The knight in the abyss

Chapter 727 The Year of Turmoil

Chapter 727 The Year of Turmoil
Zariel's sword fell silent, and it could be seen that although she was very powerful, her eloquence was far inferior to that of her ancient counterpart.In addition, Zariel is an angel who serves Lathander, the lord of the morning light; and Ai Er is one of the three celestial clans, and like Baatezu and Tanari, they are all planar creatures, although they belong to the good camp. But it is not the existence of divine power.

"According to what I just heard, death actually plays two roles." Lancelot said, bringing the topic back, "First, death separates the soul from the body of a mortal, which is like a familiar Second, it is because of the existence of death that mortals know that their time in this world is limited, so they will spend their time actively. Life, so that when the soul dies, it has a certain quality and becomes a fruit that the gods can eat..."

"It's not appropriate to use the metaphor of food, because the soul of a mortal believer is fused with the existence of divine power, not devoured." Star Strike patiently corrected, "But it's generally correct, that's what it means. So you understand me Why is death so important? Jergal will definitely not hand over the priesthood of death. He can give away priesthoods related to death, such as murder, disease, and undead creatures, but death itself is not It moves, and it does—the rules of death are the same as before I was buried, are they?"

"You hit it right." Karaline praised sincerely, "Baal's title is 'God of Murder', which is obviously two different things from death itself."

"I'll just say it." Star Strike said triumphantly, "It is impossible for Jergal to take the priesthood of death..."

"But the current lord of the dead, Kelanvor, also has the priesthood of death." Karaline said with a smile, "There must be something hidden in it, right?"

"What?!" A bunch of bubbles came out of the beer mug enshrining the holy relic of Eraser, and he continued after a while, "This Kelemvor... how did he come to power?"

"About 100 years ago, a major event that affected the entire multiverse occurred..." Kara Lin turned to look at Alamiel, "When the year of turmoil comes, you should have been born, right?"

"Yes." Alamiel nodded affirmatively, "But at that time, I was just an adult, and I was studying for a doctorate in art appraisal and art history at Silver Moon University, so I didn't know much about the specific details... "

"Then let me introduce it. Since this incident happened not far away from now, there is a lot of first-hand information..." The scholar picked up his wine glass and took a sip with restraint, " This story is also related to the three gods of death: Bane, Baal and Melkor, but mortals didn't know what happened at the beginning. It was the Year of Shadows, No.15 of the Blooming Moon, and people were shocked to see Then came falling from the sky so many blinding meteors, so bright that the sun was dimmed; Respond to the prayers of believers, and no longer grant priests any divine spells; arcane spells have also become dangerous and unpredictable. A simple fireball spell may summon a Balor, and a freezing ray may turn the target into a monster. In the end, a group of unbelievably powerful individuals appeared in the world, and destructive battles broke out among them, and the believers quickly recognized the true identity of these people—— It is the gods I worship, they have come to the world..."

"This sounds too strange." Star Strike said incredulously, "What caused all this? It's impossible for the divine powers to make an appointment to go to the material plane for a battle royale, right?"

"Of course not." The scholar shook his head, "Do you know God God Io?"

"The Hidden Lord?" Star Strike asked strangely, "Of course I know this Lord of the Gods, but how do you know his name? He manages the duties of the gods, and he will never appear in front of mortals. Appear..."

"Indeed, if it weren't for the turbulent year, people would later get a name for this event, and mortals would not know the existence of Io." Kara Lin took another sip of ale to moisten his thirsty throat, "God God has a sacred object called the Fate Slate. It is said that each slate corresponds to a world in the material plane, and the gods worshiped in that world and their responsibilities are recorded on it. Mirku and Bann covet Io's Divine power, they believed that part of Io's power came from these tablets, so they stole two of them."

"Wow." Star Strike sounded really shocked, "This is simply... ogre-level stupidity. The main function of the Tablet of Fate is to facilitate Io's memory, and the old man is a bit forgetful..."

"Uh... I didn't hear what you said just now." Kara Lin smiled nervously, "In short, Io was really angry about this. He summoned all the gods to him and asked to steal The guy on the Fate Slate took the initiative to stand up, immediately, immediately, but of course there was no response. This made the gods even more angry. He loudly reprimanded the gods for only thinking about fighting each other and improving their own strength, but not How could he care about those mortals who worshiped him, so with a big wave of his hand, he threw all the gods into the world, stayed with his believers, and no one was allowed to come back unless he found the tablet of fate. Aiou also cut off In other words, it reduced their strength to the level of a saint... just like the Aurul you killed in the Broken Mountain Range last time."

"Io's power is so strong?" Lancelot put down the cup in shock, "Even if all the gods are added together, they can't fight against him?"

"Because Io's priesthood is God." Star Strike on the side replied, "All the existence of divine power belongs to him, and there is no possibility of confrontation between the two..."

"That's why He never pays attention to the prayers of mortals." Kara Lin shook his head lightly, "Without their divine power, the gods are no longer immortal, but they still practice their teachings. The end of tyranny The god Bane hid one of the tablets of fate in the port of Tanterus, and Tom, the god of courage and sacrifice, also descended on that city. Bane wanted to establish a brutal rule in this city, but he immediately Thom resisted, and an epic battle broke out between the two. Bane, who was more prepared, initially gained the upper hand, but after absorbing the souls of a thousand willing sacrifices, Tom managed to kill Bane, but he himself was wiped out in Bane's last breath of death. But then Tom was resurrected by Io, because he died doing his duty, and God God was very satisfied with that."

(Again, God God AO is only valid for the God of Toril in the official settings, and the settings in this book are modified by the author himself)
 Thank you, Big Bear, Never Falling Leaf, Owl L, Misfortune Worth Words, I Love the Prefect, and several book friends who voted monthly, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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