The knight in the abyss

Chapter 593 Introduction

Chapter 593 Introduction
"What?" An exclamation sounded, but it wasn't from Lancelot, but the elf priest Aramiel, "Who are you going to... come with us next?"

"Master Pacos the 'Immortal' said, you are a group of mercenaries based in a neutral town on the first floor of the abyss." The one-horned blue dragon half-dragon smiled slightly. Unlike the red dragon, that smile made people feel Very gracefully, "Is that so, Mr. Elf?"

"Exactly, beautiful lady." Alamiel gave an exaggerated gift, "My name is Alamiel, I wonder if I am lucky enough to know your name?"

"This guy, does he have any special obsession with dragons?" Bruto gently poked Kara Lin next to him, "When he introduced us to the physiological characteristics of dragons, he gave us a long speech..."

"I know what you are doubting." Kara Lin nodded calmly, "And I agree with your point of view."

"Let me introduce it." The halfling's daughter took up the conversation, "This blue dragon's name is Tatiana, don't be fooled by her politeness and posture, it's just a tool for her to maintain her sense of superiority. You can try to insult her, question her ability, I guarantee that her hysterical appearance will impress you..."

"Good day, Mr. Aramiel." The blue dragon completely ignored the evaluation of himself, "Nice to meet you."

"Oh hehe, as expected of a blue dragon, I will always maintain that superior image..." Vicinia had an evil smile on her face, and waved her finger at another half-dragon, "And the one next to me This is the green dragon Iserie, a cunning bitch who likes to manipulate people's hearts, if you come later, those Finser trolls she must have deceived will take the initiative to release her..."

"Thank you for the compliment." The green dragon and half-dragon said coldly, "The little princess has a father, how proud she is."

"I'm just introducing Sir Lancelot. He looks like a good man, so I can't let you be fooled." It seems that all dragons are highly immune to ridicule, Bisignia pointed to the station The farthest black dragon half-dragon, "Venerica, when she was first caught, she was just a little black and black. Of course, according to our standards, she is now a young dragon. She is the most abused of us. One of them, so that in terms of character...well, maybe the black dragon is like this, I think you have already experienced it..."

"Ladies, it's a pleasure to meet you, and please allow me to introduce my companions..." Lancelot bowed politely and introduced the companions to several female dragons.After the two sides exchanged some unnutritious polite words, the human knight's face straightened, and Kaidu said: "Ms. Tatiana, I want to know..."

"Just call me Taj, ser."

"As you wish, ma'am, but why do you want to go with us?" Lancelot said with a serious expression, "With all due respect, this doesn't seem to be a good choice. Maybe you haven't heard of it, but Baatezu's legion It has already entered the abyss, and the flames of bloody battle are burning on that plain of abyss..."

"Because we also need job opportunities that can earn money, and the mercenary profession that can freely choose the job content is very suitable." Blue Dragon replied in an elegant tone, "We originally hoped to go to Moglondar, but Lord Pacos doesn't seem very welcoming..."

"That's my territory, one dragon is enough." The halfling shrugged indifferently, "Of course, my own daughter doesn't count, but once the time is right, Bicynia has to get out."

"...As for bloody battles, that's not a problem. As long as there are wars, combat power can be sold at a good price. In fact, I have had such experience before, and I did a good job, whether it's Baatezu or Tanari, they're all more than happy to pay a premium for my services until..."

Taki paused, but Bruto on the side continued carelessly:
"Until you were caught by Swafnir?"

"The process is more complicated than that, but as far as the result is concerned, it's true." Blue Dragon raised her chin, "So what's your opinion, Sir Lancelot? Are you willing to take us to the town of Twin Bridges?" Is it?"

"It's okay to take you there, but it depends on our succubus lord whether he is willing to accept you." Lancelow shrugged, "But I must make it clear in advance, Tijana, who is from Shuangqiao Town Lord, I have...a special relationship with her, I will not hide your true identities from her, nor will I allow you to harm any innocent people in that city."

"The succubus lord?"

"Innocent people?"

The green dragon and the blue dragon spoke together, and the information in the human knight's words was obviously beyond their expectations.

"Yes." Lancelot nodded, "Pearl by the River Styx, the famous succubus lord Tijana, you may have heard of her name?"

"I seem to have a little impression..." Iserie seemed to think of something, "Is the town of Shuangqiao you mentioned famous for exporting weapons? It has a huge blacksmith area and houses many escaped dwarf slaves?"

"Anyone who steps into the city walls of Shuangqiao Town is no longer a slave." Lancelot cast a warning look at the green dragon half-dragon, and then talked with the remaining two half-dragons respectively. made eye contact, "Did I speak clearly enough?"

"It's very clear." Taji nodded gracefully, "Maybe we will have a chance to fight side by side in the future, sir."

"Actually, I'm worried that such an opportunity will come soon." Lancelot raised half of his eyebrows, "If you are hired to fight against the devil's army, what price will you have to pay?"

"What a wonderful start." The blue dragon showed an elegant smile again, "For your sake, Sir, the price for us to participate in a battle is... [-] gold coins per person."

"A very favorable price." The halfling added beside him, "for little ones of their age."

"I only want five thousand." The petite black dragon Vignelika said suddenly, her eyes fixed on the human knight, "But it must be gold coins of pure gold, fifty of which weigh one pound, and you must first pay."

"Venerica!" The blue dragon's dissatisfied voice sounded from the side, "Don't lower our worth!"

"I bit him just now, and this is compensation for him." Black Dragon retorted stubbornly, but still added, "Only this time!"

"It's a good deal to save [-] gold coins by taking a bite without missing a piece of meat." Lancelow nodded with a smile, and showed everyone the emblem of Shuangqiao Town in his hand, "If there are no other questions, we Go now. Good-bye, Mr. Pacos, and have a good day."

"Good luck to you too, Sir Lancelot." The halfling sighed softly. "You need that more than I do."

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(End of this chapter)

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