The knight in the abyss

Chapter 717 Leave

Chapter 717 Leave
Lancelot watched quietly, knowing that Barbosh was already considering taking over the position of Lord of the Volcanic Fortress, and was trying to gain Tijana's support.Although the latter Shuangqiao Town does not belong to Lord Wu'an's forces, it has been essentially responsible for the logistics supply of the Volcano Fort. has certain advantages.

In theory, the other two Balrog generals are also possible candidates, but it seems that they are only happy that Vesuvius is dead-very sincerely, almost not hiding it at all.Considering how humiliated they were by the former volcanic fort lord last night, this emotion is not difficult to understand, not to mention that they are still demons, this kind of creature will hardly be sad for the death of its own kind, let alone it is still in the volcanic fort. There is no longer a need for the powerful combat power of Vesuvius.

Barbosh was still rambling on about the cooperation opportunities between Volcano Fortress and Shuangqiao Town in the future, and the performance of the mercenary army in this joint operation, but Lancelot suddenly felt a strong sense of unease.This unease did not come from his spiritual perception, but from Tijana who had regained his spiritual connection with him.

Lancelot turned his head calmly, and keenly noticed that the expression on the Succubus Lord's face became stiff.After Barlow Balrog finished a long paragraph of polite words, she interrupted directly:

"Well, honorable General Barbosh, and General Talen and General Tua, now that the fighting here is over, we should leave too. Sir Lancelot, those soldiers who remain in the throne room will listen to you , take them to Sonam."

"Yes, my lady." Lancelot replied in a calm tone, but at the same time he asked via telepathic connection: "Is there any accident?" '

'Let Sonam fix it in place first, and wait for my further news. Tijana replied briefly, waved her hand, and created a portal floating in mid-air behind her, "Then goodbye, generals, and welcome to Shuangqiao Town... Remember to bring enough coins. "

The figure of the succubus lord disappeared into the portal, along with two lizards.The three Balrog generals looked at each other in dismay, as if they were a little puzzled by Tijana's hasty departure.

"Generals, please allow us to take our leave first." Lancelow bowed respectfully to the Barlow demons. Now that Tijana is not here, it is still a bit stressful for him to be alone in the same room with the three Balor demons of.

"Of course, Sir Lancelot." Barbosh's attitude was unusually polite, "Sonam didn't let the mercenary army join the siege battle. You can find her outside the city."

"Okay, thank you for your information." Lancelot saluted again, turned his head and winked at the nervous partners behind him, and led everyone to quickly leave the cave where the temperature was getting higher and higher.

"Barbosh, is there anything special about that human knight? Why are you so...friendly to him?"

Although he was far away, Lancelot's keen hearing still caught the conversation of the Balrog generals behind him.It should be Tarun who asked the question, the weakest of the three Balrogs.

"He is Tijana's public lover, being friendly to him is being friendly to the succubus lord." Barbosh sounded so calm that he hardly looked like a Balrog, "As for the consequences of being unfriendly, we have a ready-made one at our feet." case of..."

"Brother." Brutal's voice sounded behind Lancelot, "Sister-in-law, what happened to her just now? Why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

"She didn't explain, but just asked me to wait for the news." Lancelot paused, "I have a bad feeling about it..."


Perhaps it was because of the lack of tension when they came, the speed of returning seemed to be much faster than when they came down. In less than a quarter of an hour, everyone came to the throne room of the Flame Palace again.At this moment, a large number of demons have gathered here, and Lancelot can easily identify which ones are from Shuangqiao Town and which ones are under Lord Wu'an's subordinates—Tijana brought the best of the best, no matter Whether it's equipment or demeanor, they all exude a temperament that is completely different from other demons.

Besides, most of the demons are starting to provoke each other out of boredom at the moment, an entertaining brawl seems to be staged at any time, but the soldiers from Shuangqiao Town just watch it coldly, not because they have better discipline , but identified an opponent who was not worth fighting at all.

As soon as Lancelot and his partners appeared, they immediately attracted everyone's attention.Although the human knights were very active on the battlefield yesterday, most of the mid-level demons didn't care about other corners of the battlefield at all during the battle. They just barely had an impression of Lancelot, but the demons in Shuangqiao Town were different—— —This is the man who is the boss of them, the kind they have kissed in public.

Three berserker demon captains surrounded them, and they looked up and down the human knight's fine gold armor that was riddled with holes, as if they didn't quite understand why the creature under the armor was still panting.

"Sir Lancelot..." one of the Berserkers said with an unusually hoarse voice, "Where is Lady Tijana? And General Bethesiare and Madam Veska, where are they going?"

"They have other things to do, and they have already returned to Shuangqiao Town." Lancelot explained calmly, "She asked me to take you to join General Sonam, and then return to Shuangqiao Town together."

"That is to say..." Another captain of the Berserker Devil said in a deep voice, "Now you are our leader?"

"Before handing you over to Sonam, yes." Lancelow nodded, "Is there any problem?"

"No. Shall we go now?"

"Isn't there a problem... Sonam should be just outside the city, but let's take a short detour first..."


What Lancelow is going to is naturally the underground palace of the Temple of Graz'zt.When he led a large group of people and reappeared in the ornately decorated underground secret room, everyone was shocked. The survivors here still don't know what's going on outside.

"The coalition forces have recaptured Volcanic Fort!" Lancelot jumped onto a table and announced to the audience, "All the Baatezu have been...cleaned up, and you are now safe. But there is still bad news... Su Wei is dead."

Cheers sounded one after another.

"...Well, there will be a new lord to take over soon, I guess it may be General Barbosh the 'Batezu Slayer', that's it." Lancelot jumped off the table, looked at the hard work and squeezed over A familiar face, "Mrs. Gayka, have you found the children of Amnon Pek and Anastasia?"

"Only Kalista and Nemeya." Kayika turned her head and pointed at the two little succubus girls with a height of less than four feet with her chin. "As for Miller, that idiot is dead. He said he would To avenge his father would be a complete idiot."

"I'm sorry to hear this." Lancelot sighed, "Our team will return to Shuangqiao Town soon. If you like, you can take them with you and settle in Shuangqiao Town."

"Can I have more children?"

"Of course." Lancelot replied softly, "Take the children with you."


  PS, Moyu conceived a new plot during the training today, a little spoiler, the protagonists will finally leave the abyss plane, go to the obscurity to find the soul of an old friend who cannot be resurrected, what is waiting for them What about the journey?Stay tuned!
(End of this chapter)

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