The knight in the abyss

Chapter 784 Crow Statue

Chapter 784 Crow Statue
Following Soveris, everyone went down to the basement of the Wolf's Head Tavern.Wooden posts and beams supported a ceiling about ten feet high, and a thin mist hung over the cold floor.There are shelves of giant wooden barrels everywhere here, the suspended bottom is about a foot above the ground, and the air is filled with a faint aroma of wine.

Soveris led a group of people through the brewing beer and came to an ordinary-looking stone wall.He bent down, felt around the bottom of a nearby wine barrel, and flipped a switch.With the click of gears, a secret door opened in the wall, revealing a much smaller room.Except for a statue of a raven, there were no unnecessary furnishings in the room. On the wall behind the statue, near the ceiling, there was a hole about three feet in diameter. The weak airflow blown from it smelled of fresh air.

Everyone looked at the statue of the raven curiously. The statue was made of some kind of black crystal, and there were two gemstones shining in the eye sockets, which looked extremely delicate.

"This statue..." As soon as she entered the secret room, Tanya's eyes were firmly fixed on the raven statue, "I feel the breath of my mentor..."

"Your mentor?" Soveris raised half of his eyebrows, "The Raven Queen?"

"Yes." The half-elf nodded, she also has a pair of red eyes, "But since entering this demon realm, I have never heard the voice of my mentor..."

"In that case, it's up to you to set an example for others. Put your hand on the statue and say, 'Praise the Raven Queen.'"

Tanya did so, and under the watchful eyes of her companions, a puff of black smoke enveloped the half-elf, and after only a few breaths, an extra raven appeared on the spot.The black bird threw its head back and let out a loud (but unpleasant) cry, flapping its wings into the air, and flitted awkwardly across the ceiling of the chamber.

"As you can see, this statue can turn people into ravens. In that form, your journey will be much more convenient, and you can also avoid the ubiquitous eyeliner of hags." The brown-haired elf folded his arms , looking up at the bird fluttering back and forth above his head, "As for transforming back, it's very simple, as long as it falls on the ground again..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the raven that Tanya transformed into lost control and hit the wall, then wobbled and fell.There was a muffled bang, and the familiar half-elf reappeared in the room, grinning and rubbing his shoulders.

"... Transform back." Soveris shrugged, "You used too much force just now. How do you feel?"

"It feels... great!" Tanya showed a bright smile on her face, "I want to try again..."

"Of course no problem." Soveris nodded, "You can practice in the secret room and the wine cellar outside as long as you want. When you feel ready, come to me upstairs and I will take you to fly to to your destination."

"Thank you, Soveris." Lancelot said sincerely, "This is very helpful to us."

"You're welcome." The brown-haired elf sighed softly, "I don't know if it's right to do this, but reason tells me that this is just another futile struggle, but a strange intuition made me I think this time it might be different…”

"Is your intuition right?"

"Pretty accurate."

"very good."


When the incantation that activated the Raven Icon was uttered, Lancelot felt a cold but harmless force that distorted his form in a way that did not change his 'essence', like some kind of brilliant Illusion, to make the world 'believe' that he's turned into a crow - including himself, and realizing it doesn't make a difference.

Lancelot patted his wings, and flew into the air very naturally, as if he had always mastered the flying skills, but he couldn't remember it when he was in human form.

An hour later, Soveris reappeared in the secret room, his reddish face indicated that he had already finished the half barrel of wine left by everyone just now.

"Look at this." The brunette elf took off the ring on his thumb, "Look at this!"

He rubbed the surface of the ring with the back of his hand, and some kind of magic attached to its surface was activated, and the off-white gemstone on the ring began to emit short but dazzling flashes rhythmically.

"I found some traveling companions for you, but the number is a bit too much, which may make you lose your way." Soveris showed the ring to everyone, "I will put it on my paw in a while, and you will know when you see the flash Which one is me, so I won’t get lost… Do you understand?”

Seeing everyone nodding their heads, the elves stopped talking nonsense.He twisted his neck in a weird way, black feathers suddenly 'floated' out from under his skin, and after only a few breaths, a burly raven appeared on the spot.

The partners showed shocked expressions on their faces. The reason is very simple. Soveris didn't touch the raven icon just now. He transformed into a raven completely by himself.

"Are you a...druid?"

Aramir asked hesitantly, but Soveris, who had turned into a bird, couldn't answer.He yelled at the crowd, then bowed his claws through the ring, flapped his wings, and flew out of the big hole in the raven statue.

"Let's go too." Lancelow patted Aramiel on the shoulder, "If we can get out of that ancient tomb alive, he will definitely come to talk to us again."

The friends touched the statue one after another, turned into black birds, and then flew into the big hole in the wall.The channel first extended downwards, and then entered a vertical shaft.Everyone flapped their wings vigorously, rushed into the light impatiently, and reached hundreds of feet in the sky in an instant.

The crowd of crows that had been perched on the tower found the crowd, and they quacked, like the audience urging the opening of the play.Dozens of birds were circling in the air, and Lancelot easily found the one with the ring on its paw—the transformed Soveris had a wingspan of more than four feet, bigger than the other ravens around.It flew around the crowd twice, and after making sure that everyone noticed it, it flapped its wings and flew towards the south.

Lancelot is no stranger to flying. He has used the form of a succubus to fly over some difficult terrain many times, but that cannot be compared with his current experience.In the form of a bird, he truly understood what real flying is. This unspeakable pleasure is so intense that he cleared away all the distracting thoughts in the spiritual consciousness of the knight cultivator, and only focused on experiencing the pure freedom the pleasure it brings.

The state of "Enlightenment" that I hadn't entered for a long time came again inadvertently.

 Thanks to book friends 1431799392605736960, Yi Shansbyer, Rourouwan 08 for their monthly votes, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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