The knight in the abyss

Chapter 776 is this here?

Chapter 776 is this here?
Brutal's spare equipment includes a new set of dwarven heavy armor, made by Barend himself, with special effects to resist pushing; a cold iron hand ax, which is Brutal's own work, although it has no enchantments , but it is very sharp in itself; a heavy black iron tower shield, one of the trophies found in the treasure house of the Succubus Palace, has the effect of absorbing flames, but Brutal thinks it is too bulky, so it has been useless. Just right for Barend.

While Brutal was helping his father 'fit', Lancelot chatted with the old dwarf about the latter's experience after his death. After all, to some extent, everyone is now Kelemvor's agent. There are too many questions to unravel in Ballend's death.

"Death is indeed a very special experience, like...falling from reality into a dream." The old dwarf recalled with a complicated expression, "It is said that after death, the soul will linger in place for a while, looking at friends They shook your dead body, cried heart-rending cries, and even got a chance to watch their own funeral, but that didn't happen to me. Those short spears that killed me were like harpoons, and My soul was a fish that was harpooned and immediately pulled out of the water."

"Where are those hags?" Lancelot asked softly, "What did they do to you after they captured your soul?"

"I didn't do anything." Barend shook his head, "I have never seen the hag you mentioned before. When I regained consciousness, I found myself lying naked in a dense forest, surrounded by stinking ghosts. I took off two pieces of clothing, trying to figure out where I was, but was quickly caught by people with skull armbands, as if they knew I would appear there... After that, I I was thrown into that dungeon, waiting for an unknown fate, but the execution jailer didn't come, but you came first, ha! It's Moradin's blessing!"

"Woke up naked in the dense forest?" Kara Lin asked suspiciously, "The shadow spirit mentioned before that in this demon realm, the dead will be resurrected in that form... Could it be that the hags are capturing Baron? After taking Uncle De's soul, let him go? What is their purpose for doing this?"

"We will find out." Lancelow assured his companions, "Those hags are the only clues we have to leave this demonic realm. But before that, there are still some important issues to be clarified, Barron Uncle De, we will fight side by side next, I need to understand your fighting style and habits, and you also need to understand our..."

As Barend had previously declared, the old dwarf was no stranger to combat, and although he spent most of his time at the forge, he was also experienced in finding new veins of minerals in the deep underground tunnels.The dwarf tribe is a society that advocates collectivism. Every citizen is obliged to take some public responsibilities. When the army of ratmen, orcs or dark elves strikes, everyone must take up arms and defend their homeland.

Therefore, as a veteran, Uncle Barend was able to skillfully use a shield to protect himself and his companions, and the dwarves' signature lower hand cut was also practiced perfectly, enough to severely damage any enemy who underestimated him.This is a combat technique using a hatchet. It is characterized by tricky angles, difficult to parry, and very fast speed. After making an attacking action, it can immediately switch to a defensive posture. The characteristics of extraordinary strength and tough physique.

Of course, Lancelot will not assign too critical tasks to new team members as soon as he comes up.During the battle, Barend will stand in the middle left position, next to Brutal.When the latter went into a foolish rage, the old dwarf would fill in the hole left by his son's charge, keeping the formation intact and allowing the scholar a safer spellcasting environment.

"By the way, didn't Tanya's divination mention a tavern?" Brutal said suddenly, "What did you say at the time? I remember it was related to wolves, and this place is called the Wolf King's Lair... ..."

"'I saw a smoky tavern, decorated with many wolf heads.' Those were Tanya's words." Kalarin added, "She also mentioned a reliable ally, and she is also looking for us. "

"Isn't this right?" Brutal patted his thigh, "The bartender downstairs called out Lancelot's name, and offered us a discount..."

"But I noticed just now that there are no wolf-head decorations here." Lancelow rubbed his chin, "But the elf named Soveris mentioned the Wolf's Head Tavern in Crow Town, the name sounds very similar, and he I feel pretty good too…”

"Maybe the wolf head is just a metaphor? It can refer to the wolf head in the physical sense, or it can refer to the leader of the wolf pack, that is, the wolf king." Brutal insisted on his own judgment, "Tanya, what do you say? Did you see this inn during the divination?"

"As I said, I don't remember what I saw when I was in a trance." The half-elf shrugged helplessly, "But you are right, the results of divination and prophecy are indeed very ambiguous. Understand the real way of interpretation. My suggestion is to stay vigilant first, patiently look for other clues and signs, and never trust anyone until you have conclusive evidence.”

The partners nodded one after another, approving the half-elf's point of view.At this moment, Lancelot's expression moved slightly. He made a silent gesture to his companion, then waved his hand gently, and removed the soundproof cover covering the entire room, and a crisp knock on the door followed. into the ears of all.

"Who's there?"

"It's me, your faithful steward, Kirk Flor." The voice that everyone had heard not long ago sounded outside the door, "May I come in?"

"Of course, the door is unlocked."

"Good evening, Miss, and gentlemen." The gray-haired man bowed politely to everyone, "Are you satisfied with the room?"

"Thank you for your concern, the room is very good." Lancelot nodded back, "What's the matter?"

"Is dinner ready?" Brutal asked expectantly, "I'm almost starving!"

"As you wish, yes." Kirk tilted his head towards the dwarf, showing a very professional smile, "but there is one other thing... The owner of the shop, Baroness Gisele Ndiari, wishes I can have dinner with you all in her private reception room. How would you like it?"

(End of this chapter)

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