The knight in the abyss

Chapter 557 quenching the body

Chapter 557 quenching the body
It's not that Lancelow can't stand the high temperature - with his current cultivation base and physical strength, if he accidentally falls into the magma, as long as he climbs up quickly, there is a high probability that nothing will happen.The problem was that his purpose was to temper the body, so all the true essence that protected the body was removed, and only the fresh and tender flesh after the foundation was established was used to bear the boiling blood soup.

Fortunately, the high temperature just makes him feel unbearable, it will not cause real damage, and it can also enhance the effect of body quenching.After confirming that he would not be cooked, Lancelot suppressed the urge to continue screaming, sat cross-legged in the cauldron, and began to perform a special body training method.

As the true essence traveled through the meridians, all the acupuncture points along the way were opened, absorbing the surrounding energy violently like a whirlpool.What followed was a hundred times more intense pain than before. Lancelot felt as if he had returned to the basement of the Georgard Fortress again, but this time he was hung on the torture device of the angry prince.Every muscle and every bone in him seemed to be crushed into the tiniest particles, wave after wave of pain hit him like a tsunami, trying to completely submerge his consciousness.

As a foundation builder, Lancelot's physical body already has a strong ability to withstand pain, but what really allows him to resist this kind of sensory impact is his spiritual consciousness far surpassing that of ordinary people.If Brutal's consciousness is like a cup, and spellcasters like Karalin and Aramiel are like buckets, then Lancelot's consciousness is like a big bathtub, which cannot be filled with the current level of pain.

Therefore, Lancelow took the initiative to release more acupoints, allowing the power of the Titan's blood to pour into his body at a faster speed.Suddenly, a large number of pictures appeared in his consciousness, as if the leaves blown by the wind flew past his eyes.Most of them are scenes of giants standing and fighting. The opponents include dragons in the sky, giant monsters in the sea, and various demons and ghosts from the lower planes.

In addition to the battle scenes, there are also some fragments of daily life.He felt himself transformed into a giant, wandering the glorious streets of Woningheim, capital of the long-forgotten giant empire of Ostoria; That figure is the great father of giants; and strange symbols are carved on the stone, using poetry to record the glory of the giant family...

There are too many fragments of memory, and the flashing speed is too fast, Lancelow can't keep up with any of them.He decided not to pay attention to these grotesque images, and focused his attention on the exercise of tempering the body.

What Lancelot is practicing is a body training method called Ming Wang Jue.According to the records in the Xiaozhu Slips, this is the practice of Buddhism—a very special sect in the cultivation world. He also practiced this method when he was young, and gave a very high evaluation of it in his practice experience.

With the continuous operation of the exercises, the progress of body tempering was much faster than Lancelow expected.In less than a moment, the pot of crystal-clear Titan's blood turned muddy like muddy water, and he suddenly let out a long cry, and jumped up from the cauldron without saying a word. He rushed towards the exit of the cave.

There is no other reason, every inch of muscle and bone in Lancelot's body has grown to the point of failure, and he urgently needs to vent.

Unexpectedly, there was a naked guy like him outside the cave, waving his fists and hitting snowflakes in the cold wind.That man was Brutal, but at the moment he was nearly ten feet tall, with extremely exaggerated muscles under his bronze-colored skin, and he looked like a dwarf god.

"Haha! Big brother, you came just in time!" Brutal immediately let out a hearty laugh when he saw Lancelot, "Come and punch me!"

Hearing the words, Lancelow naturally greeted the dwarf unceremoniously, but as he approached the dwarf step by step, his body began to grow bigger and bigger, and finally became like a frost giant over twenty feet tall. Then Brutal punched him.

"No!! Brother, I was wrong!!!"

Brutal put his arms together to protect his face at the first moment, but Lancelo's fist still hit it with a terrifying momentum.The dwarf was hit and rolled backwards like a rubber ball, creating a long ditch in the thick snow, sliding for nearly a hundred feet before stopping.

After punching, Lancelot knelt down on the ground again, pounding the ground continuously.After the first few punches, the surrounding snow was lifted into the air like dust in the carpet, but soon the power of the punches began to weaken, and his figure gradually returned to normal, turning back into a human being. Appearance.

Lancelot shook his head and stood up from the ground.He still felt extremely full of Qi and blood, but the unbearable swelling finally disappeared.

On the other end, Brutal came back staggeringly, and he seemed to have returned to normal, except that there were obvious bruises on the outside of the two arms, which just formed a fist mark when put together.

"You punched too hard just now." The dwarf waved his arm at Lancelot complaining, "If it were an ordinary Berserker, I'm afraid you would blow him up with one punch."

"But aren't you alright?" Lancelot shrugged with a smile, then turned and walked towards the cave he left just now, "Let's go back quickly, it's really cold here!"

The dwarf rolled his eyes, and didn't believe the second half of Lancelow's words, because he could see clearly that the snowflakes falling from the sky immediately vaporized as soon as they fell on Lancelow's back, and the same The phenomenon also happens to oneself.

"By the way, brother, the blood soup you cook is really good." Brutal quickly followed the human knight, "I feel that my strength is at least [-]% stronger than before, and I can enter the state just now... …just eat a good meal and get a good night’s sleep.”

"I'm almost the same." Lancelot nodded, "But I haven't quite adapted to it after getting bigger, and I feel a lot bulkier. There should be a few days free in the next few days, and I will practice with you?"

"Is it really just for practice?" Brutal rubbed his arm subconsciously, "Okay, if you think it's really necessary."

"Of course, strength and bulkiness are a bad combination. How many enemies have we brought down? For example, isejotun at this level..."

"That's right." The dwarf replied subconsciously, but suddenly stopped, "Wait, the word you just said means frost giant, right?"

"Yes, I wanted to say the frost giant, but the word just popped out of my mouth, and you understood it immediately..." Lancelot also stopped, frowning slightly, "You just now ...Did you see any strange pictures?"

 Thanks to the colorful lions, Feh1er, flashing hand cards, phoenix Roseli, I can't think of a name, the sun was just right that day, and you forget to return the monthly tickets voted by a few book friends, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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