The knight in the abyss

Chapter 779 Intelligence Analysis

Chapter 779 Intelligence Analysis
After the dinner, everyone returned to the rented room.Brutal immediately wanted to discuss the information they had just received, but Lancelot cautiously asked Karaline to check the room again-this time the scholar found something under the pillows of one of the beds: an ordinary-looking It was a strange comb, but under the effect of detecting magic, the surface of the comb shone with light green aura, which meant that it was blessed with divination spells.

Karaline took out a small lead-skinned box from his magic backpack, and threw the comb into it, while Lancelot also took out a strange spell, and stuck it on the outside of the lead box after dipping in water.

It was the simplest spirit-sealing talisman in the talisman technique. Its original function was to isolate the flow of spiritual power and the detection of divine thoughts, but after testing, Lancelow and Kara Lin confirmed that this talisman can also isolate the effects of magic—it is not forbidden. The complete invalidation of spells like the magic stone is just to make the sealed items unable to be the target of any spells, which is suitable for the current situation.

After confirming that there were no other omissions, Lancelow sat down on the chair relaxedly, and said to his companions:

"What do you think of what the baroness said?"

"Uh... I thought she was very nice just now, she was very warm to us, and that meal was also very good, but her bare chin made me feel a little uncomfortable." Brutal clasped his hands tightly in front of his chest, " But from your point of view, it seems that there is something wrong with the baroness?"

"Of course there is a problem." Kara Lin shook his head, "What about the hag? The baroness never mentioned anything about the hag from the beginning to the end. With the intelligence gathering ability she showed, I don't believe she knows nothing about the existence of the hag. know."

"You mean, she's actually acting with us today?" Brutal's eyes widened in surprise, "I think he's having a good time chatting..."

"Although it's a performance, it's not without useful information." Lancelot shrugged with a smile, "Dinner is quite delicious, isn't it?"

"That's right." Brutal sighed, "The meat is delicious and the wine is delicious, I'll forgive her what's the useful information?"

"Aramir, what do you think?" Lancelot didn't answer directly, but turned to look at the elf, "You should have seen it all, right?"

"Of course, I'm a priest, and it's my job to spot lies...especially for beautiful women." The elf chuckled, "From what I've seen, she lied on purpose in only one place. I don't know if she wants to lie." What exactly is she getting, but definitely not her own freedom."

"Wait, that's all?" Brutal scratched his head in confusion, "Then why do you say..."

"Woman like Giselle N'Diari, who is smart, cunning, and beautiful at the same time, knows exactly how to gain the trust of others - to be honest. So it's true what she says, but the point is The part she didn't talk about, such as the hag, such as what happened since the lich was defeated for the first time, such as how she learned about the ancient temple, and what is waiting for us there..."

"...women are scary."

"Hello?" The half-elf protested, "Isn't this the most basic thing?"

"Oh, my brain will never understand these shitty things..." Brutal muttered with his arms crossed, "So, what shall we do next? Do we still have to go to that useless temple?"

"Go or go..." Lancelot pondered, "Don't forget Tanya's prophecy: help us understand the knowledge of the enemy, hiding in an abandoned prayer house. I have a strong intuition, The place mentioned in the prophecy should be the ancient temple mentioned by the baroness. But before going to that place, I would rather find the tavern decorated with many wolf heads than blindly step into the unknown dangerous place middle."

"By the way, did I also mention that there is a powerful helper?" the half-elf began again, "'A legendary woman, but her mind has gone crazy...' Don't you think this sounds like Can you match up with the baroness? I dare to swear in the name of the Raven Queen, that baroness is definitely not young, maybe when the Lich King was defeated last time, she stood by and watched."

"I agree with your judgment about age." Lancelot nodded with a smile, "but 'mind is already crazy' is probably not the right one. The Baroness may actually be a legend, but I don't believe she is a lunatic , at least I didn't see any frenzied struggles... except for that squeaky laugh when it came to the payback."


After nightfall, most of the partners had fallen asleep, while Lancelot sat cross-legged on the bed, slowly adjusting his breathing, and gradually entered a state of meditation.But just before starting his daily homework, there was a sudden movement in his heart, and he activated the state of spiritual vision instead.

After the cultivation base has been upgraded to a high level in the foundation building stage, the scene in the spiritual vision is still composed of countless silver lines, but the details are more abundant than before. If you are patient enough, you can even clearly count how many silver lines there are in Brutal. A mustache - of course he wasn't that boring.Lancelow concentrated his attention, stretching his consciousness a little bit, looking for the hotel owner's room.It took a little effort, and finally found the target underground.

Gisele Ndiari was emerging from a room with a huge bath, wrapped in a soft bathrobe.By the way, Lancelot was sure that the housekeeper never mentioned that there was such a facility in the hotel.

The baroness walked into a luxuriously decorated bedroom, stood in front of a huge full-length mirror, and took off her robe.Lancelot subconsciously wanted to look elsewhere, but it was meaningless to do so in the state of spiritual vision, and the situation in front of him immediately attracted his attention.

The baroness's upper body was as beautiful as any young girl's, but the skin from the abdomen down was in a state of severe ulceration, the surface was full of swollen pustules, open wounds, and holes like an ant's nest.Fortunately, the state of spiritual vision can only see the outline made of silver lines, otherwise such an impactful scene might make Lancelot spit out on the spot.

The baroness was obviously dissatisfied with her appearance, but her next move was even more bizarre-she took out a strange bone from a hidden compartment behind the mirror.

And with her movements, those terrible festers gradually began to improve. When her waist was arched high, and she collapsed on the bed tremblingly, those rots had completely disappeared, making the baroness look like an ordinary woman Same.


(End of this chapter)

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