their 'dragon birth'. Under normal circumstances, there will be at least one adult dragon closely guarding the young dragons at this stage, and imparting various experiences about being a 'dragon' to them."

"Dragons aged 16 to 25 are called juvenile dragons. During this period, dragons develop rapidly, and their bodies grow rapidly to a size similar to that of adults. At the same time, they feel the need to hoard treasures and establish territories for the first time. desires, but the body has not allowed them to really live independently."

"The next stage is the dragon's juvenile period. They will frequently leave their parents' lair and learn to enjoy privacy. Most dragons also awaken their natural spellcasting ability at this stage. Dragons at this stage already have the ability to survive independently. Although the forces still have a lot of room to grow, they can't wait to prove themselves."

"The age of 51 to 100 is the youth of dragons. After half a century of growth, their scales have become a kind of powerful armor, which is strong enough to withstand the attacks of most common weapons. They will completely leave the lair of their parents or mentors, Build your territory, think about your role in the world, and actively seek a mate."

"That is to say, when a dragon has spent a century in the world, it will be considered an adult?" Lancelot said with some sighs, "This even exceeds the lifespan of most human beings..."

"Yes, by the way, we elves also declare adulthood at the age of one hundred." Aramiel chuckled, "By the way, Brutal, you dwarves declare adulthood at the age of 40, right?"

"Yes, why ask that?"

"How old are you?"


"No wonder, many things can make sense now..."

"Speak well!" Brutal stared at him dissatisfied, "I'm a little younger, what's wrong? Lancelot is younger than me, isn't he still the best of us?"

"I mean, most people think of dwarves as serious, old-fashioned, and without a sense of humor, but you are obviously not like that." There are major differences on issues, but I'm glad to have you as a partner in the adventure."

"Hey, you elves can say something nice." Brutal grabbed the meat skewers rudely, which was one of his ways of expressing intimacy, "Go ahead and talk about those damn dragons, the dragon lived The century has finally come of age, so what?"

"First, as their bodies fully develop, dragons are stronger than ever, and they know it all too well. Adult dragons have established their territories and lairs, and the next step is to accumulate wealth and find long-term mates. Occasionally There will be rumors that a dragon somewhere is raiding towns and sacking kingdoms, and that's typical of adult dragon behavior. But most importantly, coming of age means that a dragon is officially a legendary creature..."

"Legendary creatures?" Lancelot became interested in this word, "What do they have to do with legendary resistance?"

"You remember the battle with Aurul's incarnation, right? Legendary resistance is one of the hallmarks of legendary creatures." Aramiel nodded, "Dragon's scales and muscles already make them extremely strong, Coupled with the legendary resistance that is enough to reverse the effect of the spell, it makes them harder to kill. Fortunately, the dragon's ability has little effect on us, because with me and Kara Lin's spellcasting ability, the dragon is not at all There is no need to use legendary resistance to resist our magic..."

 Thanks to the guardian knight 卍猫猫猫, SOGLans, tyel94, Shenhuaqianfeng, Xiao L, Xuantian Yuanji Shengtiandi for their monthly votes ~ Thank you for your support!Alas, half of the year has passed, and there is not a single chapter in the manuscript, I am so useless...

(End of this chapter)

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