The knight in the abyss

Chapter 771 Unexpected Enemies

Chapter 771 Unexpected Enemies

Lancelow's heart sank. There were too many prisoners around, and the other party didn't show any killing intent before making a sound, so his spiritual sense didn't sense anything.

The partners are all seasoned adventurers, and the moment the other party spoke, they immediately turned to look at the source of the voice.They expected to see an ugly old woman: wearing simple, dirty, worn clothes with decorations made of bones, intestines, small dead animals, etc. - that is, a hag.It is rumored that they are masters of magic, mastering countless dark skills unimaginable by mortals, which can completely explain all kinds of strange phenomena in this dungeon, and, according to what everyone saw from the prophecy magic, it is also the hag who will Brutal Pop's soul was stolen and brought to this dreadful realm.

However, what appeared in front of everyone was an extremely beautiful woman with exquisite facial features, hair as shiny as silk, and a black evening dress as noble as a queen, covered with decorations made of gold and jewels.However, her skin is a strange grayish white, her nails, lips, hair and eyes are all green, especially those eyes that are as charming as emeralds...

The moment he saw those eyes, Lancelot felt as if he had been hit by a war hammer.This isn't describing the intense pleasure of seeing something beautiful, but it's really like being hit with a warhammer - possibly wielded by a giant.He felt a curse force begin to invade his body, and there was a pinprick-like pain in his fingers and toes.At the same time, he also noticed that there is a reason why this "beauty"'s hair looks so shiny. The so-called hair is all long and thin snakes covered with fine scales, and at the end is a A triangular snake head is opening its mouth with venomous fangs towards the crowd.

"Don't look into Madam's eyes!" Barend's panicked voice sounded behind everyone, "She's a Medusa!"

Too late.It is an instinctive, subconscious reaction to cast your gaze on the enemy, and it is the right move in almost any situation. However, Medusa is an enemy that should not be looked directly at any time.Legend has it that just looking at her can cause any living creature to be cursed to petrification, even Medusa herself is not immune, so they will remove all mirrors in their lairs and destroy any reflective surfaces.

However, the power of the Medusa in front of me does not seem to be as strong as in the legend. Although everyone was affected by the petrification curse, they did not immediately turn into stones, as if there was some kind of power in their bodies that was resisting, which gave them a vision. Chance to move away.In fact, most of the people present had an indescribable sense of familiarity, as if they had been affected by a very similar effect.

Lancelot, who had the most spiritual sense, first thought of the source of this familiarity - in the main city of demons in Androlina, Gormen Dicolia, they saw Cang Ye, the mother of demons, in a magic mirror. The true face hidden behind the shroud.Although he couldn't remember what he saw at the moment, his body still remembered that feeling, and unlike last time, this time he was no longer helpless.

Medusa, who was called 'Lady', was accompanied by two stone-like flesh golems. They took heavy steps and rushed towards the crowd with their fists raised.Lancelot forced himself to concentrate, not to look at the rapidly approaching enemy, and guided the true energy in his dantian to fill every meridian in his body, and then let out a low growl, the meridians all over his body contracted at the same time, pulling the true energy inside. Squeeze 'into the flesh and blood.

This feeling is not good, Lancelot is like being stabbed by countless spears at the same time, the terrible pain almost made his consciousness fall into a coma.But that was only a very short moment, and then the pain subsided quickly, along with the petrification symptoms that had already started, allowing him to regain [-]% control of his body.

The other partners were still struggling against the curse, and Lancelot knew that he could no longer wait in place.He kicked the ground heavily, and his body flew out like a fully drawn slingshot. The giant sword in his hand swung around the top of his head, and intercepted the rushing enemy with an astonishing horizontal cut.

The two golems just raised their arms, apparently extremely confident in their petrified bodies and strength.The giant sword and his arm collided heavily, sparks and loud noises shot out, and Lancelot was shocked and flew backwards, barely stopping before knocking over a companion, but His opponent also retreated a few steps in a row, stopping the charge.

At this moment, a crimson ray of light lit up behind him. It was the advanced restoration technique that Alamir used on himself. This five-ring magical technique immediately terminated the petrification effect on him.However, except for the elf priest, others have no means of saving themselves.

Although everyone is working hard to fight against the petrification effect, the situation is different. The most serious situation is Kara Lin and little Isa, who have turned into stone below the knees and can no longer move. Then trembling in the growl, it seemed that he was going to win in that kind of confrontation.To Lancelot's surprise, Tanya, the half-elf, seemed to be in good condition. Although she hadn't joined the group when they saw Cang Ye's terrifying face, there seemed to be something in the Cursed Swordsman that could resist the curse. There is a layer of flame-like shadow around the petrified area on the body surface, preventing the negative effect from expanding.

"Lancelot! I can use the Advanced Restoration Technique again!" Alamiel quickly shouted at him, "Who is it for?"

Lancelot was taken aback when he heard the words, but he immediately made a decision in his heart.

"For Kara Lin, we need his spells now. Little Isa, use the gasification form and go back to the dimension bag!"

"I can't do it!" There was obvious panic in the little girl's voice, "I can't concentrate!"

'In the name of the savior of the pure souls of Oasis Castle, Moglondar, and Andrinna, the master of the king of the Quasaimo, and the repair knight in the abyss, I order you! ' Lancelot yelled at the vampire directly through the spiritual connection, 'gas form, go back to your grave! '

With a bang, his order took effect.The little vampire who was standing just now turned into a puff of smoke, and then quickly got into the dimensional bag on Lancelot's waist.It was too late to wait for the elf priest to release the divine spell to free the scholar. Lancelot rushed out again. He had to suppress the two flesh golems and prevent them from approaching the companions who were struggling to resist the curse.

However, the one who threatened them the most was always that Medusa, and besides the petrifying gaze, she obviously possessed other abilities.

"Look at me!" Medusa screamed loudly, with an irresistible magic in her voice, "Look at my eyes!!!"

 Thank you Naiman and f142857ra for your monthly votes, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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