The knight in the abyss

Chapter 746 Curse or Blessing

Chapter 746 Curse or Blessing
"Just one of them, my senior."

The voice of the king of the dead was still indifferent, but Lancelow suddenly realized that the other party was actually deliberately imitating the speaking style of the cloaked skeleton.At this moment, a special voice sounded from the bottom of Lancelot's heart. His expression moved slightly, and he took the initiative to say:

"My lord of the end of all things, an old friend of yours is with me, and it wishes to say hello to you."

Oh?my friend?

The skeleton's tone sounded like it was just trying to show politeness, this condescending tone Lancelot was all too familiar with.

Of course I'd love to meet this 'old friend', but where is he now?
Lancelot put his hand into the dimensional bag on his waist, and pulled out the Star Strike at a speed that would not cause misunderstanding.A puff of silvery smoke appeared around the sacred object of Eras, and after a few short breaths, a male elf in a dark blue robe appeared on the spot.He bowed and saluted with flamboyant and exaggerated movements, and said happily:

"Hello, Spellweaver, do you remember me?"

It turned out to be you?I thought you had already fallen into Cang Ye's hands...

"Senior, who is he?" The King of the Dead asked in surprise, "A sword spirit?"

This is the husband of the Queen of the Era Clan...


...I'm sorry to hear that, Iscodel, the ex-husband of the Star Queen.

"The saber."

"I've heard of this name." The god wearing the silver mask nodded, "It is said that he sacrificed himself in the abyss to protect those pure children, but he also completed his own redemption..."

It must be that this gentleman found his saber in Andrinal, and brought it out.What a pleasant surprise, my friend, I thought I'd have to wait until the end of time to talk to you again.

"Me too, and I've heard a lot of legends about you recently, it's really... unbelievable." The elf incarnated from Star Strike showed a meaningful smile, "Now do you still think that death is a boring job?"

It's not the work itself that's boring, it's the way it works.I also send this message to you, my lord.

"I have already experienced this, senior. Since you have old acquaintances among these people, are you going to take this vampire away? Although we have different opinions on undead creatures, I will not deny that you have s right."

"No, honorable king of the dead." Star Strike said politely, "Look at this little girl's heart, she doesn't need anyone's protection."

I will never claim that right, my lord.

"In this case, then come forward, these mirrors can reflect all your experiences..."

Hearing this, Little Isa's body trembled slightly, but she still bravely walked forward from behind Lancelow.

"Wait a moment." Lancelot said suddenly, "The great king of the dead, can we avoid it?"


"A lady always has her own secrets." Lancelow shook his head, "No one has the right to peep into her secrets except death, and death itself should be silent."

"...Well, I completely agree." Death nodded lightly, and the next moment, Lancelot's surroundings became completely dark, "Then please wait a while in the dark, we will soon it is good."

In the complete darkness, time seemed to stop flowing. Lancelot silently counted his heartbeats. Before counting to thirty, everything around him returned to normal.His eyes immediately found the figure of the little girl, and he was relieved to see that she was still standing there intact. The only difference was that there were two more crystal clear tear stains on her face, which looked extremely pitiful.

"What's wrong?" The human knight walked quickly to the little girl's side, and asked softly, "Did you recall some bad memories?"

"It's okay, brother, it's all over." Little Isa raised her head and tried to force a smile, "Wait a minute, the king of the dead hasn't announced my verdict yet."

"My conclusion is that you are not guilty." The voice of the King of the Dead rang out at the right time, "Brave girl, you do have a heart of gold."


The partners rushed over cheering and hugged little Isa tightly in the middle.I have to say that the darkness just now was really scary, and it made everyone's nerves a little too tense. I was afraid that when the vision recovered again, the first thing they saw was the scene of the little girl turning into flying ash.

"Thank you, great king of the dead." Lancelot tried hard to control the smile on his face, and bowed to the god on the throne as seriously as possible, "Thank you for making a fair judgment."

"This is my duty, and justice is what people deserve, not thanks." The King of the Dead shook his head, "I haven't finished talking about Elizabeth's verdict."

"But didn't you say that she was innocent?"

"As an individual, she did not kill innocents indiscriminately, spread unnecessary death in the world for self-interest, deliberately created any new undead creatures, and never even preyed on intelligent creatures out of desire, so she is indeed innocent. It's a crime." The King of the Dead said quietly, I don't know if it was Lancelot's illusion, his voice seemed less indifferent than before, "But the undead creatures are the targets I have stated that I want to attack. Therefore, I will use my divine power to deal with them. She made the following transformations:"

"Her blood-sucking ability will no longer be fatal, and she will no longer be able to create new spawn..."

"All creatures killed by her can no longer be transformed into undead by any means..."

"Her soul will carry my blessing and mark, and will no longer be destroyed by the magic that destroys the undead..."

As the words of the god of death came out one by one, several light spots exuding divine power gently submerged into the body of little Isa, who obediently bowed her head and stood on the spot, accepting the god's transformation that was both like a curse and like a blessing .When everything was over, the little girl bowed respectfully and said softly:

"Thank you, Mr. Kelemvor."

"You're welcome, you won this." The King of the Dead shook his head lightly, then turned to look at the human knight standing aside, "It's you, Sir Lancelot, I've heard your name many times ..."

"What?" Lancelow was startled when he heard that, "You mean..."

"Where we are, is the end of all mortal journeys on earth, and as a necessary procedure in the discharge of my duty, I read what every soul has ever been through. Some of them mentioned you: Mystic knight, save the androids The hero of Linna, the champion warrior of Twinbridge Town, the Blight Lord of Moglondar... as long as you listen to enough, you can spell out the general experience of someone. I have to say, your story is especially amazing, But what makes me curious is that no one knows you from a year ago, as if you just popped out of nowhere in the multiverse... I guess you fell asleep a long time ago for some reason, not long ago Just woke up?"

 Thank you for smiling, Alcohol QAQ, Master ⑥, Iori Jiu, Maverick Niu, Dark Feather Blue Cup, Someone Drags the Sword of Moonlight Out to Feed the Cake, Kamo the Fallen, Moment of Killing, Yi Monthly ticket voted by several book friends in Pyrus, sorry for the late update, working overtime violently recently... Thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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