The knight in the abyss

Chapter 799 Defiled

Chapter 799 Defiled
With a mood of apprehension and some anticipation, everyone returned to the hall with the stone gate.The originally closed door panel has disappeared, replaced by a dark entrance, which seems to be questioning everyone with malicious intentions, whether they really have the courage to come in and learn the truth of everything.

When everyone approached, the two ghost guards emerged from the statue by themselves. They stood on both sides of the entrance and bowed slightly to welcome everyone.

"What came out when the door opened just now?" Lancelot asked proactively, "Did you see it?"

"...a powerful unleashed..."

"...with the breath of Peyton Derek..."

"Peyton Derek?" The partners exchanged glances, and Lancelot continued to ask, "Why is he here?"

"...not him... just a force..."

"...Extremely powerful, extremely evil..."

" the icy anger of the Lord of the Dead..."

"Why does it sound more and more mysterious..." Brutal on the side said with some lack of confidence, "Did we screw up something?"

"……Do not……"

"...the for glory..."

"...the Lord of the Dead..."

"Let's go." Lancelow shook his head, "Maybe there are other messages in that church, everyone be careful..."

Although the entrance looked very dark from the outside, after everyone entered, they found that there was a strange gray light inside, allowing people to see the surrounding situation clearly.Lancelow had a vague guess in his heart that this arrangement might be some kind of metaphor, symbolizing the unknown and mysterious death to mortals.

The passage was not long, and there were several downward steps in the middle, and finally they came to a grand hall like a church.There are many rows of benches in front of them, which should be for believers listening to the sermon, and there is a high platform at the end of the room, and there are three stained mosaic glass like floor-to-ceiling windows on the wall behind the high platform. Underground, but the glass exudes a soft light, as if it is daytime outside, obviously because of some kind of magic.

Lancelot's spiritual sense sensed a strong evil breath, but he didn't feel any threat.The breath comes from the high platform at the end of the hall, on which there is a holy seat with a statue of a god, and that is the source of the evil breath.When they got closer, they found that the god was like a skeleton placed in a black triangular box. The unusual thing was that the surface of the skull was splashed with a large piece of viscous, yellow-green filth, and there were still hanging on it. The dead frogs, rats, small intestines and other filth have obviously been polluted.

"Guys, look up." Aramir, who was walking at the end of the line, said, "I think we finally found the clue Kelemvor wanted..."

Lancelot looked up with the others, and immediately understood what the elf priest was referring to—the mosaic glass.Generally speaking, this kind of glass in the church will be used to express some aspect of the worshiped god, such as famous miracles, great victories or powerful strength, and these three sides of glass are no exception, but the ones depicted on it The main character is definitely not Melkor.

On the glass on the far left, a man with a strong figure and red eyes is depicted, and behind him is a thinner and darker figure. That figure holds a thin sword upside down in both hands, It takes a second to insert the tip of the sword into the enemy's back.

On the glass in the middle, a man holding a rapier is depicted. His face is a skull without a jaw, surrounded by a circle of purple light, and at his feet is a circle of people lying in clothes. A female mage in a robe, a male warrior with a sword and shield, and a skeleton with a hood and cape;

The third glass is even more interesting, it seems to depict a trial, the man on trial is still the man holding the rapier, and the judge is a dozen or so blurred figures, but the brains of each figure There are apertures at the back, which seems to imply something.What's interesting is that the producer intentionally drew the judges to be extremely tall, while the judges were just palm-sized villains, making people feel at first glance that those so-called judges had no right to judge such a great man. The presence.

"It's about Cyric, isn't it?" Brutal turned to the elf and asked, "I still remember the stories, the one on the left is about him killing Baal, and the one in the middle is about defeating him on the Tower of the Black Rod. Melkor, the one on the far right...I can't remember exactly, but it must be Cyric."

"That should be the famous 'Trial of Cyric' incident." Little Isa, who had been silent since just now, suddenly said, "The great powers in the multiverse once gathered together to discuss the problems caused by Cyric. destroyed, and concluded that Cyric was guilty. For this reason, they summoned Io, hoping that God God would take action to strip Cyric of his power. However, Io refused such a request, and claimed that Cyric Rick's job is to spread chaos in the mortal world, and it's the gods' job to fight Cyric... The above is the famous first "Judgment of Cyric" event."

"How do you know this?" Lancelot asked in surprise, "Is it also Kelanworth who put it in your mind?"

"Yes." Little Isa curled her lips, "I can immediately recall all the knowledge related to the previous Lord of Death..."

"Miss, you just mentioned that it was the 'first' trial." Barend who was on the side couldn't help but said, "Then there is a second time?"

"Yes, there will be a second time, and the result of that trial is...guilty." Little Isa showed a strange expression, "The charge is that he failed to spread chaos in the world, and that was originally his duty. His punishment is exile, and he is not allowed to set foot on the earth again for 1000 years (Note 1)..."

"Thinking about it, it seems quite reasonable." Aramiel shrugged, "To my surprise, Melkor has always been the character who pissed every tree stump on the roadside, but here It's really not like him to hide his emblem so deeply..."

"If we don't see the relevant evidence again, I will wonder if we were wrong." Lancelow shook his head lightly, "God is God after all, and Kelemvor's intuition is absolutely right..."

"Brother Aramiel, can you do me a favor..." The little vampire seemed to have thought of something suddenly, and said to him with some embarrassment: "Do you still have holy water? Can you give me some..."

"Of course there are, but there are quite a few...but what are you going to do with them?"

"I want to purify the altar of the Lord of the Dead..."

(Note 1: This is different from the official plot. In the official plot, Cyric later killed Midnight, which caused the disaster of spells. For this reason, Tyr, Lathander and Sune jointly imprisoned Cyric for 1000 years .In version 5, due to the second separation event, a large number of dead gods were revived, including midnight, but the situation of Cyric was not officially mentioned, and it is estimated that it is still closed. Maybe the next module will break out of prison)

 Thanks to book friends 161122233843946 and Nanshan Yueyue for their monthly votes, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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