The knight in the abyss

Chapter 760 Kingdom Gate

Chapter 760 Kingdom Gate
"Second, according to the information of the ravens, the three hags entered this demon realm immediately after capturing Uncle Barend's soul. I think they are likely to be able to enter and exit freely, at least with the master of the demon realm. There's some sort of collaboration."

"Is it possible that the hags defeated the original Lord of the Demon Realm and then ruled the Derek Valley?" Lancelow asked with a frown, "And Peyton Derek, the original Lord of the Demon Realm, became a hag One of our puppet?"

"Hags probably have the knowledge of how to dominate a locked demon lord, but I don't believe they have the ability to defeat a lich, and I can't think of any reason for them to do so." Kara Lin shook his head, "Don't forget our third clue. Kelemvor said that this matter is related to his predecessor, and we did find that emblem—on the weapon that killed Uncle Barend."

"There are too many questions to answer, and we know too little now." Lancelot sighed, "Can you cast the spell that located Uncle Ballend again? Let's make sure that Brutal first Dad's safety, and then think about how to get out."

"No problem." Kara Lin nodded immediately, "But I would like to remind you to pay attention. In this way, my fifth-ring spell slots will be exhausted today. If a battle breaks out again, don't expect me to use the most powerful spells." Come to support."

"Okay, I know."

"That's all right. Brutal, give me some of your blood, just plain."

The dwarf didn't make any mischief this time, he pulled out a small dagger from his waist with a serious expression, and took out a small jug containing spirits from behind the breastplate, poured a little from it to rinse the blade, and then poured it on the back of his hand With a light stroke, a wound half an inch long was created, and bright red blood immediately seeped out from it.

Karaline quickly took out the thick bundle of scrolls from his knapsack and unfolded them to catch the dwarf's dripping blood.After five drops, he gave the elf priest beside him a look, and the latter immediately pressed the bandage he prepared in advance on the back of the dwarf's hand, while the scholar activated the spell stored on the scroll, and a puff of silver smoke followed gushes from the scroll.

The smoke quickly gathered, presenting the image of Barend.Everyone looked intently, and saw that the old dwarf had regained his body for some reason, with his hands bound behind his back, a chain around his neck, and a heavy metal ball attached to the end.Compared with the previous ones, this time the smoke phantom showed more details. Everyone could clearly see the wounds on the old dwarf's face, back and ribs. It was obvious that someone tortured him not long ago.

Brutal was about to jump up from the ground, but a big mountain-like hand held him in place.Lancelot didn't turn his head to look at him, but whispered:

"After reading."

The old dwarf in the phantom seemed to sense something, looked around strangely, but of course found nothing.The perspective gradually zoomed out, and everyone saw a dungeon with dozens of cells, vicious guards, and a gang headquarters-like building.The perspective continues to move, and dirty streets, dilapidated towns, sparkling lakes, and roads through fields and forests appear one after another in the frame, and finally disappear in a long shadow of trees.

"That town is about twenty miles away from here, and there is a ready-made road." Kara Lin said quickly, "If all goes well, we can get there in two hours..."

Before Karaline could finish speaking, Brutal had already rushed out.Lancelot didn't stop the dwarf this time, but turned his head and said to the others:
"Get on the horse, let's go."

Lancelot, Karaline, Aramiel, and Tanya jumped onto their horses respectively, while little Isa transformed into a bat and clung to the human knight's cloak.They easily caught up with Brutal who was running wildly. Lancelot reached out and lifted the dwarf, who weighed nearly two hundred pounds, with ease. The latter flipped skillfully in the air and landed firmly on the nightmare Mount on strong ass.

"Lancelot, I..."

"Shut your mouth and be careful not to bite your tongue." The human knight said without turning his head, "Also, calm down, nothing can be solved in a hurry. Our primary goal is to save people, and we will consider revenge after people are rescued." You have to keep your head clear for a while before I say do it, understand?"

Brutal didn't speak any more, but hit his partner's back twice with his fist. Judging from the strength, Lancelot judged that the other party already knew.

The postures of the trees on both sides of the road are extremely distorted, and the entangled branches are like the overlapping axes of the guards, silently threatening the people who are constantly advancing, but they stand by indifferently.The galloping riders attracted some evil beings in the forest. Some furtive shadows heard the sound and tried to chase the speeding crowd, but were soon thrown in the smoke behind the horses' hooves.There were continuous howls of wolves in the distance, and a group of black ravens began to circle above everyone's heads, like diners waiting for the chef to serve.

About half an hour later, everyone left the forest, and both sides of the road turned into apparently neglected farmland, where potatoes, wheat, and turnips grew like weeds.There were no farmers in sight, and the only figures were crude scarecrows overgrown with theatrical crows.

Lancelot noticed that after leaving the forest, the sky above his head was significantly brighter. Although there was still no trace of the sun, the brightness was already similar to that of a cloud-covered day.However, this level of light obviously has no effect on little Isa. She still maintains the form of a bat and continues to hang on Lancelot's shoulder.

As the crowd continued to move forward, a gray city wall protruded from the steep cliffs on both sides of the road.The height of more than thirty feet is full of oppression, and there is a suspended iron gate in the middle of the city wall.There is a line of text engraved on the top of the door opening. Although it has been eroded by rain and time, it is still recognizable that the words are Derek Kingdom, and there are only two headless knight statues guarding the gate of the kingdom, as if someone An ominous sign, silently welcome their arrival.

When Tanya, who was walking at the back, also passed by, there was a sudden harsh metal friction sound, and everyone turned their heads to find that the iron door fell down with a painful scream, cutting off the way they came.

An ordinary traveler would definitely be terrified by this weird situation, but for Lancelot and his partners, they only need to exchange eyes with each other to gain the strength to move on.A stele-like road sign stands beside the road, showing that the east is Burger Village, while the west leads to Barovia, a direction that the group of people can no longer return to.

In the distance, under the shadow of dark clouds, the outline of a village is already looming.

(I understand everything~)

 Thanks to tianwanjian and Nanshan Yueyue for their monthly votes, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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