The knight in the abyss

Chapter 723 Familiar Partner

Chapter 723 Familiar Partner

Lancelow didn't allow himself to spend too long recalling the wonderful experience just now. After getting dressed, he left the room and walked down the spiral staircase.

As Tijana said, the end of the stairs was the training ground, where the two often practiced duels. At this moment, three succubus maids were sparring with blunt swords.Even though they were all wearing thick protective gear, they still looked quite eye-catching, and it was only possible to see such a scene in Shuangqiao Town.

After Lancelow appeared, the three succubi all stopped and saluted Lancelow—they would do the same before, but the human knights were sure that their attitudes today were a little different, and it was definitely not due to their own psychology.

Of course, he wouldn't be so stupid as to ask the other party why.

As usual, Lancelot solemnly returned the salute to the ladies, and then walked into a special lounge next to the training ground, where a portal to Hagrid Manor was installed.One of the benefits of being promoted to a high level in the Foundation Establishment Stage is that he doesn't need to focus his true energy on both ears, and he can clearly hear the whispers of the maids after he disappeared.

"Why did Sir Lancelot come out so soon? Didn't they..."

"Impossible! Didn't you see what Lord Tijana looked like just now? The brisk steps are like stepping on cotton! Which of you has ever seen the Lord show such an expression?"

"Sir he really just a mortal?"

"I guess he is actually a saint of a certain god... Do you still remember the snow that suddenly appeared on the Broken Mountain Range? It is said that it was the effect of Aurul's coming, but he was driven away by Lady Tijana on the spot , and Sir Lancelot was there..."

"Damn it, if only I had a man like that..."

"Tch, haven't you been showing off your husky lover all the time, saying that lycanthropes are the best males in the world..."

Lancelot shook his head speechlessly, and at the same time silently thanked Han Tianzun who taught him the Dharma.If it weren't for becoming a cultivator, being a lover with a succubus is definitely a life-threatening activity, even if the other party has no malicious intentions.

Pressing a group of stone bricks on the wall in a special order, Lancelot summoned a blue and white portal.Through this magical space magic, he just took a simple step forward, and he was already in the garden of Hagrid Manor again.

It was already late at night, and a round of hazy red moon hung high above Oasis Castle, while the flowers from Androlina in the courtyard were blooming wantonly, proudly showing the beauty of their lives to the audience.Sadly, their beauty is so alien to this barren, barren, and malevolent plane that their owners have had to use grand illusions to keep them hidden.

The lights on the first floor of the manor were still on. Along the path paved with stone slabs, Lancelot walked to the gate, knocked on the door panel, and waited patiently on the spot.

A burst of familiar footsteps approached quickly, and Lancelot had already recognized who the owner of the footsteps belonged to, and the other party obviously recognized his usual way of knocking on the door.The door was slammed open, and a petite figure jumped into Lancelot's arms.

"Brother Lancelot!" The vampire girl shook his body happily, "Why did you just come back! Brother Aramiel and Uncle Brutal have been here for a long time..."

"Ha, how many times have I told you that Brutal is also an older brother, so you can't think he's older just because he has a long beard." Lancelot rubbed little Isa's bright golden hair with a smile, and clicked his tongue Shocked, "Hey, what's going on, I feel like you're a little dark..."

"Oh, I knew it." The little girl's expression collapsed immediately, "It's all the Countess Ansesta's fault, she made me stay in the sun all the time, it feels like my skin is burning, It hurts, it hurts..."

"And you stuck with it all?"

"Of course!" Little Isa pouted her chin, "Now I can move freely in the sun! Fighting is no problem! It's just that I can't use any vampire power..."

"It's really hard work for you." Lancelow hugged the proud little vampire, "It's all because you want to go on an adventure with everyone, so you work so hard, right?"

"Hey, there's no reason not to take me with you in the future, right?" Little Isa straightened her tousled hair, her expression became a little serious, "Brother Lancelow, is your adventure going well this time? The atmosphere is so heavy, I thought something was wrong with you at first, but fortunately Brother Aramiel told me that you were with Sister Tijana..."

"It seems that they haven't told you yet." Lancelot sighed, "Come on, let's go in first..."

After entering the living room, Lancelow saw the long-lost Kara Lin, and the scholar was discussing something eagerly with Alamir.Hearing the movement of Lancelow coming in, the two turned their heads in unison and greeted him with cups filled with golden ale.

"Wow." Aramir smiled at Lancelot, who immediately understood, "It seems that someone had a pretty good time...Did you use everything I taught you before? The effect How about it?"

"Well... that's good..." Lancelot grabbed an empty glass and turned on the switch on the bottom of the barrel on the tea table to fill it up. "Where's Pluto?"

"As soon as I came back, I locked myself in the room. After I boiled the bath water, I went to call him, and found that he was already asleep." The elf priest shook his head, "Uncle Barend's death hit him too hard. , if Tijana hadn't given him a ray of hope, I'm afraid he would have collapsed by now."

"Uncle dead?" Little Isa on the side called out in surprise, "How did he die? Can't he be resurrected with the resurrection technique?"

"When we were fighting in Volcano Fort, Tijana was summoned by me to help. If it wasn't for her, we would all have been burnt to ashes. But at that moment, the Oasis Fort envoys in Shuangqiao Town launched Attacked, ran to the blacksmith area to wreak havoc, Uncle Barend was killed at that time." Lancelow took a sip of his ale, "But the battle on our side will be resolved soon, Tijana He rushed back to Shuangqiao Town for a while, and executed all the attackers on the spot. However, when the dead were resurrected afterwards, some people could not be awakened. Not only Barend, but also several other dead people had similar They are all big craftsmen who are very important to Shuangqiao Town."

"Then... what should we do then? Elder Aramir said just now that there is still a glimmer of hope?"

"Yes, we plan to go to the underworld to investigate what's wrong with these people's souls. Now we are waiting for your sister Tijana to find the portal to that plane." Lancelot turned his attention to the scholar , "Speaking of which, what kind of god is the king of the dead? He is in charge of the priesthood of death, so he should be a god of the evil camp..."

"That's not the case." Kalarin shook his head resolutely, "The current king of the dead has only ascended to the gods for more than a hundred years. When he was a mortal, he was a sincere, enthusiastic, and friendly human warrior..."

 Thanks to the two bosses f142857ra and I love Taishou for their rewards and monthly tickets, and thanks to the two book friends Tu Yunlong and Yan Ranweile Huawuque for their monthly tickets. Thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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