The knight in the abyss

Chapter 550 Good Knight

Chapter 550 Good Knight

Under the horrified eyes of the prisoners, the zombies slaughtered the living frost giant guards one by one, and the broken limbs and arms flew everywhere like broken pottery, and the warm blood spilled on the cold ground It quickly condensed into dark red ice, and in less than 10 minutes, the last frost giant was also killed, and there were only a dozen giant zombies still standing.

Like soldiers guarding the king, they formed a circle around Lancelow, as if waiting for new orders.

Lancelot stood there silently for a while. Although these frost giants loyal to the abyss lord were out-and-out villains, it must be admitted that they were extremely heroic in battle. Willing to offer a moment of condolences to those frost giants who died at his command.

But if you think about it carefully, after these chaotic and evil giants die, their souls will return to the abyss and be reborn as a demon. Maybe I have to kill them again in the future, and Lancelow suddenly has no interest in continuing to pay tribute up.

Ignoring the zombies standing around, Lancelot called his companions to come and open the iron cage together, releasing all the prisoners inside.However, the reactions of these prisoners were somewhat unexpected. They huddled together in the cage and looked at Lancelot with fearful eyes, as if standing there was a beast that could eat people.

Lancelot couldn't help feeling puzzled. It was understandable to be grateful, to cry, and even to kiss his boots, but what was the fear?The spiritual sense told him that these people in front of him were not affected by any magic, except for the strong fear that could almost be smelled,

"What's the matter with you?" Lancelot took the initiative to ask, "Come out, those guys who took you for dinner have been killed."

"Lancelot, have you considered your current image?" Aramir reminded helplessly, "Look at the zombies around, if your eyes are not burning now, otherwise you will be with the death knight who commands the undead army." It's exactly the same."

"Uh, so it's because of this..." Lancelot reached out and took off his helmet, grinning at the trembling prisoners, "I'm just a passing human knight, don't be afraid, you are free now."

Perhaps Lancelot's face looked too far from the villainous, the prisoners finally walked out of the cage trembling.They stood up curiously, moved their arms, and looked around in a daze, as if they still couldn't accept the fact that they had regained their freedom.The old dwarf who persuaded Lancelot to leave just now came over and bowed deeply to him, and said with some restraint,

"Respect, sir, thank you for saving our lives." The old dwarf tried to keep calm, but couldn't help but glance at the giant zombies next to him, "I really don't know how to repay you, the frost giant snatched away everything for us, but if you need anything..."

"You're welcome, old man. My name is Lancelot. I just saved you and I don't need anything in return." Lancelow politely replied, "As for those zombies... don't be afraid, as long as I'm by your side up, they won't attack."

"Then how do we leave?" A human male next to him with a tattered note on his body said, "Good sir, can you tell us where this place is? How far?"

"I've never heard of that name." Lancelot shrugged. "This is the abyss, my friend."

"how so…"

"It's really in the abyss..."

"It's over, we can't go back..."

"Isn't it Jotunheim? Why haven't I seen a single demon?"

Lancelot's words caused a commotion. He scratched his head, cleared his throat, and interrupted the discussion of these newly freed people.

"Listen, this is the Abyss No.20 three-layer steel ice field, the territory of the angry prince Kostchurch, some of you may have heard that it was captured recently, but the frost giants loyal to the abyss lord are still wandering in this layer... um , Kara Lin, please help me introduce the general situation at this level."

While Kararin was speaking, Lancelot began to call out the name of the succubus lord in his heart.

"What's the matter?" Tijana's response came immediately, "You should be attacking Georgard Fortress now... have you found that divine descendant?"

"Not yet, but the fortress has been breached. I rescued about thirty mortals here. They were supposed to be used as rations for the fortress defenders..."

"That's great." Tijana's voice sounded uninterested, "What else?"

"Hmm... I was thinking, can these people be sent to Shuangqiao Town?"

"I knew it..." Tijana was quite helpless, "How do they look, can they work?"

"After getting enough rest, it should be fine." Lancelot pleaded in a sincere tone, "Please, Tijana, if you leave them alone, most of them won't survive for three days."

"Ask them their own wishes first, don't make choices for others. If someone is willing to come and let them enter the demiplane, I will open a portal to Shuangqiao Town, just in time for you Minor supplies are ready."

"So fast?" Lancelot asked in surprise, "Some things are hard to find..."

"Am I underestimated?" A string of crisp laughter sounded in his heart, "I have many surprises waiting for you to discover, my good knight..."

The spiritual connection was cut off by Tijana, leaving Lancelot alone to ponder whether the last words of the succubus lord had any special meaning.Sensing that someone was watching him, Lancelow raised his head and found that Kara Lin had finished introducing the situation of the steel ice field, and was casting a questioning look at him.

"If you want to stay or find your own way out, you should be able to find some useful equipment in this building, take whatever you want." Lancelot said to everyone with a pleasant face, "but I have another suggestion. Just now I spoke to my... employer and she is willing to accept you to settle in her domain. Yes, she is a demon who rules a neutral town in the Plain of the Abyss. You will not be enslaved if you work hard, or If you have a skill, you'll find that the income is pretty good, but everything is more expensive there..."

There were no surprises in the final result, all the captives chose to go to Shuangqiao Town - just because Wanyuan Plain is a hot place.After sending off these ragged, yellow and emaciated prisoners, the companions walked to the innermost staircase leading to the basement in the hall.

Several frost giant zombies were tremblingly kneeling towards the entrance. You must know that they were undead without any self-awareness, and it was entirely because of some residual instinct in their bodies that made them make such a move.

For obvious reasons, Georgard, one of the brothers of Solem, god of the frost giants, must be imprisoned below.

 Thanks to Wang Tingqiu, Xiao L, Imperial Guards, Confessor, and 96-style salted fish for their monthly votes, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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