Chapter 562
Lancelow's attack just now was really too fast. Except for his partner, almost no one in the frost giant in the fierce battle saw his movements.

But the four figures who fell to the ground at the same time were really hard not to attract attention.The frost giants loyal to Solem were the first to discover the anomaly here. Although they didn't know how the small titan who appeared out of nowhere did it, they cheered loudly and enthusiastically reminded their opponents that the god of death was on the way. behind.

The defenders were truly in a panic. This new threat was far more dangerous than they first thought, and the partial numerical advantage was gone.Kostchurch's subordinates knew that the situation was not good, and Lancelot saw it clearly. He shouted for victory, and rushed towards the defensive formation with an indomitable momentum, and Brutal also followed up with all his strength. out of his stride.

The god-born followers who were fighting in the front immediately cooperated to strengthen the offensive, forcing the enemy to not be distracted. As an experienced fighter, Lancelot knew very well the best strategy in this situation.

I saw him like a whirlwind, passing quickly behind the defenders' lines.He will focus on taking care of those spellcasters, while ordinary fighters will just stab and walk away.Most of the time this doesn't kill the enemy instantly, but the frost giants from the upper planes do the rest.And Brutal, who was following behind him, was also enlightened at this moment. Using Lancelot's tall figure as a cover, the dwarf locked the target on the frost giant's knees and ankles. When he hit the hammer, there must be an enemy howling. Falling to the ground, the effect is no worse than Lancelot.

Once the balance of strength is broken, the battle situation will change very quickly.After Lancelow rushed past the interception of two guards and thrust the great sword into the mouth of a Skord (the field poet of the frost giant), the defenders on this wing finally collapsed completely.Driven by No. 1 frost giant who threw away his weapon and fled, the remaining 20 or so frost giants completely gave up the fight and fled to the west, while the attacking fighters subconsciously wanted to pursue them.

"Keep the formation, don't worry about those who escape, go back to support Georgard!" Lancelot shouted in the giant language, "come a few people, follow me to the east!"

On the battlefield, a powerful warrior will have an invisible authority. Although no one knows who Lancelot is, those frost giants subconsciously obey his orders.About thirty frost giants turned their heads to help their companions who were fighting hard in the front, while seven adventurous frost giants ran towards Lancelot, intending to follow him to attack on the flank.

Lancelow slowed down slightly so that others could follow his footsteps, and by the way, have a clear view of the latest situation of the battle.

Before they intervened, the formation of the attacking team seemed to be pinched by the claws of the crab. Lancelow just solved the smaller jaws, while Georgard was desperately resisting the thicker jaws.Relying on the powerful trembling blows, the godborn kept knocking the enemies who besieged him to the ground, and at the same time inspired the followers around him, which was the key to the attacker's maintenance of the front line.

But their numbers were at a great disadvantage after all, and his followers were being killed at a very rapid rate a little farther away from Georgard.Fortunately, after the enemy in the south was defeated, the offensive team received a small reinforcement, but the overall situation was still extremely unfavorable, which only delayed the final defeat a little bit.

Lancelot calmly restrained his desire to join the battle, and led the team around the back of the attacker until he took the lead in the charge at the rear of the enemy formation.And Brutal followed closely behind him, took off his armor while running (Kalarin who followed behind helped him put it away), activated the transformation effect of Titan's blood, and turned into an ogre-sized The bronze dwarf howled and followed.

A charge from the rear always yields immediate results, even on foot.As a former knight commander, Lancelot is naturally familiar with choosing the target of the charge, aiming at the most stressed area in the enemy's front.

As he ran forward, he placed the glacier directly in front of his body, and pressed his shield against the blade on his side, making him look like a running rhino.After rushing into the range of [-] feet away from the enemy, he accelerated his speed again, threw off all his companions, and plunged into the enemy group like the ram of a siege engine, instantly disrupting the defensive formation. Chaos.

The dwarf who charged with him held a giant battle ax that he picked up from nowhere, and turned around in the crowd of giants like a spinning top with a blade inserted, and those who were rubbed by him were either killed or injured.After transformation, Brutal was only half the size of the frost giant, but that happened to be the height difference he was most used to. He used the dwarf's signature slash to perfection, like a lumberjack, toppling giants who lost their calves one after another.

The rest of the frost giants who charged with Lancelot also achieved good results.The characteristics of the giants are fully displayed at this moment: they are indeed very cumbersome, but the damage caused by a full blow is also devastating.More than one frost giant has achieved a feat that even Lancelot himself could hardly do - splitting a fellow of his own kind in half with a giant axe who had pledged allegiance to the wrong target. The excitement of this killing made them laugh out loud , and attack the next enemy with a more crazy posture.

Lancelot's charge was like stepping on the balance of victory, knocking all the weights off the other end of the balance.However, this action of his actually only changed less than one-tenth of the situation on the entire front. To change the outcome of the entire battle, he had to make the same charge a few more times, and he needed to be quick.

So he broke away from the fight again, calling for men to follow him.Among the frost giants who came with him just now, except for one who died in battle, all the others ran to him immediately. In addition, more than ten frost giants also responded to his call, eager for Lancelot to lead them to obtain 'glory'.

The human knight didn't talk too much nonsense, he led the team around more than half a circle, and once again attacked the defenders on another front from the rear.The same scenario was staged again, only this time on a larger scale and with better results.His two rounds of charges killed nearly fifty frost giants together, which greatly boosted the morale of the attackers and once again delayed the arrival of failure.

Just as he was about to organize his men and launch the third round of back attack, his spiritual sense suddenly detected a strong surge of magic power.Suddenly, a large number of frost giants appeared in the teleportation area. The leader was a female frost giant with thick and curly blue hair and pale skin.She looked stunningly beautiful, wearing a black gown with a neckline that opened to her navel, carrying a huge shield with a double-bladed ax insignia on her face, and a gemstone necklace with a snowflake-shaped pendant around her neck.

"Warriors!" Her voice reminded Lancelot of the icy north wind, "Kill these demon worshipers!"

 Thanks to Terry00001, tyel94, Yuqing Zixu, Gaoshang Taishang Daojun, and several book friends who voted monthly, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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