The knight in the abyss

Chapter 547 Infiltrate the Ambush

Chapter 547 Infiltrate the Ambush
"No, that kind of noise is too much." Lancelow quickly stopped the dwarf who was full of action, "I have a better way."

"We are on top of those frost giants." Brutal asked strangely, "No matter what method you use to widen the entrance, there will always be some stones falling down..."

"No need, this crack is enough to fit a dimensional bag." Lancelot lay on the ground, watching the situation inside the main building, "It's quite dark down here, I can feel a few frost giants nearby, but their The attention should not be here..."

"Wait a minute, you mean we all got into the dimension bag?" Brutal looked at Lancelot strangely, "Then who will throw the bag in?"

"Me!" Little Isa said proudly, "After I throw it away, I can turn into a bat and fly in!"

"Well, let us out after confirming the surroundings are safe." Lancelow nodded, took off the two dimensional bags around his waist, and handed the 'handkerchief' leading to the demiplane to Xiao Yi Sha, "Dimensional spaces cannot overlap. Fortunately, the equipment on Little Isa's body will also become smaller after transformation. Kara Lin, and your backpack..."

Everyone got into the dimension bag again, and this time Lancelot followed.Although he often put his partners into the dimensional bag before, it was the first time for him to enter here himself.

The inside of the dimensional bag is very much like a warehouse. Some kind of thick white fog forms the floor and four walls. ) are stacked randomly in the corner.After filling five people, there was not much room left in the bag, and after the upper bag mouth was sealed, the passage to the outside world was completely cut off.

"If we don't get supplements, the air here is only enough for us to breathe for 2 minutes." Brutal looked at Lancelot with a serious face, "So please don't fart, thank you for your cooperation."

"Don't worry, I haven't eaten anything in the past week." Lancelot covered his face helplessly, "Why did you tell me this..."

"Because he always does this himself, we have condemned him many times." Alamir said with a smile on the side, "Today I finally took a chance to talk about others."

"Shut up, damn elf." Brutal looked at Aramiel angrily, "At least I tried to control the volume..."

While everyone was joking with each other, a gap opened above the head, and a pale arm stretched out from it, groping towards them.This arm naturally belonged to little Isa. Lancelow reached out and grabbed the arm. The next second he returned to the steel ice field, but he was already inside the main building of the fortress.

There was a rocking chair torch on the wall of this room, and there was a pungent stench in the air.The source of the smell came from the southwest corner, where there was a large pile of humanoid bones still cluttered with minced meat, what looked like the remains of eating.Despite the poor sanitation, there were four large stone beds covered with animal hide mattresses, and the smell was reminiscent of a group of dwarves who spent two weeks underground in the mine.

Obviously, this is a frost giant's barracks, but there is no one there for the time being.Behind Lancelot, the partners were getting out of the dimension bag one by one. Everyone kept as quiet as possible and checked the surrounding situation immediately.

There was a doorless exit in the north wall of the room, from which came the chaotic roar of frost giants, the clatter of furniture being thrown on the floor, and the sound of approaching footsteps.Lancelot quickly made a series of special gestures: first raised his fist over his shoulder, then raised three fingers, then pressed his palm down, and finally pointed his thumb at his body.

The meaning is very simple, prepare to fight, there are three enemies, ambush, I will go first.

After completing these actions, he focused his consciousness on a certain black spot on his right hand, activating the power of Sarriz's Shield Eye.Darkness filled the room silently, and the light from the torch could barely illuminate the floor beyond five feet.Years of tacit understanding made it unnecessary for everyone to communicate. With the help of those tall stone beds, they lurked in the dark, waiting for the signal to start the war.

The first frost giant rushed in. It seemed a little confused by the abnormal darkness in the room, but it still ran straight to a stone bed based on its memory.Behind him appeared two other frost giants, one of whom was talking to himself, as if complaining about why it was so dark here.

A light green mask suddenly appeared, covering the entire room.The three frost giants were all taken aback. Although the mask did not cause any harm, it still made them feel a strong sense of anxiety. The reason is simple-the noisy outside suddenly disappeared, and the surroundings became extremely quiet. , I only heard my heavy panting, and... the slight sound of metal friction?
At this moment, the darkness that filled the room suddenly disappeared, and the dazzling light caused the frost giants to squint their eyes subconsciously, and Lancelot, who had created all this with his own hands, decisively launched a surprise attack.

Using the ability of shadow jumping, Lancelot instantly appeared in the shadow behind the outermost frost giant.A dazzling green glow lit up on the blade of Frost Slash, piercing through the giant's knee like lightning, and then pulled horizontally, directly removing half of the frost giant's leg.

Meanwhile, the partners launched their own raids.This time, it was Aramiel who moved the fastest this time. The elf priest shot a dazzling magic ball at the enemy for four moments, knocking the other frost giant staggering for a while.In addition to dealing damage, the orb of radiance also made the target's body glow with an arcane shimmer, allowing anyone who attacked it to better target the vitals, and that's what Brutal was going to do.

"Mo! La! Ding!!!"

With a roar, the dwarf threw his magic hammer with all his strength.The rapidly spinning hammer drew a beautiful arc in the air, just hitting the face of the frost giant that was 'marked' by the priest.There was only a crackling sound, and the giant didn't even utter a cry of pain, and fell directly on the floor, with dark red blood continuously spreading under it.

The last enemy was subdued by the scholar. He summoned a large piece of greasy oil on the floor. The tall frost giant didn't pay attention to the situation under its feet at all, and fell heavily on the ground the moment it raised its foot and wanted to move. ground, and a second attempt to stand up failed.

Just when it was making its third attempt, an inconspicuous flaming arrow hit the fat-stained body of the frost giant, and the blazing flames instantly engulfed it, along with a wisp of emerald green sword Light.

 Finally, it was released before 12 o'clock...Thanks to tyel94, Dongqiu Shiqizai, Imperial Guards, and Xiao L for their monthly votes. Happy weekend everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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