Chapter 595
"Brother, what should we do?" Brutal asked anxiously, "My father is probably fighting there too!"

Lancelot could understand Brutal's feelings, but he didn't answer immediately, but frowned and observed the battlefield in front of him.After being in the abyss for so long, he has learned to judge the strength comparison between the top combat forces before judging the direction of the battle.Specific to the current situation, he is quite confident in Tijana's strength, and is sure that the succubus lord will not lose at least.

Since it is difficult to tell the winner among the top combat forces for a while, the battle situation depends on the duel between ordinary soldiers.He couldn't quite understand the situation in the sky, but it generally seemed to be in a state of stalemate, and two-thirds of the devil army on the ground was on the other side of the river bank.They lined up neatly, stepped onto the pontoon bridge in an orderly manner, and threw themselves into the meat grinder-like battlefield ahead without emotion.

To be honest, Lancelow felt really terrified at that scene. If he was facing an ordinary human army, he might have collapsed from the aura before the fight started.

However, there are demons on the walls of Shuangqiao Town, the incarnations of madness, evil, violence and cruelty in the multiverse. Facing the attacks of demons, they fight very tenaciously, and the two sides are in a bloody mutual consumption.Lancelot quickly came to the conclusion that while the casualties would be enormous, the defense was more likely to have the last laugh, as long as the morale of the demons and dwarves didn't crumble before victory arrived, but he wasn't so sure of that .

In addition to the battle between the succubus lord and the demon general, there was another huge variable on the battlefield—the giant war machines behind the devil's camp.Although their rate of fire is extremely slow and their accuracy is not too high, their power is really terrifying. If they land on a city full of defenders, they will not only cause a large number of casualties, but also destroy the city wall below. A few more hits, the balance of victory is likely to be reversed.

"Ms. Tatyana, Ms. Iserly, and Miss Venerika." Lancelot turned around and said to the three half-dragons in the team, "Just as I was worried, your first A job opportunity has come up."

"Is that succubus Tijana?" Blue Dragon pointed at the gate, "We need to withdraw the commission in advance, but she seems a little busy now..."

"I can pay half of it first." Lancelot replied immediately, "I use my reputation to assure you that once the battle is over, I will pay the rest immediately."

"In the abyss, reputation can't be used to guarantee anything, and your beloved woman and her territory are under attack." The blue dragon Tatiana reminded in a relaxed tone, "It's good if we don't sit still and increase the price, You still don't want to pay the full amount?"

Lancelot reached into the dimensional bag at his waist, and after a while, a handful of beautiful gemstones appeared in his hand—five round black opals, each worth a thousand gold coins; five square emeralds, the same Each one is worth one thousand gold coins; plus one shiny black sapphire with luster, one is worth five thousand gold coins.

The eyes of the three half-dragons changed on the spot, and they stretched out their claws towards him almost immediately, but Lancelow pulled his hand back faster.Dragons love all types of gems, but have a strong preference for gems that are similar to their own skin color, and the few shining stones deliberately selected by the human knight are more convincing than his own words.

"But Sir Lancelot has already proved his nobility, hasn't he?" Blue Dragon withdrew his hand in embarrassment, "You still have such gems to pay the final payment?"

"I may not have it, but Tijana must have it." Lancelow assured the half-dragons, and at the same time opened his palm again, saying in a seductive tone, "If you agree, you can take it now." Take these rewards."

"Thank you." The green dragon Yiseri stretched out her hand and grabbed the five emeralds. "If it wasn't because you saved me once, I would have robbed them directly."

"I accept it too." The blue dragon reached out and grabbed the black sapphire in his hand, as if his eyes were attracted by the gem.

"These stones... are beautiful." Venerica was the last to reach out and took the black opals in her hand, "But how much gold are they worth?"

"The black opal in your hand is worth about a thousand gold coins." Lancelow patiently explained, "If you prefer gold coins, you can exchange them with merchants at any time. There are many such businessmen."

"I believe you." The black dragon nodded, looked at the gemstones in his hand again, and struggled to take the two smallest ones back into Lancelot's hand, "I...I only need half of the advance payment."

"Take it all." Lancelot stuffed the two gems into the arms of the black dragon, dumbfounded, and said to Tatyana and Iserie beside him, "You take care of this child in a while, don't let her Trapped in demons."

"Do you still need to remind me?" The green dragon glared at him angrily, "Okay, what do you need us to do? Spit on the bearded demons crossing the river on the Styx River? Or deal with those horned demons flying in the sky?"

"No need, I just need you to destroy those war machines, that is the highest priority target." Lancelow pointed to the rear of the devil's camp, "If you do this, I will pay the remaining commission, but if you Keep attacking the devil's army, and I think Tijana will be happy to pay the extra reward."

"that's it?"

"that's it."

The half-dragons looked at each other, and the light of transformation magic lit up, and three giant dragons appeared on the spot in the next second.They nodded to Lancelot, and then flapped their wings, sending their huge body over sixty feet into the sky, and at the same time issued a loud and domineering roar, announcing their arrival to the entire battlefield.

The appearance of the giant dragon was a surprise to everyone, and three dragons came at a time.Both warring parties raised their heads, watching the huge, graceful, and at the same time destructive figure of the dragon streaking across the air, so that the battle came to a brief standstill.

"Don't look." Lancelot called back the attention of the partners, "We still have work to do."

"Okay! I can't wait!" Brutal raised his hand to take off his armor, "Just like the time we were at Stoddt's Gate?"

"Calm down, last time two groups of frost giants were fighting fiercely, that's why our surprise attack was successful. If you rush over like this now, you will definitely be gone in less than half a minute." Lancelow shook his head, from the dimensional bag He pulled out a bony horn, "Our goal is to destroy those pontoon bridges... Do you all remember how to fight on the deck?"

(End of this chapter)

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