The knight in the abyss

Chapter 552 Arrogant Prisoner

Chapter 552 Arrogant Prisoner

"What?" The elf was stunned by the dwarf's question, but he suddenly realized, "Do you want some holy water? There are still some in stock..."

"Yes, but I thought you would prefer the idea of ​​bathing." Brutal shrugged, "Didn't we encounter this kind of metal in the Great Abyss before? After returning from Androlina, I asked Dad I went to ask specifically, and this metal can be restrained very well with holy water, as long as it is sprinkled a little, its various properties will be greatly reduced, and it will not be much stronger than wood."

"Then let's do it quickly."

Lancelot clapped his hands, expressing his acceptance of Brutal's plan.Everyone first moved the blood trough under the giant titan together, and then got some blankets from other rooms in the fortress to lay on the ground. Finally, Aramir carried a small bucket and poured water on each iron ring. Your own holy bathwater.

Originally, after pouring the holy water, someone needed to saw through the softened abyssal metal, but the titan's own body weight completed the work.When Aramir was halfway poured, the iron ring began to crack, and finally there was a series of crackling sounds like bamboo poles breaking, and the heavy titan fell to the ground with a bang.

Even freed from the shackles of the torture apparatus, the prisoner's body remained in a disgustingly deformed state.Seeing that the other party hadn't regained consciousness, Aramir released a simple healing spell, then opened a bottle of healing potion, and poured it into the slightly opened mouth of the titan.

"This bottle is dragon's mouth bean flavor." The elf priest explained to his companions, "It's a pity to throw it away, and people who are conscious can't stand the taste of it, so it's just in handy right now."

Under the effects of divine spells and potions, Georgard finally slowly opened his eyes, and in Lancelot's spiritual perception, a group of living storms was gathering in front of him at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Who is... over there..." the giant titan spoke, his voice was quite loud by human standards, but the weakness of the speaker could still be heard, "What do you want to do to me..."

"We are a group of mercenaries who were ordered to rescue Georgard, the brother of Solem, the god of frost giants." Lancelow realized that he was not speaking the same language as the other party, but the two sides were understanding each other's meaning There seemed to be no obstacles at the time, "You are Georgard, right?"

"Yes...I am..." The Titan tried to turn his head to look in Lancelow's direction, but this simple action filled his face with a painful expression, "Who here? Where am I? "

"You are still in the fortress specially built by Kostchurch to imprison you. Don't be nervous. We succeeded. All the guards have been brought down. You are free now. As for who sent us here... Oulu, the god of winter Er, you are familiar with that lady, right?" Lancelot looked at the other person's body sympathetically, "It seems that the prince of anger has vented all his anger towards your brother on do you feel now? "

"Pain..." Brother Georgard replied in a muffled voice, "but it's getting less..."

"Very well, my elf priest friend has just released a healing spell on you, plus a bottle of healing potion." Lancelow explained, "But your body is too huge, and he can't repair this level of deformity .”

"No need..."

The titan struggled to move its twisted arms, taking a moment to relearn how to control its fingers.Then his fingertips glowed with golden light, and he wrote several special symbols on the stone floor.Lancelot recognized that the symbols were somewhat similar to the letters of the dwarven language, but he could barely understand them, and he didn't know any words.

There was no lengthy prayer from Aramir, and no hand gestures from Kalarin. Just through a few letters written on the stone, the godborn mobilized the power of magic.The moment he finished writing, those letters began to brighten sharply, and the golden light emitted enveloped the entire body of the giant titan, forcing everyone to look away.

When the light dissipated, a completely normal Titan appeared in front of everyone.He has short brown hair, and the lines of his facial features are like chisels and chisels. He looks very rigid; the muscles on his body are flawless, and some parts that are very difficult to exercise also have exaggerated sizes. He is the strongest demon among the demons. The demon drooled enviously when he saw it.

Lancelot noticed that Georgard's hair color was different from that of the frost giant, and he didn't have an inch of beard on his chin.Also, his complexion is silvery white, whereas most frost giants are somewhere between grayish white and ice blue, it seems true that giants are not of the same kind as the gods they worship.

The divine descendant sat up, shook his head, and looked at his savior.I saw the expression on his face switching back and forth between surprise, disgust, and doubt, and finally asked in a thunderous voice:
"Dwarves, elves, humans... what's going on? Why are you here?"

"Why did you forget so quickly?" Brutal asked strangely, "We just said that we are here to save you."

"It's impossible!" The god-born's reaction seemed intense, "How can you lower races break through the fortress guarded by giants?"

"Hey! Who are you talking about as an inferior race!" The dwarf became angry on the spot. He put his hammer on his shoulder and looked up at the giant titan. "Maybe we shouldn't have come at all, leaving you behind On that damn juicer!"

"Over the centuries, thousands of frost giants died trying to save you, but their sacrifices made no progress until we took action." Lancelot's voice also cooled down, "Yes Auril sent us on a rescue mission, and the frost giants from Jotunheim await your leadership to attack Kostchurch's lair."

"Of course, that is my natural right and obligation, but Aurul sent you to save me? Impossible, absolutely impossible!" The giant titan shook its wooden box-like head, "She sent you to kill me I'm almost there! Where's Kostchurch? Why didn't you come to stop you?"

"It was captured by Zariel, and it is said that it was imprisoned in a certain pit in Avernas." Lancelow shrugged, "We were indeed sent by Aurul's priest, a man named Getty The female frost giant priest of Orelsdot. She should be somewhere near this fort right now, if you don’t believe me, you can ask her yourself later.”

"Frost giant priestess?" Georgard frowned, as if he suddenly remembered something, stood up suddenly, and hit his head heavily on the ceiling of the basement, but it seemed that nothing happened, "Where is she?" ? I order you, take me to see her immediately!"

"Now you believe that we saved you?" Lancelot couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "You have no right to order me, but I will take you there. This is the last part of the transaction. By the way, what about that?" Is that bucket of blood over there still useful to you? The Prince of Wrath twisted you into a human towel, probably for these precious blood..."

 Thanks to Louisly and book friend 20200305040232544 for their monthly votes, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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