The knight in the abyss

Chapter 793 Karalin's Decision

Chapter 793 Karalin's Decision
A scholar refers to a person who has a certain level of knowledge and specializes in the research of a certain academic system.In a way, the word is almost an antonym of warrior, since they lead a relatively peaceful life most of the time and engage in the most violent conflicts which are often only verbal, occasionally involving poison, but almost There will be no armor and swords.

But for the current Kara Lin, he has lived an adventurous life for too long. Although everyone still calls him a scholar out of habit, this title can no longer accurately describe Kara Lin's ability, just like Lancelot also It has long been more than just a human knight.The spellcaster, who was once obsessed with knowledge about the abyss and demons and was still invisible at the moment, quietly walked to his companion trapped on the wall, using a volume that only the two of them could hear Said softly:

"Lancelot, Lancelot! Can you hear me?"

The human knight's head was drooping, and he seemed to have fallen into a coma, but his lips moved imperceptibly, and the next second, Kalarin heard the other party's tired voice.

"Yes, you say."

"The weakness of the Death-Eye Tyrant is its agility. Remember the fight we had with the Giant Skull Demon?"

"Grab it with a vine?"

"Grab it and shake it as violently as possible, can you do it?"


"Okay, get ready."

Dispel magic itself is a third-level spell, which can immediately terminate all magic effects of third-level and below that affect the target, but higher-level ones have a certain chance of failure, unless the spell is cast by ascending the ring.As a scholar who has long relied on scrolls to cast spells, for Karaline, magic is not only a skill about gestures, incantations, rituals, and mysterious knowledge, but also a rigorous discipline composed of symbols, formulas, and models , Therefore, for how to construct a high-level version of a spell, he has a profound understanding far beyond that of ordinary wizards.

The scholar took out a special scroll from his backpack. Even though he was proficient in various cost-saving techniques when making scrolls, this scroll still cost Karaline more than [-] gold coins. A seven-ring version of dispel magic.The scholar calculated the version of the seventh ring out of his own knowledge when he could only cast the five-ring spell, and after repeated inspections, he was absolutely confident in the correctness of the result.

However, although Karalyn made the scroll, he was unable to cast it, which was too much beyond the scholar's ability to cast spells - which is the case under normal circumstances, but not now.As soon as the Death-Eyed Tyrant appeared, Kalarin knew what to do with his useless focus on casting spells: the scholar released a fox's cunning on himself, which gave him an advantage in all intellectual activities that required thinking , coupled with the blessing spell of the elf priest before the battle, Karalin did have the ability to cast seven-ring magic for a short time at this moment, of course it was limited to the spell scroll he made himself.

Due to the state of advanced invisibility, the scroll unfolded in Karaline's hand is also invisible. Even Lancelot can only perceive him there, and has no way of knowing that the scholar is reading the text on the scroll in preparation for casting spells.And when the reading was finished, the process of casting the spell was so fast that it took less than two breaths, a dark red protective magical aura suddenly enveloped Lancelot, and in the next second, all the magical effects that made the human knight lose his fighting power were all gone. Dissipated, like fallen leaves blown by a strong wind, as if they had never existed in the canopy at all.

The rise of the Death-Eye Tyrant is killing, it grabbed Brutal with the crimson ray that pushed Lancelot away before, and swung the dwarf back and forth like the hammer head of a meteor hammer, venting its desire for destruction frantically, The other partners were either dying, falling into a coma, or weak and unable to stand up because they were pressed to the ground by their own armor.The only one who is still struggling is little Isha, but her elusive movement skills are completely useless in front of the dead eye tyrant, and she can't get close to the opponent's body at all—every light spot floating around her was once a dead eye One eye of the tyrant, it has a 360-degree field of vision, and is not afraid of the opponent's sneak attack at all.

Even so, there is still a small blind spot in this monster's field of vision, which is under its body.

At the moment when Lancelot was dispelled by the spell, the monster also noticed the change here.The Death-Eyed Tyrant turned around violently, and shot three eye rays in succession in the direction of the human knight, but the latter had already rushed out, moving at a high speed like a ghost, and all three rays were thrown by him. behind.

While running, Lancelot made seals in his hands. The stone slabs on the floor of this room are a bit too thick, so it took a little longer. If the Death-Eyed Tyrant happened to have one eye staring at the ground below him, it shouldn't be difficult. Perceived abnormality.Moreover, under normal circumstances, it would indeed do that, but when it was besieged by so many people, it let every one of its secondary eyes attack, so it happened to ignore paying attention to its own position .

The heavy marble floor tiles were violently lifted, and a giant branched vine as thick as an oak tree drilled out from the ground, grabbing upwards fiercely like an eagle's claws, but the bulky giant floating one-eyed skull couldn't do it at all. If he made any evasive movements, he was 'caught' by the vines.Lancelot kept moving at a high speed, and the true energy in the dantian exploded again. Suddenly, the vines stretched and swelled rapidly like inflated balloons, entwining the Death-Eyed Tyrant tightly within them.

On the other side, Brutal, who was out of the control of the ray, fell heavily to the ground, but the tenacious dwarf quickly jumped up from the ground.In the next second, he saw a shadow falling on the ground in his field of vision. It was his father, Barend, who was hit by several rays just now to rescue Brutal, and was lying on the side at this moment, not knowing whether he was going to die or not.


The dwarf let out a violent roar, and the power of the Titan's blood in his body was instantly activated, and his figure began to swell rapidly.He took three steps and two steps, jumped at the root of the vine and hugged it, and then began to shake the vine with all his strength, which looked like a brown bear trying to shake the beehive off the branch.

The Death-Eyed Tyrant fired rays randomly in all directions. It looked dangerous, but all of them hit the ceiling and walls.But after a while, maybe it can come up with some other contingency moves, so Lancelow drew out his two most powerful weapons, ready to completely finish this monster.

"Oh, it's finally our turn to play?" An elegant male voice sounded in the room, "But why did you switch me to the left hand? Obviously I came first..."

"Shut up. Because she's longer than you."

 Thanks to book friends 130929191207070, Diba, Aegon Targaryen, elendor, renmeng097 for their monthly votes, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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