The knight in the abyss

Chapter 6 Battle in the Pit

Chapter 6 Battle in the Pit

The mad war demon threw away the whip in his hand.

For them, the whip is too soft, and their claws are better.

The young dwarf held his pick tightly in both hands.He knew that he might not see the sun tomorrow, but he would rather die than continue such a humiliating life.

The demon and the dwarf only confronted each other for a while, and the demon hurriedly launched an attack.It used its strong legs to jump like a real toad, and its two claws swung towards the target condescendingly.

Dwarves try to defend, but pickaxes don't work well as shields.He reluctantly opened the first blow, but there was nothing he could do about the second blow that followed. He barely had time to protect the vital point, and was hit by a solid claw and flew out.

The mad war demons onlookers cheered, and even the overseer forgot his responsibilities and gave a sharp applause.

The young dwarf stood up with difficulty, horrific wounds on his arms and shoulders, but only a small amount of blood came out.

Dwarves have rock-like bodies and are inherently resistant to bleeding.Although this young dwarf looked rather embarrassed, he managed to avoid the key point and was not out of combat.

Seeing him stand up again, the toad demon on the opposite side let out an angry roar.This time it landed on all fours, rushed over like a wild boar, opened its bloody mouth and bit it fiercely.

The young dwarf rolled to the ground with his head in his arms, and narrowly avoided the blow.

There was huge booing from the audience, who didn't like the fight in the dark.

As a duelist with the upper hand, the mad war demon was a little crazy stimulated by the boos of his companions.It turned around impatiently and rushed towards the opponent, intending to use the two claw strikes that worked just now.

The young dwarf stopped trying to parry with the pickaxe this time, and continued to roll on the ground short, dodging the attack.

But this time there was something more.

The upper limbs of the Berserker Demon are very thick, and the head grows directly on the shoulders, and there is almost no neck, which makes it impossible to see the movements of the dwarves under it in the air.

As it rolled under him, the dwarf ruthlessly stretched out his pickaxe.

The relatively short body has many wonderful uses, such as the ability to quickly adjust the posture and attack when rolling and dodging.

There was a sound of broken bones.The young dwarf precisely nailed the tip of the pick into the Berserker's knee, shattering the bones inside.

The mad war demon let out an earth-shattering scream, and the posture of his landing aggravated the knee injury, which made him completely unable to stand, so he could only support himself with his claws and lie on the ground.

"Haha, who said that three-legged toads are hard to find in this world? Isn't that so!"

All the dwarves laughed wildly, even the whip that fell madly couldn't stop them.

The pain completely angered the mad war demon, and the desire to rage and kill has completely occupied its mind, and it just wants to tear this abominable dwarf to pieces.

With one intact leg and two claws, it charged towards the dwarf again, but the dwarf turned around and ran in circles at the bottom of the pit.

The three-legged Toad Demon couldn't catch up with the nimble dwarf. The way he was dragging a broken leg and crawling on the ground with two claws was very funny, making everyone including the other Berserkers laugh out loud.

Maybe the laughter stimulated it, maybe the dwarf was tired of running, and the distance between the two gradually narrowed.

Finally, the three-legged toad seized an opportunity, kicked on the ground with one leg, and slammed forward, and the dwarf in front seemed to run into a dead end without paying attention. There is no room to dodge.

"No no no no!"

"Tear it up!"


"Kill kill kill!"

"Watch out!"


The audience let out all kinds of exclamations.In the eyes of the demons, the end is doomed.The dwarf might be nimble and strong, but the hit just now was just a matter of luck. If they faced each other, they would have no chance of winning. They seemed to have seen the dwarf being torn to shreds by those sharp claws.The dwarves showed despair, the fire of hope that had just ignited quickly extinguished in their pupils, and the cowardly even covered their eyes.

The young dwarf did not look back, but continued to run forward.

Just when the claws were less than ten centimeters away from his vest, an amazing scene appeared.

I saw him stepping on the stone wall with one foot, then ran a step vertically up the stone wall, and then jumped back, his body jumped over the Berserker Demon and landed on the opponent's back, perfectly dodging the enemy. A sure shot.

With a loud bang, the big toad slammed into the stone wall, and the huge momentum made it almost unconscious.

And behind it, the pickaxe in the dwarf's hand was raised high.

The sour voice came again, this time the knee of the other leg was also broken.

Pickaxes are really effective for hard objects.

The noise in the auditorium stopped abruptly, and everyone looked at the scene in disbelief. A dwarf slave defeated a mad war demon with just a pickaxe?

The big toads with insufficient brains are still trying to digest the facts in front of them, the dwarves with normal intelligence are holding the pickaxes in their hands tighter, and the few with empty hands look around to confirm the nearest cross. The location of the pickaxe.

This mine is like a gladiatorial arena, and the battle in the field is not over yet.

Even with broken knees on both legs, the big toad displayed the terrifying physique of a demon.It crawled on the ground with its two claws and thighs, and lunged again at the young dwarf.

Fear is one of the demon's weapons, but at this moment its opponents have shown confidence.The young dwarf dodged all the attacks, and then seized the opportunity to break the two elbows of the Berserker Demon one after another.

But the devil still did not lose his fighting power.The last ferocity made it open its bloody mouth and bite at the young dwarf.

Its opponent did not dodge this time, but stretched out the pickaxe in his hand.

With a puff, like a fish biting a hook, the two ends of the pick pierced through the nostrils and chin of the dying berserker.

The pain made it struggle violently, and this mad war demon showed everyone how terrifying the demon's vitality was.

At this time, a foot stepped on its back.

The young dwarf grabbed the wooden handle of the pickaxe and pulled the pickaxe back with all his might, using the demon's pierced upper jaw as a fulcrum.

The muscles in his shoulders and arms hunched up high, and he looked like a switchman working in the Dwarven Royal subway, trying to save a train that was about to derail.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!!!"

The dwarf let out a roar with all his strength, and the head of the Berserker Demon under his feet was hooked higher and higher.

A certain critical point was finally broken. First, the mandible of the Berserker Demon was completely torn off, and the long tongue without a chin then fell out of the throat; then the skull like a steel helmet was completely opened. , revealing a brain slightly larger than an apple with countless disgusting tumors growing inside it.

After a brief silence, the entire mine boiled.

The dwarves cheered desperately, and the mad war demons roared in anger, but the most harsh thing was the scream of the demon overseer:

"Fighting Demon! Kill him for me! I'm going to rip off his skin!"

In fact, there was already a mad war demon who jumped down before the demon overseer's words came out. The young dwarf was not an opponent at all. He could only dodge back and forth by taking advantage of his short stature. Be careful of being tripped to the ground and unable to get up for a while, the situation is extremely critical.

The dwarf slaves took action one after another, grabbing the pickaxe and waving it indiscriminately, dragging the footsteps of several Berserkers, but more Berserkers jumped from the audience, ready to join the siege of the gladiator .

A dark shadow was faster than them, and the person who came was Lancelot who had been hiding and watching for a long time.

The battle of the young dwarf made his blood boil, but he held back his move, for it was not the act of a knight to interrupt a glorious duel.

However, he also took the opportunity to see clearly the situation of the enemy.The berserkers are strong and strong, mainly relying on sharp claws and fangs to fight, but they are irritable and stupid, and have no brute force, and their fighting skills are no different from those of beasts.The overseer doesn't seem to be good at melee combat, but the fly-like body and rapier-like mouth suggest that its fighting style may be more inclined to assassination, and the high-pitched voice suggests that it may also have some kind of sonic attack.

Dantian emits surging energy, and true qi flows in every meridian.

This was Lancelot's first battle since he became a cultivator. He felt that the great sword in his hand was so light that he could barely use it.

When he landed, he directly nailed an enemy to the ground, twisting the hilt of the sword in his hand, there was a blood hole in the back of the enemy's head under his feet.

On the human battlefield, with a two-handed sword, he would rush to the front of the team, smashing the densely packed gun formations of the enemy.In the abyss, the two-handed greatsword was even better when dealing with an enemy that was a head taller than a human being like the Berserker Demon.The long blade allows Lancelot to stay as far away from the Berserker's dangerous claws as possible, while the destructive power of the greatsword allows him to seriously wound every foe he hits.

After a few pairs of claws were chopped off, and a few toad heads were opened, the siege of him had ceased.The mad war demons just surrounded Lancelot, but they did not dare to go forward.

Lancelot then stretched out his hand and pulled the brave young dwarf up, then said with a smile:

"You played really well, little brother."

"You're young, you don't even have a beard."

The two laughed, and Lancelot introduced himself:

"My name is Lancelot Durek, and I'm a stray knight, no, a repair knight. What's your name?"

The young dwarf bowed:

"Thank you very much, my name is Pluto Frostcast, a blacksmith. You don't seem to need the shield on your back for a while, can you lend me a moment?"

"You haven't officially completed your apprenticeship!" The old dwarf didn't seem to be able to die for a while.

"That's because of these damn demons!" Blotto, who found his father awake, roared back in excitement and embarrassment.

Lancelo happily removed the shield behind him.This is a cavalry shield, which is used to resist the sprint of the enemy knight's spear. It is very thick, but because it is too heavy, it is not suitable for use when dismounting, but it is quite suitable in the hands of Pluto - although the dwarf is only human's height Two-thirds, but about the same weight, they are very stocky, stronger than humans, and the size of the shield is just enough to protect their whole body.

Lancelot looked at Pluto who instantly turned into a heavy infantry, nodded with satisfaction, and said:

"Are you ready to deal with the remaining toads?"

"Come on man, I'm so hungry!"

 Let me explain separately here, I have removed the attributes that most ordinary monsters are immune to non-magical weapon damage, unless they are special types such as incorporeal bodies and elements.Mainly because I think the setting of direct immunity is unreasonable, hehe, and I don't plan to strictly abide by the challenge level in the monster manual. After all, we are a DM, and everything serves the plot~ In addition, the 5E monster manual also puts the positioning of the mad war demon from 3R's "sergeant of the demon race" has been changed to "the role of infantry in the demon race", so it is not set as strong. The challenge level is roughly in the range of 6 to 9.



(End of this chapter)

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