The knight in the abyss

Chapter 580 Ringtones

Chapter 580 Ringtones
Shuangqiao Town.

The hurried bell rang suddenly, and the dwarves who were working were stunned for a moment, and then jumped up as if their buttocks were on fire.They threw away the tools in their hands, grabbed the armor and weapons that were put aside, and rushed towards the nearest assembly point in a swarm.

"damn it!"

For Tinkmaster Barend, the ringtone worked for him as well.The old dwarf is processing half of a batch of ore. If he leaves now, all his previous work will be in vain. However, the consequences of disobeying the bell will be even more terrible, so he can only spit hard and kick On the air intake of the furnace, then grab the gear and run outside with the others.

Unlike the tanar'ri, the vast majority of dwarves, whether mountain, hill, or duergar, are very disciplined, which makes them excellent soldiers by nature (the only exception being the somewhat deranged dylo dwarves, but there are not many Dilo dwarves in Shuangqiao Town, and most of them were assigned to work in the mine).In less than 5 minutes, more than 1000 dwarves on duty, as well as a small number of helpers of other races, had already lined up on the square in the center of the artisan area.

Barend stood shoulder to shoulder with dozens of fellow Frostforge clansmen. In front of them, a dwarf centurion was running back and forth, waving his arms, yelling.The old dwarf could tell from his almost nervous nervousness that this was not a drill, so he tried to control his trembling hands and helped each other put the armor on with the people around him.

More than a month ago, the succubus lord suddenly ordered the formation of a dwarf army, and the specific work was in charge of the artisan committee.Since then, the dwarves have been forced to leave the forge and the tunnel every three days, go to the barracks to pick up wooden warhammers, unsharp blunt swords and axes, and receive half a day of so-called military training-the specific content is just random The two groups fight each other, and the substitutions continue after the winner is determined.

Needless to say, this caused great resentment to the artisans who were extremely short of rest time. They cursed the artisan committee, demon officers, and even the succubus lords with vulgar and vicious language, but they would still obediently go to the training ground every time.Although no one wants to admit it, these military trainings did provide them with a sense of security and self-esteem from being trusted, two very rare emotions in the Abyssal Plane.

After another 3 minutes, this group of craftsmen turned into a team of very well-equipped warriors armed to the teeth. After all, they are blacksmiths themselves, and Tijana paid for all the raw materials for making equipment-of course, excluding decorations jewelry.According to the plan made in advance, they boarded the part of the city wall where the artisan district was located, and filled all the gaps on the city wall.

The dwarves immediately discovered the reason for the ringing of the assembly bell. There was a large amount of smoke on the western horizon, and some dwarves with good eyesight could already see the creatures in the smoke.Demons, overwhelming demons, most of them are cowards used as cannon fodder, but there are also mid-level demons such as berserk demons and Brezu demons, and even some larger figures appear from time to time now.

Barend thought maliciously that if this scene happened on the main material plane, the ruler of this city would probably have been terrified.That kind of situation is of course not applicable here, because the lord of Shuangqiao Town is also a Tanar'ri demon with a lot of experience and determination, and they themselves, a group of armed militiamen, are already very familiar with demons, no ( A) You will need to change your pants every time you see a demon.

However, Barend was still a little confused. According to what he had learned, there were no demon lords nearby who could pose a threat, and the discussion in the tavern recently was the possibility of the demon army approaching the city. what happened?

Many of the dwarves around him had the same question, and some who had stayed in the abyss long enough quickly saw the problem: even demons don't need to start running at full strength when they are miles away from the city wall... …unless they are actually running for their lives.

Tijana also came to the city wall. She only received the information two days ago that Grand Duke Zariel of Avernas had mobilized two new devil legions to strengthen the offensive against Volcano Fortress. The scene that appeared made her wonder whether Vesuvius' legion of the 'Destroying Flame' had been captured by the goddess of fortune.

"I want to find out what happened to the volcano castle." The succubus lord turned his head and said to the two snake demon generals following behind him, "Catch me some prisoners... don't let the berserkers, they can't even count to six !"


Lancelot and Pacos communicated very efficiently. The conversation lasted less than a quarter of an hour. The ancient red dragon disguised as a halfling agreed to help. It was clear to all of them what prompted the noble red dragon to leave this safe corner.

The imprisoned female red dragon.

During their second visit to the White Dragon's Lair, Kalarin used spells to create an illusion of a red dragon to scare Swafnir's son and test how long it would take the Prince of Wrath's mount to return from the Glacier Keep.The scholar cast the illusion based on the only ancient red dragon he had seen up close. When Swafnir appeared in a hurry, he was mercilessly laughed at by the red dragon prisoner.

'That's not my father, otherwise your son would have been roasted! '

'He has been in the abyss for a long time, and he will find it here sooner or later, when you and your son will die! '

Obviously, the red dragon prisoner saw that it was an illusion immediately, and knew that the caster who created the illusion was nearby, so he used a large-scale telepathy method to mock the panicked ancient white dragon.Lancelot immediately guessed that there might be some kind of connection between the prisoner and the deity of the phantom, that is, Pacos, but at that time he chose to release his brother Georgard to deal with the ancient white dragon. After all, there were still frost giants guarding nearby to deal with. .

Now that Georgard has been torn to shreds at Glacier Hold, it's time for a backup plan.

After the two sides reached an agreement, Pacos no longer concealed his impatience.After briefly explaining to Redragon—the halfling who temporarily took over for him—the arrangements after he left, Pacos urged Lancelot and his party to leave immediately, relying on him to enjoy the The perk uses the portal in the Tower of Bones.

That night, the group arrived at the Iron Ice Field and camped in a cave that was wide but not very hidden (because it was unnecessary).Unlike humans, dragons (especially white dragons) like to hunt at night and rest during the day, so night is not a good time to 'visit' them, and everyone needs a full rest to make their bodies in peak condition.

 Thanks for the reward of the magic tea steamed buns, and thanks to f142857ra, stunned, and several book friends of the Imperial Guard for their monthly tickets, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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