The knight in the abyss

Chapter 527 Traps and Roadblocks

Chapter 527 Traps and Roadblocks

"Wait a minute, there are a lot of traps ahead." Little Isa held Lancelot and Brutal's belts with both hands respectively, "There is a trap there, there will be falling rocks... just wait for me, and remove all these traps need some time…"

"I can help!" The scholar behind the little girl said suddenly, and took out a scroll in his hand, "Use this to quickly and widely remove multiple traps..."

"What is this?" Lancelot asked curiously, "An advanced spell that automatically disarms traps?"

"To some extent... yes." Kara Lin showed a strange expression on his face, "I should have mentioned to you, the ultimate answer to most of the problems in the multiverse..."

"Most of the questions..." Lancelot stopped in the middle of the sentence, "Wait, you don't mean..."

Karaline had activated the scroll, and his face had a rarely seen fanaticism, as if he had been anticipating a room full of traps from a long time ago.The red evocation magic aura gathered on his palm, and accompanied by the pungent sulfur smell, an orange-yellow fireball the size of a washbasin flew over the heads of the crowd, blasted into the center of the cave and triggered a violent explosion. explode.

The intense flashes of light forced everyone to look away, and the heat waves and shock waves that rushed to their faces told the power of the explosion.Kara Lin's idea is not unreasonable. The shock wave of the explosion triggered several traps and triggered a chain reaction. When all the dust settled, the entire cave was in a mess, with opened ground and closed traps everywhere. , pits covered with spikes, and various hidden weapon launchers hanging from the ceiling.

"Uh..." Little Isa glanced at the ruins in front of her with an ugly expression, and pointed to the place where the pond used to be with some frustration, "I didn't notice those explosive barrels hidden under the water just now..."

"Ahahahaha, the fireball technique is really great!" Kara Lin's face was full of joy, "The enemies I have encountered in the past are either Tanari who are highly resistant to flames, or are completely immune to flames. The Baatezu always don't give people a chance to get addicted..."

"It seems that the fireball technique has some special meaning to you... Next time there is a suitable opportunity, I will wait for you to cast the fireball technique before rushing out." Lancelot promised the scholar, and then stepped into the still In the smoking ruins, "Let's go, I don't think the enemy will expect that someone can actually pass through this cave..."

They followed each other through the utterly destroyed trap room and into the tunnel at the other end of the cave.As the crowd gradually went deeper, dense fungus began to appear on both sides of the tunnel, until it completely occupied the tunnel.As the crowd approached, they heard a slight hiss in their ears, as if many invisible little people were speaking in some language they could not understand.

"Did you hear that?" Aramir stared at the fungal forest in front of him with a vigilant look, "I don't think it's a good idea to force through these big mushrooms...Brutal, are you sure there is room behind here? ?”

"It's just the tremolo of the air passing through the canopy of the fungi," the dwarf assured the elf. "It's a common phenomenon underground, and it's nothing to be surprised about. In fact, I've identified several edible fungi. Time to go, do you want to eat grilled mushrooms tonight?"

As Brutal said, he walked towards the fungus forest, but as he approached, a large mushroom with a height of more than six feet and a color of yellow and green suddenly attacked him.I saw that the mushroom umbrella-shaped top cover suddenly cracked, revealing a bloody mouth with three layers of sharp teeth, and a barbed tongue similar to a stamen in the center.

The big mouth aimed at the dwarf's head and bit it off, but fortunately, Brutal's sixth sense of danger saved him.He raised his round shield against the fungus' mouth at the last second, and Lancelow's support arrived in the next second.A turquoise sword glow shot out from the palm of the human knight, instantly cutting the giant fungus into countless pieces, and the giant mouth covering the dwarf's head fell to the ground powerlessly, motionless as if dead .

"It's not something we can eat, it's clearly something we can eat." Aramiel patted the somewhat embarrassed Bruto on the back, "This is an abyss, are you sure these fungi are exactly the same as the ones you are familiar with?" ?”

"It's a little...subtle difference, at least it's too big." The dwarf swallowed, and admitted with some difficulty, "This is a dead end. Let's go back to that fork in the road. There must be other tunnels. To the dragon's lair."

"No need, since this road is so difficult to pass, the enemy would never have thought that we would come from this side." Lancelow shook his head, "We have been delayed for a while, and the enemy is probably already on another road at this moment. The road is waiting for us, and continuing on this road can have an unexpected effect.”

"But how do we get through this fungal forest?" Old Leip asked curiously, "If we have to cut through it bit by bit, the delay will definitely be longer..."

"Let me try first." Lancelot just sat down cross-legged on the spot, "Protect me...I mean, protect my safety."

The companions backed away suspiciously. Although they had seen all kinds of miraculous performances of human knights in the past, none of them seemed to be able to solve the difficulties in front of them.And Lancelot planned to use a brand new technique, so naturally he couldn't explain to his companions what he was going to do next, even if he explained, most of them wouldn't understand.

There were no abnormalities at first, but with the steady and long breathing of Lancelow, an indescribable sense of oppression arose in the hearts of everyone, as if the person sitting there was not a human being, but some kind of A storm full of living beings.Immediately afterwards, Lancelot's hands began to form seals quickly, and as he moved, a phantom of vines surrounding his body appeared out of thin air.

The phantom seemed to dissipate at any moment, but Lancelot pushed his hands forward, and two bright blue beams of light shot out from his palms and shone on the fungi.The fungus illuminated by the blue light was like molten metal, rapidly softening and shrinking, and finally turned into countless tiny light particles, converging into the phantom of the vines surrounding Lancelot.

In less than a moment, the fungus forest that had blocked the tunnel was turned into light particles, and the phantom vines around Lancelot seemed to become more solid.He played a few spells again to make the phantom of the vine gradually dissipate, and then stood up from the ground.

"Oh, it's still getting dusty, and your cultivation level is still too low." Lancelot patted his buttocks, shook his head and sighed, then turned to look at the partners around him, and found that they all had dull faces .

"Uh, what's your expression? Isn't it working well?"

 Thanks to DJQJKE for the reward, thanks to Feh1er for the monthly pass, thank you for your support~ The introduction added the group number of the book friend group, if you are interested in finding book friends, you can add it~
(End of this chapter)

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