The knight in the abyss

Chapter 766 The method is wrong

Chapter 766 The method is wrong
Slaughterhouse for the living, this is a word that pops up in everyone's mind.The impactful scene almost made them temporarily unable to think, but Lancelot still noticed some strange details.

"Wait, something seems wrong." His voice brought everyone's confused thoughts back to reality, "Look at the joints of those corpses..."

Everyone glanced at it just now and then quickly looked away. They didn't pay attention to those details at all.After he reminded him, everyone immediately realized the strangeness. The joints of those corpses had jagged, thin lines like sweater stitches, and the combination of the chest, arms, head and other torsos was weird. incongruity, like...

"These corpses are put together with the limbs of different people!" The elf priest quickly came to a conclusion, with strong disgust in his voice, "What a blasphemy! Why would anyone want to use..."

At this moment, Lancelot caught a faint, malicious sound of chanting incantations in his ears. He turned his head suddenly and found that the source of the sound was a stone wall that was not illuminated by the torch. It is found that there are several small cracks on the wall. If there is a secret room behind the wall, the people inside can spy on the situation in this room through those cracks.

Lancelot rushed over fiercely, with a dazzling green glow on his palm, and he slapped the crack heavily. The sword energy in his body gushed out and poured into the crack violently, and immediately behind the wall there was a sound. There was a terrible scream.

However, this did not solve all the enemies in the secret room, and the chanting sound continued, but became more urgent.Although the rest of the companions didn't hear the sound of chanting the mantra, they still immediately understood what was going on.They quickly ran over to help search for the mechanism-like devices nearby, but unfortunately nothing was found for a while, and the corpses that had been lying on the stone platform had stood up unsteadily, looking as if they had just come from Like waking up from a deep sleep.

Or maybe they found out they were in a nightmare.

A total of two completely assembled corpses stood up, and one fell from the stone platform because the part below the thigh was not assembled properly.These horrifying living corpses seemed to have a certain degree of intelligence. They picked up the tools beside them that were used to create themselves not long ago, and rushed towards everyone with agility far exceeding that of ordinary zombies.

Lancelot's spiritual sense reminded him that these enemies were far more difficult than ordinary undead creatures, so he turned around and decided to quiet these uncomfortable monsters first.At the same time, the voice of little Isa sounded in his mind.

'Brother, leave the enemy in the secret room to me! '

'You be careful, if the opportunity is not right, don't shoot. '

'clear! '

In this dark indoor environment, little Isa, a vampire, can finally show her full strength.In a faint, imperceptible flash, she went straight from bat form to a dim mist, and floated into a crack in the wall.

The brave dwarf had already rushed up to face the enemy.Since the distance was already very close, he did not throw his war hammer, but used the cover of the shield to slam into the enemy fiercely.

Under normal circumstances, with the strength of the dwarf and his "height advantage", even Lancelot could not withstand his impact when he was not prepared enough. He took several steps back and finally sat down on the ground, but the target he hit just swayed in place, raised the bone saw in his hand and was about to chop at the dwarf.

With a flash of Lancelot's figure, he moved behind Brutal in an instant, and raised the long sword at a tricky angle. While parrying the attack, the tip of the sword sliced ​​towards the opponent's elbow, while the dwarf Taking the opportunity to roll aside.The human knight didn't hold back his hand this time, with a dangerous green glow on the blade, he slashed firmly at the monster's elbow.However, to his surprise, Lancelot felt that what he had slashed was not flesh and blood at all, but a section of hard steel. The blade could no longer penetrate even half an inch into the opponent's body.

What's even more strange is that the other party seemed to have no pain at all. Even though he hit first, the bone saw still slammed heavily on the long sword. The force was so great that Lancelot could hardly hold his own weapon—you know His strength has definitely surpassed the limit of a mortal body, even against the frost giant, but the monster in front of him made of different corpses is so powerful, this is no longer something ordinary undead magic can do .

Fortunately, Lancelot had never been the kind of fighter who relied on strength alone to win. The long sword swung in the air, and before the opponent had time to raise his weapon to block, he inserted the tip of the sword into the enemy's face.This trick is usually used to penetrate the visor of the knight opponent, but it can also be used against enemies without helmets.

Although the monster's body was indeed extremely hard, it couldn't resist Lancelow's thrust that gathered all his strength at one point.The long sword pierced through the opponent's head directly, and the tip of the sword pierced the back of the opponent's head, leaving a small lump of weird khaki-yellow glue. He got up, quickly spun around in the air, and then slammed across the room.

The monster staggered up again, and there was a fist-sized transparent hole on its face.It looked like it was a little dizzy, and it was difficult to regain its balance for a while, but it was far from being 'killed'.

"Moradin's beard, what kind of monster is this?" The dwarf stood up again with a look of surprise, "Just now I thought I bumped into a stone platform..."

While the enemy was still a little far away, Lancelow hurriedly turned his head to look at the situation of the others.To his surprise, Tanya and Aramiel were not at a disadvantage. The half-elf had already cut off another enemy's legs with her shadow halberd, and the elf priest was standing a little further away. casting the Holy Fire spell.The enemies who could only crawl were obviously unable to catch up to anyone present, and Tanya was still holding a long-handled weapon, so she could easily play tricks on her opponents.

"What's going on?" Although the battle was still going on, Lancelot couldn't help asking, "Could it be that the shadow weapon can restrain this kind of enemy?"

"No, because this kind of monster is a flesh golem, and they are afraid of fire."

Karalin raised his hand and threw a missile made of flames, which bombarded the crawling enemy.The flame quickly submerged into the monster's body like it encountered the water of a sponge, but its performance was violently convulsed as if it had been shocked by an electric shock.The Cursed Swordsman's halberd also fell at this moment, easily removing one of the monster's arms up to the root.

"I think you should be able to handle it, so I will help her first." The scholar smiled at the human knight, and threw a flaming arrow again, blasting at the monster who couldn't stand at the beginning of the room, " That's exactly what happened, isn't it?"

 Thanks to Aegon Targaryen for the reward, and thanks to the two book friends, Yu Zhongzhong and Huo Qi Sheng Yan, for their monthly votes, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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